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Forever A Redskin

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Everything posted by Forever A Redskin

  1. Maybe you guys are right. We will see what comes of this committee. That's what it's all about right? I'm just saying, in the court of public opinion... The American people don't really care about this. And I'd be willing to bet the TV ratings will reflect that. I personally feel it's a partisan smear campaign that they waited a year and a half (with midterms around the corner) for. If the the Dems think this is their big smoking gun that's gonna win the public favor... I personally think they are mistaken. Looking forward to the outcome of the committee!
  2. I'm sorry, but I think my reading comprehension is pretty good. If you are right, then trump would've been impeached. If you're so upset about Russia, I'd be curious to know how you feel about Bidens own business dealings in foreign countires. But this isn't the Russia thread, so I don't want to de-rail discussion too much.
  3. You excite easily. Well even if what you say is true, how do you explain the following? "Trump admin was ready to deploy National Guard on Jan 6, Capitol Police timeline shows" https://www.google.com/amp/s/mynbc15.com/amp/news/nation-world/trump-admin-was-ready-to-deploy-national-guard-on-jan-6-capitol-police-timeline-shows-january-donald "Liberal “fact-checkers” like The Washington Post and PolitiFact argued the claim about National Guard assistance coming from Meadows and other top Trump administration officials was false, but an official timeline of the events leading up to Jan. 6 apparently shows differently. According to the timeline, a DOD official reached out to Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher four days before the attack on the U.S. Capitol to inquire about whether Capitol Police anticipated they would request National Guard troops be deployed to prepare for Jan. 6." I will wait to see the outcome of the committee to see if you guys are right. Maybe you are. That's the point of this whole thing right? They've had a year and a half, they should have some juicy stuff. I can't wait until the TV ratings of the Jan 6th committee are released. It's been a year and a half. They think waiting until close to midterms is going to help them. Meanwhile gas is 5 dollars a gallon and people can't find baby formula and people are being told to just buy an electric car.
  4. I couldn't watch more than 30 minutes of the gong show.... Because it's a waste of time. It will do nothing as far as them attempting to keep Trump from running again. And the Mueller Report proved there was no Russian collusion. Not sure why you keep bringing it up. Yes I've read it. What's funny is I'm not even a huge Trump fan. I'm just way less of a fan of the current Democratic party. Believe it or not people like me exist. See communities of former Democrats like Tim Pool/Timcast, The Quartering, etc. Fact of the matter is, Democrats will be very foolish to keep focusing so much on January 6th. If they stand any chance of winning re-election they should focus on things that the American people are most worried about. The Democrats don't actually care about riots. They're just obsessed with Trump. If they truly cared about riots they wouldn't have supported the riots of summer '20 and have committees investigating the perpetrators of billions of dollars worth of damage.
  5. "The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress. Former chief Steven Sund -- who resigned his post last week after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for him to step down -- made the assertions in an interview with The Washington Post published Sunday" https://www.npr.org/2021/01/11/955548910/ex-capitol-police-chief-rebuffs-claims-national-guard-was-never-called-during-ri
  6. I said elected officials and supreme court justices. I take it you don't find it important to protect judges as well? It's very much on the same topic. Elected or appointed, they need to be protected at all costs. I think this is a pretty rational bi-partisan take, don't you agree?
  7. Jan 2nd: Trump's DOD reached out to capitol police asking they planned on calling up national guard for January 6th. Was not requested at this time. Shortly thereafter security assessments were issued that radicals we're planning violence. Quote: "due to tense environment surrounding the election, violence can not be ruled out" Jan 4th: based on above security intelligence, Steve Sund changed his mind and seeked permission from office of Pelosi and Chuck to deploy national guard for the 6th. Request was denied. Why aren't they being questioned on this by this committee?
  8. Dude literally admitted his plan was to kindap and kill Justice Kavanaugh. What's next, claiming that he was an actor sent by Republicans?
  9. I understand your points. I'm not a troll despite what people may think. Pence was his VP. You don't think they spoke about the national guard? Just saying. Even with that said, it's fact that Pelosi was in charge of security, and to a lesser extent M. Bowser. Do you think it would be reasonable to have both of them answer questions regarding the security that day? Why are they exempt from investigation?
  10. Just like all the other Trump impeachment attempts, this January 6th commission is a nothing-burger. They aren't addressing the real issue at hand, which is security surrounding our elected officials. The riot was horrible, just like all riots. But why aren't they investigating the fact that national guard was refused to support capital police? They had intel that their were people planning on storming the building but thought a few perimeter cops (that ended up waving people in) was sufficient? If the argument is that the BLM riots were "mostly peaceful"... That left 12 people dead and 100s of police officers injured, then you're opening the door for people like Jack Del Rio to make the comments he did about Jan. 6th. It doesn't make sense to the average American. Thinking that they are going to convict trump of "insurrection" after he said verbatim said "many of you will PEACEFULLY March to the capitol"... They are wasting time. Mind you, he also had the national guard at the ready to support, which was refused. Does someone planning an insurrection do that? He certainly wouldn't want extra security if he genuinely was hoping for insurrection. Our elected officials should be protected at all costs. Including our supreme court justices, one of which just had an attempt on his life. Extremism exists on both sides and what they should be focusing on is security. Unfortunately I don't think we will hear a peep about the security blunders that were made. It's a prime time media gong show witch hunt for trump, that will fail yet again. Its been a year and a half. The average American doesn't care, that's the reality of the situation. When polled of the Top 10 issues that will influence their vote... January 6th didn't crack the top 10.
  11. The first tweet literally talks about gun control? I'll gladly edit the post. Sorry.
  12. 76 percent of mass shootings were done with handguns If they ban semi automatic rifles, they will just use handguns. Glocks can be modified easily to be fully automatic and fitted with drum magazines or extended magazines. What then? Ban handguns too? There are more guns currently owned than there are people in the US. Banning semi auto rifles isnt going to do anything. It's not fixing the cause of the problem, it's just making a different version of the same problem. Or do you think people will actually "give back" their guns? Canada just tried halting gun sales and sales surged as people rushed to get them before it went into effect. People don't want to be defenseless. Mass shooting are horrific. One of the most awful things in the world. But it doesn't mean you make knee jerk reactions and go changing constitutional rights. Nope. Why do the people that support banning semi auto rifles not support having armed police officers or security guards mandatory at each school? We certainly spend tax dollars on much dumber things.... How many school shootings would have been stopped completely if there had been someone armed on campus to protect the children?
  13. Lol even our D Coordinator is tired of the woke BS. JDR re-tweeted:
  14. The only quote I said was robust. Better than ever is what he's trying to make it seem. Along with his BS employment numbers trying to pull the wool over the public's eyes to distract from the dumpster fire. And yeah, Trumpenomics was awesome. I'd love me some 2 dollar gas right now. Right along with every other American as shown by recent polling data.
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.voanews.com/amp/6602435.html
  16. I mean you believe Biden hook line and sinker when he tried telling us the economy is better than ever lmao How did he say it? "Robust"?? Yeah it's real robust alright. Wanna get back to talking about guns or are you guys just gonna keep quoting me and name calling because I have a different opinion than the current mob-approved trope?
  17. Yes indeed they are. That's why they are sick of the left going off the deep end with woke nonsense. CNN just reported today polling just hit an 80 year record high for the GOP. People are sick of the BS. The left has moved wayyyy further to the fringe left than the right has moved right. But you probably believe the opposite because Joy and Whoopie said so on the view.
  18. It'll never pass. Just like every other garbage bill the Dems have tried to pass... It will get blocked. Unless they abolish the filibuster or pack the court the Dems arent getting anything done. They'll get even less done come November. And the world will be a better place until the left find their way back closer to the center and quits with all the woke, identity politics BS.
  19. Correct. It Says REDSKINS. A holdover from the pre cancel culture era. The good ole days.
  20. Lol. So anyway... Gun control... It's being expanded. Multiple states have passed constitutional carry this year. Banning "assault rifles"won't stop gun violence. It's silly.
  21. Tell me where he stopped them from saying what they please? Did he have their statements removed or censored? Sounds like free speech to me.
  22. I'm assuming you're speaking about the Education bill (you would probably call "don't say gay" bill). Freedom of speech doesn't apply to government employees, but you should probably know that by now. And sure, if you can find someone to sell you a rocket launcher and you live on a ranch and want to blow stuff up... Knock yourself out. Good luck finding someone to sell you a rocket launcher though. And yes I will continue to repeat that I'm a free speech absolutist. Because it's what I believe in. Yes people can tell lies and tall tales. It's called BS'ing. People have done it since the beginning of time. It's up to you to decide what is lies and truth. Think for yourself and don't be a sheep. Unless it's a case of defamation or something... Then take the person to court. That's what the justice system is for. There is no such thing as hate speech. If you don't like what someone is saying then don't listen to them, don't look for big daddy government to censor them for you because your little feelings are hurt.
  23. Last I checked he was found not guilty. Looking forward to the outcomes of his lawsuits against the major media outlets that slandered him and spread lies during the trial. I bet he was glad he was armed that day and I support anyone legally firing weapons at a shooting range. What's the issue here? I'm pretty sure anyone with terrorist ties won't be purchasing their firearms, grenade launcher or otherwise through legal means.
  24. Virginia Tech Mass Shooting. 33 dead. Gun used? Handgun. In 76% of mass shootings, a Handgun was used. Banning the big bad AR-15 will only make that number rise to 99%. Then what do you think they will be screaming to ban next? Spoiler: Handguns. Just like free speech, I'm a 2A absolutist. Why? Because once power or rights are taken away from the people. It is NEVER. GIVEN. BACK.
  25. Most semi-automatic weapons were banned for civilian use. Licensing and registration rules were tightened. A national firearms registry was established. Gun owners had to provide a justification for owning a weapon, and personal security was specifically excluded as a valid reason. Not quite a ban, but damn close. And they keep tightening it further and further.
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