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Everything posted by CommanderInTheRye

  1. It's gotten to the point where I'm starting to wonder if Magic is aware of his bufoonery and having a go with all of us, by intentionally posting parodies of himself. If not, yikes! .
  2. I would love to see the rest of that DQ interview above. Anyone know where it can be found?
  3. If I had to make a non-homer wager on which rookie qb I think will have the best first season I'd go with McCarthy: 1. Offensive minded coach who has reputation of being a qb whisperer. 2. Great receiving corps, including best wr in league (imho). 3. Solid o-line 4. Doesn't need to play the hero to win games
  4. Question for or any draftnick: When was the last time we went an entire draft without selecting a single player that would be considered a reach, a major project, or that was coming off a significant injury? That takes real discipline, something we've lacked for far too many years.
  5. Feet are critical for an OT. Some key physical characteristics that I would look for include a bubble butt, dancing feet, (natural) knee bender vs waist bender, arm length, hand size, and functional strength.
  6. JD has ice in his veins much like Burrow in that they always keep calm under pressure no matter the circumstances He's got the clutch gene for sure. Kipling would say something like, he keeps his head when all around him are losing theirs, and blaming it on him. He fills the unforgiving two minute drill with 120 seconds of distance run.
  7. @Koolblue13 lists numerous amazingly correct picks by himself and @Skinsinparadise Aha!! I just broke Extremeskins equivalent of the enigma code. There's only one possible explanation for you and (SIP) absolutely nailing so many players. So tell me Adam (SIP) and DQ (KB13), how did you guys enjoy conducting your first draft? .
  8. Interviews with current players concerning changes to the team and our draft etc....
  9. A question for you guys who play attention to real details-- I heard it mentioned that we could occasionally play Allen at DE and have Payne and "Nasty Newton" playing together in the middle. Just how good do you think Allen projects to be playing on the edge? Is it the kind of configuration that might become a staple and give offenses fits or is it better as an every now and again change of pace?
  10. Yes. Two players vs one. I think this is a case where both teams made intelligent decisions that benefit their individual circumstances. In our situation (a rebuilding team bereft of talent with only a longshot playoff chance next year) it made sense to go for two very good players and potentially improve two positions on a team with loads of weaknesses. Whereas the Eagles, in their situation (a team with a great roster, few holes, and a legitimate chance to contend for a championship next year) it made much more sense to go for one potentially great player, that on his own, could conceivably be a difference maker.
  11. “The Unstoppable Jer’Zahn “Johnny” Newton… “The Scariest Player In College Football” Said by an anonymous o-lineman drafted on day three about playing Newton, “That crazy guy they got number 4, he scary and he play dirty. Don’t want no parts of him. A fella could get hurt trying to slow him down. I just let him go about his business.” Baldy— Newton’s my number one defensive lineman in this draft. He plays nasty. .
  12. Holy ****, to convince this kid to come here after he had a top-30 visit with NYG is impressive Queue Montell Jordan singing, "This Is How We Do It"... .
  13. Speaking of which, Hartman has been hit with a lawsuit from a pregnant woman who said she saw him walking into the restaurant where she was eating with her fiance and he smiled at her and she immediately felt lightheaded and turned flush and her water spontaneously broke, as a result. She gave emergency birth to the baby right there in the restaurant-- ably assisted by Hartman, btw. The child was a month premature and thankfully it's apparently doing fine now. However, her attorney, Gloria Alred, is suing Hartman. The court filing claims that he should have known how dangerous it is for "a man of his obvious charms and masculinity" to smile at a woman, while she's "in the family way."
  14. Pat White. 2013 My goodness, you've got a great memory! I used to have one of those. Seems like lately I've mislaid it and I don't have the foggiest idea where it's gotten too. Kind of like the proverbial "single sock gone missing" that you know you put in the washing machine with it's twin, yet when you take your clothes out of the dryer it's nowhere to be found. Gremlins...yes, gremlins are to blame. .
  15. Absolutely! Daniels was, to put it bluntly, an afterthought going into the 2023 season. I think it's no coincidence that his rise from a likely 4th or 5th round pick ti the 2nd player overall was due in no small part to the vigor and intensity which he applied to his daily use of LSU's Occular VR System. Logan Paulson talked with one of the major developers of the system who told him that they had never witnessed a player as dedicated to using their system to the extremes that Jayden did. He was using it 7 days a week starting at 5:30 in the morning. Doing 250 to 300 reps regularly in addition to what he had to do at practice, in class to maintain his 4.0 average, and his significant duties and responsibilities as a team captain and representative fir the University. I can almost guarantee that Snyder never ponyed up the money for a state of the art dedicated Occulus theater like LSU did, but I'm near certain that Josh will eventually have one installed. It's just a question of how long it will take to get all the details agreed to so it can be up and running. XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX Ohhhhh wow! I am showing my age for sure. I was waaaay off! In my mind I thought it was a special huge dedicated 3d room where they can make any environment thattgey want to. I was thinking TNG's holo-deck. lol I read way too much sc fi. In comparison, this should be a breeze to implement. .
  16. Cool. Easy to misunderstand intent. np. More than anything else I just respect Keim, and felt a personal obligation to show my appreciation fir him, because in the world today there aren’t many media voices that I feel I can trust anymore— going further than that general statement would be verboten.
  17. Schefter basically confirming that EVERYTHING Keim suggested right after the Top Golf outing was spot on. I remember in one of his podcasts around that time his co-host (whose name eludes me atm) kept bringing up, “it’s down to Daniels vs Maye”, and every single time he brought up Maye, Keim would delicately say something like—“ I would pay attention to McCarthy, or I’m not so sure they like Maye as much as the fan base, or I wouldn’t be surprised if their top two are Daniels and McCarthy.” All of it seemed to fly over the head of the other guy, because he just kept saying Daniels vs Maye no matter how many times Keim tried to let him know he knew otherwise, without outright saying it. I’ve always respected Keim for his professionalism, integrity and honesty. For my money he’s the best and most consistent local football sports reporter, period. I trust him. From now on if John Amadeus Keim says something of consequence about the team, no matter what the prevailing collective internet wisdom holds as true, I’m taking his word as the modern media equivalent of those parts of the gospel that are written in red ink.
  18. This is worth a chuckle. After a few words on drafting a qb at two Rivera mouths off that the Commanders have to protect the young man. They’ve got to get a quality left tackle. The line is poorly constructed. They need to do a better job and focus on that line yada yada… Tell me something Ron, “Who the hell built this monstrosity of an o-line in the first place, huh?”
  19. When you take over a team that's got a lot of talented players with losing attitudes you work on the attitudes and try to rebuild the players. When you take over a team with players with poor talent and great attitudes you try to see if you can find a place for some of them until you can replace them with more talented players. But when you take over a team filled with poor talent AND a losers mentality-- you clean house and bring in as many new players as you can from any and all available sources. .
  20. What is this guy an axe murderer or something? If you walk in his pantry does he have a collection of big glass jars with chopped off body parts floating around in vinegar? Cause for the life of me with that sizeabnd those athletic numbers I don't have a clue why somebody didn't draft him.
  21. Day Three draft analysis with JP Finlay and the Big Guy...
  22. Watch this vid please watch this vid...not for the hilights but for the completey over the top honest to goodness real, pure and infectious enthusiasm of this cat doing the analysis. Talk about a boost of positive energy... Vv "...this guy is gonna be good...he can catch a ball...the speed, the route running, I don't know about anything of that nature...but him catching the ball (major voice change) IZZZZ UN-DEEE-NIIIII-UHHH-BULLLL!!!!" Then later: "...I like this guy...I like this guy a lot...I like this McCaffrey guy a lot...LUKE McCaffrey?? I like him a lot..." "..everything about him screams that he's (voice changes again) JUST AAAAAY BALLLL-UHHHH!!! Look at this GUYYY!! I wanna see him BLAWWWWK!!!... "Look at LUUUUUKE!!!...Commanders got sumpin' now!..." XXXXXXX This cat is a hoot! He's just a joy to listen too! lol .
  23. Has #RaiseHail (which I kinda like, even as a timer) replaced #httr (which I loved, but it is associated with our glory days and former name) as our team’s officially preferred tweet hastag?
  24. Overeaction of the day? “Ben Sinnot under the right scheme, will one day out Kelce, Kelce!”
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