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Everything posted by CommanderInTheRye

  1. Damn. I can't remember names like I used to, but what a loss. A much underappreciated character actor. Who never got that great defining role, as a leading man, that he deserved. .
  2. Was that the game where Madden raved about him saying he was going to revolutionize the game-- or something similar? It's definitely iirc the game where he threw a long td pass, got hit, landed on his butt, and sat there with both arms raised. The talking heads coined the term "Griffining" to describe it later that week. High school qbs started throwing bombs intentionally sitting on their butt's and Griffining. .
  3. This gives me a bit more hope for Jayden. It's one thing to be a young kid who thinks he's indestructible (what healthy 20 something year old doesn't?) and give mandatory lip service to coaches, gms, reporters, and even fans when they ask if you're gonna start sliding when you run. (While secretly thinking all along, in your heart of hearts, that you are a warrior, damnit! Nothing's going to happen to you.) However, it's entirely another thing to be told by a former running qb, who was on the precipice of having it all, only to see his grudiron dreams crumble to dust one Sunday afternoon in Baltimore, during his very first season in the league. If anyone, is an example, that can open this kids mind, and prevent a repeat of that terrible, terrible, heartbreaking tragedy tgat haunts us all-- it's RGIII. Please listen to him kid. History doesn't have to repeat itself. .
  4. That is a great question! Unfortunately, I'm not the guy to answer it. I no longer live in the city or even in the surrounding suburbs. In the last 20 plus years it's been the caps fans who imho have been the most loyal and vociferous. Honestly, I don't know how long a true bounce back in interest and enthusiasm will take. But it will not be decided by any of the timers. It's gonna be people in their 20s 30s and 40s-- with young energy and disposable income to spare, that will either bring this fanbase back, or allow it to wither and die on the vine as we old timers one by one slowly move on to that final game...
  5. THIS!! Please let's come root for the kid. Don't flood the forum with negatives. Just purge that negative energy from the forum. Be positive expect the best to happen. We ****ing deserve to be winners again! For those of you too young to remember you're in for the best period of your sporting life. Nothing is like the DMV in the midst of a multi-year playoff every year streak with legitimate SuperBowl possibilities every damn year! I envy those of you thar are going to see this fir the first time. We timers know what it's like and we're salivating with anticipation. If thoughts are things and group thoughts are even more powerful things-- Why not try thinking great thoughts and manifesting them? .
  6. Like many intellectuals, after you soberly evaluate the circumstance of a subject and arrive at your conclusion you're not willing to compromise what you believe, simply to be accepted by the mob. You value truth, and intellectual integrity. Words that have lost meaning in today's world. This opens one to scorn and envy from the mob, whose beliefs and convictions are maleable to suit them whenever circumstances change. You likewise find it difficult to suspend disbelief-- particularly when logic and reason lead you in the other direction. You value principle and personal integrity in words, deeds and thoughts. --smh-- These are all absolutely terrible qualities to have in this Hume-ean nightmare we call life. Following this kind of authentic, valient, even heroic world view, nowadays , will ultimately lead you to a life filled with sadness, madness, and utter despair. My professional suggestion is that you drink brown liquor regularly, use hallucinogenics occasionally, and don't take life so seriously. Choose to live a life of quiet, powerless desperation. Give in to the whims if the moment. Truth does not exist. . (Yes, of course, this is satire) @The Consigliere, I disagree with many of your arguments, but I admire the intellectual integrity of the man behind them. :kowtow: .
  7. Two great films actually. The original, much like the classic Fred Zinneman western, "High Noon", was a (mod edit political reference).
  8. "I don't know but I been told!!! I don't know but I been told... Ess-kee-mo ***** is mighteee cold!!! Ess-kee-mo ***** is mighteee cold... Sound off!!! One two.. Sound off!!! Three four... ONE TWO THREE FOUR! One two...Three four! .
  9. Yes, my friend @Kalu44, all of it is nothing but an organized campaign designed with a single purpose: to insure that The Commanders make a fatal blunder tomorrow. One that will doom them to an eternity of humiliation and one that will see the rise of the dark Sith lord of chaos himself— Darth Mara! The Republic is dead… Long live the empire of Darth Mara!
  10. Footwork?? Dag gone you young kids are so openly kinky. lol In my day that kinda talk was strictly reserved until after you had exchanged vows.
  11. I get you, and I can see from your perspective why it would be reasonable to take that position. I won't insult you by trying to change your pov. My last word on this is that even if the “anonymous sources’ are actively colluding in a campaign whose goal is to force the Commanders to either pick someone else at 2 or trade tge pick to a team that will select Jayden— such a move is destined to fail. Amongst all the smoke, funhouse mirrors, misdirections, and blatant disinformation, one thing is certain— THE COMMANDERS WILL SELECT THE PLAYER THEY LIKE THE BEST, WITHOUT REGARD TO THAT PLAYER’S WISHES. Everything else is just a stone you sail at the sea. Big dramatic splash when it hits the ocean, that you can’t help but notice in the moment, but then it inevitably sinks to the bottom, and is never heard from again. A futile, totally impotent, poor checkers move in a game of chess against grand master level competition. .
  12. It’s Wednesday the in-house decision has been made. The big boards for each team have been completed (with allowance for last minute tweeking) and the final countown is live. Commanders Park is in the eye of the hurricane. Adam Peters— steady at the helm assisted by his able first mate in this adventure, DQ. Josh Harris, the wily owner of the vessel, within ear shot, tucked away in the Captains cabin, ready to move in an instant, if called, but for now content to let the men he hired weather the storm…
  13. Daniels can't flat out say he doesn't want to go somewhere because then that just looks bad. That's why "sources" keep bringing up his reluctance for Washington to draft him. So you're completely comfortable believing anonymous sources vs the open voluntary on the record statements of the actual person in question, as long as those sources confirm your personal narrative, wishes, and worldview. --Sigh-- The draft can't get here soon enough. .
  14. Adam Peters called me last night and asked me to address the front office and scouts this morning at Commanders Park. Here's the unclassified version of what I said... XXXXXXXXXX Peters: "Tennnn- hut!! Commander Rye, in the warroom!" Commander Rye: "At ease gentleman, as you were, smoke 'em if you got 'em. I don't have to remind you that we go to battle tomorrow, and for some of you it willbe your first time facing the enemy in combat. Today I want you to maintain your discipline, do all the little things, see that your wills are signed if you haven't already, write your letters to wives and loved ones, see your clergyman of choice, get your mind right, deal with all the extraneous stuff today, so that you can give your full attention to tomorrow-- to what we must do tomorrow. The simple routines bring us comfort in times of stress. So spend some time reflecting on what brought you here, stoke that fire burning deep inside your soul and prepare yourself, mentally, physically, and spiritually, for what comes next. Tommorrow, shortly after 8pm we hit the draft-- it's D-day and they will be firing live rounds at us for the first time. This is not another simulated training exercise or a mock draft that you can erase and try again, if you don't like the result. This one's for keeps and there will be sacrifices along the way. D-day approaches, but have no fear. Remember your training. Don't let down your brothers. Each man must prepare himself in his own way. We will storm the beach together, gain a foothold together, and push forward beyond that-- together! Many along the way shall fall, but in our ultimate success the fallen gain immortality-- the survivors write history and we shall never forget their sacrifice. To victory!" EDIT: Commander Rye to Adam Peters: "Uhm, Mr Peters, I done the speech and all like you asked. Do I get my ice cold Colt 45 now? It's the beverage thatgets you there fast you know and I needs a taste you see my throat is kinda dry." Peters: Are you sure you don't want the thousand dollar check? Commander Rye: Uh uh. Last guy what owned the place bounced checks left and right. Heard he ran off to new England too. Peters: OK then we'll deliver $1,000 worth of Colt .45 in cans as requested to your trailer by 12 noon today. Fair enough? Commander Rye: Much obliged. Now I can sit back and really enjoy the draft. "I will see you on the beach." Saving Private Ryan
  15. You pulled out the wrong data. Gotta be very specific. Do a search over the last 10 years for college qbs that were unsuccessful at another University then transferred to LSU, had a breakout season, won the Heisman trophy and then entered the draft. Let's see how that data looks.
  16. Holy **** is there a story behind this vid??? Was it a mistake, did she do it on purpose, was he an old boyfriend that cheated on her years ago and she finally got her revenge?
  17. We in trouble if that's the case. Once @SoCalSkins takes a position he's as flexible as admantium.
  18. ll Resilience is one of the most powerful qualities a human being can possess. I am proud of you. .
  19. If it was just about anyone other than Grant and Danny I’d be searching for it, but those two are insufferable.
  20. Folks I hope the next 10 years of Commanders football brings joy and happiness to all of us and that Thursday, Friday and Saturday help to make it happen. We all are the best that's left of a once proud fanbase. We are the ones who stayed and endured the worst period in team history-- not just the humiliating osses on the field, but the loss of pride and honor off of it. We are the ones that refused to give in and give up. We are the ones still standing and still cheering. Every one of us deserves for something good to happen. It's ok to start believing again. If I'm not there to see it with you, know that I'm somewhere in spirit, if not flesh, drinking Colt 45, eating wings and celebrating the victory all the same. Cheers!
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