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Everything posted by CommanderInTheRye

  1. At this point I'm so desperate I wouldn't be mad if every single one of our remaining picks are offensive tackles. Maybe that way you find one or two real diamonds in the rough because the pickings are getting slim... --shivers & shakes--
  2. don't know if that was 11 games this past college football season or over his whole college career. One would be a good thing and the other would be scary bad, me thinks. 🤔 --shivers & shakes--
  3. We will have 2nd priority, behind only Carolina, on any cut players until after week one of the regular season so that's good.
  4. Maybe we're planning to trade Allen for a vet o-lineman? --shrug--
  5. I think we made the trade because the OTs available aren't worth the 40th pick but with two picks in the 50s we should find value for that position.
  6. Real bad heroin habit. Probably drop a few rounds unless Dallas takes him.
  7. In a deal that gets us a certain former ASU wr?
  8. Darrel looks like he could still cover a deep out.
  9. That's kind of cool actually. Maybe JD5 can start it trending in the DMV. I'm gonna do my part. Next time I greet somebody I'm gonna say, "Wassam to yousum."
  10. Can somebody who speaks Gen Z help me out with this “wassam” thing? Old man needs to know too! I’m still trying to decipher RGIII and his crazy cartoon power cannon or some such talk from a few days ago. .
  11. No need, from where I stand. You fought the good (though brutally relentless, over bearing, and occasionally crude lol) fight, when the outcome was in question, and now that the decision has been made, you're firmly committed to our quarterback. That's good enough for me. All the rest is the past, and the past is dead and buried, unless we repeat it. Into the breech together! .
  12. I thought about that during the process too. I think Chicago was initially scared that Caleb might try to pull an Eli so he could play here. Particularly, after we stole Kingsbury from Vegas and there were rampant rumors that Magic Johnson, who knows Caleb and his family intimately, was instrumental in recruiting Kliff to dc. So, in order to make Caleb as comfortable as possible, they over compensated, and told him from day one that they were all in for him and they weren't considering anyone else. They were afraid to give him any reason whatsoever to think there might be an alternative to playing for the Bears. Perhaps, in the long run, it will turn out that spurning other players, and committing to Caleb was there worst mistake, and our greatest boon. .
  13. That was one looooong hug. I think neither one wanted to be the first to break it so that the other person wouldn’t think they were the one that ended it. They were probably both counting to themselves, “four one thousand…five one thousand…six one thousand…” XXXXXXX @john_keim Daniels knew a lot about some of the people in this organization but said "I didn't know how passionate the fan base was until I was in this process." 2:40 PM · Apr 26, 2024 Lord, I hope he didn’t venture here… lol .
  14. I just made it up off the top of my head, hoping someone would ask me what the other 12 keys to success were. I was debating in my mind how to respond from these choices… 1. You tell me, I don’t have a clue, 2. Haven’t gotten that far, I’m still on the first chapter. 3. I can’t remember…I think something about not coveting your neighbors wife or oxen or maybe that was a different book?
  15. False humility is one of the 13 keys to success. XXXXXXXXXXX You are one cruel ****, but that was the perfect gif response. Just perfect, right down to the overacting performance of the actress. lol .
  16. “I come here to vent…” Maybe thats the problem. I come here to contribute. I come here to be part of a larger community, to discuss, to argue (respectfully), to listen, to learn, even to fool around and make silly mostly unfunny jokes, but most of all, I’d like to think that every now and again, despite myself, I add value to this place. EDIT: Just read Jumbo’s post… Venting’s ok too, but maybe there are ways to do it that don’t come off as if you’re antagonizing and baiting other members even if that’s not your actual intent.
  17. I’m not playing this game with you. XXXXXXXXXXXX He wants needs attention, even if it’s only negative attention and disdain. Sad really.
  18. Just watching these hilights that we’ve all seen before I'm so impressed with Daniels quick processing, but also his instincts as a runner. We are going to be lethal in the red zone. Daniels’ threat as a runner both inside and on the edge is going to open up things for the passing and running games and it will limit the aggressiveness of attacking defenses. One mistake, one man missing a gap or freelancing and boom just like that he gashes you for 6. I am so excited for what is to come.
  19. but thinking about how every time we pick at #2...I am terrified. Not trying to be a smart ass, this is sincere. My advice would be to think differently. This may or may not make sense to you, but I know it may make sense to someone that reads it and that's enough to motivate me to say it... Thoughts are powerful things. The things we allow to dominate our thoughts have a powerful influence on our lives. I have found that my life is more productive and enjoyable when my dominant thoughts are of a positive nature. YMMV.
  20. This scene also makes me ponder Einstein's famous insight-- that time itself is essentially a persistent illusion. Caused because our perception of "reality" is limited to three dimensions, while the theoretical space-time dimension is tantilizingly just beyond us. Although at times (under certain hallucinogenic influences) I've been able to briefly glimpse, or at least believe I did, it's shadow. .
  21. This is a great video. When Stroud starts talking about how he's known Jayden his whole life and they grew up about 20 minutes from each other and about how hard it was to make it out of that to where he is now-- I really felt it and I get it. That **** is real. I didn't know anything about Jayden's childhood, but I do know how early struggle can make you a better man.
  22. This. Great quarterbacking, at the NFL level, is fundamentally dependent on the ability to quickly process complex moving objects, inside the pocket, while under intense pressure. Everything else, including running ability, is an added bonus. That is what seperates Fields, from Daniels.
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