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Poll: Do you agree with the Jackson Verdict??


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Originally posted by Bufford

again, you're leaving stuff out.

I'd like an option "I think he's been guilty in the past.....but in this specific case......I don't feel so confident"

by the way, not trying to pick at details here. But rarely in the real world are things so black or white.

hmm..bufford perhaps you should look at my post, its about THIS case not anything else...i didnt say "is Jackson a child molester?" my question is in reference to the opinion among those here about the verdict for THIS case

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Yes because our law saids a man is innocent until proven guilty. He wasn't by a jury so he's innocent. When a family has lied to sued before how can you believe them? We our biggest hyprocrites on the face of the earth. With our laws then when they dont work the way we think they should we questioned them. There will always be 2nd opinions about every thing from abortions to whose better Montana or Bradshaw it's all opinion. The law of the land is just that the law and it states innocent until proven guilty.

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I don't like to criticize the judicial system and I am not going to with this case. Jackson is a child molester, that I am certain. However, I am not going to question the merits of this particular case. The jurors deliberated and decided he was not guilty on these specific charges. I don’t like it, but it is what it is.

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Originally posted by footballhenry

hmm..bufford perhaps you should look at my post, its about THIS case not anything else...i didnt say "is Jackson a child molester?" my question is in reference to the opinion among those here about the verdict for THIS case

then change the choices.

It could be a flat "NO" without an opinion on celebrity status.

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Originally posted by Bufford

then change the choices.

It could be a flat "NO" without an opinion on celebrity status.

umm, hes a celebrity, to ignore that fact is ignorant in itself. i think you just look for something in my posts to complain about, vote or dont vote. period.

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Please dont start with the OJ stuff again? He isn't the first American to get away with murder is he? No he isn't so why single him out? This is why were hyprocrites we cant have it both ways. I dont know Mike and I do believe he likes little boys not this case here was not strong enough to put him in jail. Let it go it was a bad case with a lying family this TIME.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

Please dont start with the OJ stuff again? He isn't the first American to get away with murder is he? No he isn't so why single him out? This is why were hyprocrites we cant have it both ways. I dont know Mike and I do believe he likes little boys not this case here was not strong enough to put him in jail. Let it go it was a bad case with a lying family this TIME.

so since other people have gotten off, its okay that OJ did too?? huh? my point was that celebrities will ALWAYS get the EXTREME benefit of the doubt

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I didn't follow one second of the case, so I have no idea if he was guilty in this case or not.

However, My opinion is that he is a sicko freak and ANY parent that would let their child anywhere near him is a sicko freak as well.

If there wasn't enough evidence to convict him, then so be it. I'd rather guilty people go free than have innocent people in jail. Just my 2 cents.

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I totally agree with the verdict.

How many mothers go and get their hair and nails done after their children call rape?

How come all this happened when Mr. jackson cut off the money he getting scamed out of?

Just money hungry mother going to hell for her sins.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

Please dont start with the OJ stuff again? He isn't the first American to get away with murder is he? No he isn't so why single him out? This is why were hyprocrites we cant have it both ways. I dont know Mike and I do believe he likes little boys not this case here was not strong enough to put him in jail. Let it go it was a bad case with a lying family this TIME.

Exactly. The Mississpi burning case is about to resume here shortly. ..........Talk about people getting away with murder we can go back 300+ years on that subject. **Sniff**

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Originally posted by APBT

I totally agree with the verdict.

How many mothers go and get their hair and nails done after their children call rape?

How come all this happened when Mr. jackson cut off the money he getting scamed out of?

Just money hungry mother going to hell for her sins.

heres my problem with this entire case. its not about the mother, its about the BOY! i do agree that the mother is a very sketchy figure but that doesnt mean that the boy wasnt molested. its innane to me that people think its okay that Jackson isnt convicted on the basis of the mothers greed. whats worse? being greedy or molesting children? there have been far too many people (security guards, ex wives, other children,etc.) that have come out against Jackson for him to be totally innocent. In fact the physical evidence (alcohol, boy pornography) was presented. Its just hard to believe that there was no foul play in this case...

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In this particular case, I think there was reasonable doubt. The family was very suspicious- including the accuser.

AS for MJ- he is a pediophile- just best on past actions alone. When he settled with that boy 12 years ago- that cinched it for me.

Hopefully, the old punk has learned his lesson but something tells me he hasn't.

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I was sure Jackson was guilty but after hearing about the testimony of the kid and his mother. I think this was scam trying to get money from Jackson.

I not sure he is a pedo either. He has A LOT of issues with is childhood (basically he never had one) and that has effected his emotional maturity. When he says "I am a big kid" I believe him. I think he has never matured emotionally and this is why he doesn't understand it is inappropriate for him to sleep in the same bed with a kid.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

I was sure Jackson was guilty but after hearing about the testimony of the kid and his mother. I think this was scam trying to get money from Jackson.

I not sure he is a pedo either. He has A LOT of issues with is childhood (basically he never had one) and that has effected his emotional maturity. When he says "I am a big kid" I believe him. I think he has never matured emotionally and this is why he doesn't understand it is inappropriate for him to sleep in the same bed with a kid.

Well that explains why he has art of naked kids in his rooms, along with the actual porn and why the kids' fingerprints and his are on it all...



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well, I didn't follow close enough to hear abour fingerprints on porn.

But I did just hear some of the jurors say they believe the Mother programmed the kids....and that's a reason why wanted to watch their testimony again. Because something seemed wrong about it.

I think he knows what he's doing though Johnny. I mean, the whole world has been telling him this for years. How can he not get it? well......I guess he could totally be blocking off reality. But I don't know.

Dude is all over the place.

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