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Everything posted by CommanderInTheRye

  1. lol I guess post-draft, "o-line thread migration" has replaced "qb thread migration" as the new flavor of the season, (at least until Jayden actually gets in a game and throws his first interception 😄). The craziest thing is that this is a thread about a nickle corner-- how it morphed into o-line talk is completely beyond me.
  2. Either pigs are flying or that devious s.o.b. Mike Florio is trying to reverse jinx our ass into a bad season. Guess who all of a sudden thinks we dominated the draft... Nn I still don't trust him. He's got something up his sleeve for sure! .
  3. Hoffman interviews Standig on what took place behind the scenes of our draft...
  4. Yeah, that last pick it sounded like he might have been crying. He was so happy and his family were really cheering hard. I wish we had video of that. It must be agonizing waiting through the whole draft hoping that somehow you might hear your name and then when a few pics are left and you've just about given up hope the phone rings. On the other end of the spectrum, I felt like Nasty Newton was pissed off that he didn't hear his name called until the second round.
  5. I wonder if Jayden was a Ducks fan growing up?
  6. Call me a sentimental old fool, but I can never get enough of these "we just drafted you!" videos. Here's a compilation of Peters welcoming each of our draft picks to their future... There's something about having a dream that you worked so hard at for years, and finally seeing it manifest that reawakens the essential "thing" inside of all of us that drives us to be more than just the sum of our collective parts. I guess it's kind of why I love hokey dream quest films like Rocky so much.
  7. He is a great athlete and this regime definitely places a high value on athleticism. However, I think they value character, ethical behavior, being forthright, transparent, and fully accountable for your actions, even more, and there are significant indications that Jamin may well be critically deficient in those qualities.
  8. Chase Daniels on how Kliff Kingsbury will design an offense to cater to Jayden's strengths. . Ff
  9. The 7 Best Draft Day Steals. We actually had 2 of the 7 top Steals in the draft (and we were involved in a third steal). They talk about the Commanders at: 3:41 ("Nasty" Newton) 14:22 (Mike Sainristil) [For those interested they talk about the pick we traded to Philadelphia who then selected steal Cooper DeJean at around 25:09]
  10. Our newest speed corner who claims he's been timed as low as 4.27 in the 40... Xx The best thing about him is that he says he's the greatest man coverage corner since Deion was in his prime. He said the best way to use him is to put him on the best reciever solo all game and he'll shut him down completely, leaving the rest of the team to deal with the other players. Do you guys think he'll be all pro this year or just a starter in the all star game?
  11. COMMAND CENTER: Exclusive Adam Peters post-draft interview... DQ and his sayings have definitely rubbed off on AP. I chuckled when he started talking about Kliff Kingsbury and how he was going to use his superpower to develop Jayden-- because I know that came straight from the DQ playbook. .
  12. Thanks for sharing that Conn. That’s priceless insight into the man, not just the football player. Most impressive thing about it was that Jayden made no effort to publicize it. We’ve had many players, and I’m not calling any names, but we’ve had many players over the years so focused on their image and how the public sees them that everything they did seemed fake, choreographed, or artificial. It’s refreshing to see evidence of pure altruism. An action done with no ulterior motive and no self benefit. Done personally and privately without the idea of later ironically announcing to the world, “Look at my magnificent deeds. Observe how humble and great I am.” So refreshing.
  13. eating himself out of the league. First, I don't like him, and don't want him on my team, but I discovered something worth sharing. After reading your post I went searching for a picture of Mekhi so I could see just how "oversized" he was. What I actually found absolutely stunned me. At one point Becton weighed well over 400 pounds and he would get winded walking up a flight of stairs... A huge factor in being overweight is pure genetics, combined with an early childhood environment with lax or non-existent attention to developing healthy lifelong nutritional eating patterns. Growing up like that he really never had much of a chance to be at a healthy weight. Besides he was a football player and I'll bet every coach he had from high school to college encouraged him to put on the pounds. Here's a Pic of his dad who obviously is severely overweight as well. Why am I bringing all this up? Because it appears that against all odds Mekhi has recently dedicated himself to changing his eating and exercise patterns, and as a result he's undergone a remarkable transformation... It's hard to believe that the man on the right once looked like the guy on the left, but it's true. Hats off to Mekhi! I wish him well and I hope the hard work he put into losing so much weight, is representative of the effort he's going to put into his football career going forward. I also hope that anyone out there reading this facing similar struggles finds within them the strength to immediately begin changing their life for the better too.
  14. That could be the case with any rookie qb. Regardless, I think JJ is fortunate in that he was drafted into the best situation. He would need to do little more than be a true game manager early in his career. Whereas Jayden will likely need to use his entire toolbox from day one, not just as a gifted processor and distributer of the ball, but given our o-line issues, he will need to utilize his superlative running skills and Houdini-like elusiveness, if we are to have any hope of real success next season. I think Maye is going to struggle the most, year one. Not only is he going to a team with an offensive talent deficit and an inexperienced head coach-- his offensive coordinator, Van Pelt, leaves a great deal to be desired. On top of that, if the pre-draft scouting reports are to be believed (which is admitedly uncertain), Drake is the qb least ready to start, and most in need of serious attention to, and development of, his foot work, among other things. Chicago, otoh seems to have done a very good job selecting players to surround Caleb and giving him a fair chance for a quick start his first year. However, his downfall could be his propensity for hero ball and whether or not he's capable of playing any other way. As always, time will tell.
  15. My true meaning is less superficial than that. Applies to much more important things than football. But I understand your point all the same. 🙂
  16. I either read an article, saw a program or heard live on Sirius something interesting within the last week or so regarding Wylie and our o-line. The bottom line is that the talking head said it's one thing to have a guy like Wylie as your 4th or 5th best o-lineman. You can cover up for his weaknesses if the overall unit works well together and he said this was the case for Wylie when he was in KC. Then the talking head went on to say that our specific problem is that if you look up and down our roster Wylie isn't the weakest link on an otherwise strong line as he was at KC. Instead he's probably the first or second best on a very poor line overall, and that's an untenable situation-- especially with a raw rookie behind center. He said that we basically have a starting line of "castoffs", "wannabes", "career backups", "never weres", and "maybe they can do it's, but I wouldn't bet on it". Made it sound like we're heading for complete disaster, absent one of two things happening: 1. A major replenishment of o-line talent before game one. 2. Our o-line coach morphs into a young Bill Callahan, and rebuilds this motley crew into an "overachieving, the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts, type of unit", that surprises everyone and takes the league by storm Otherwise, it seems that JD5 is going to end up pulling a season long Ben Gazara (ie "Run For Your Life"-- old timer classic tv reference). .
  17. If he blew up the combine and ran thev40 at say a legit 4.77, plus did the cone stuff, the shuttles, the high jumps, verticals et al, and was equally adept at them, I predict thatvwith his established pedigree, and the resulting praise he'd get as an athletic freak from the talking heads on tv that he likely goes no later than the mid 20s. Their loss is our gain. Steal of the draft.
  18. His friends call him "Mo" which is short for molasses, as in he's as slow as molasses. Don't see too many wide receivers with 4.8 speed in the league nowadays.
  19. At the end of the video the reporter mentions that Friday May 10th is the start of Commanders rookie minicamp. That's the first time I recall seeing that mentioned. I already knew that the new head coach optional minicamp begins on the 14th. Mark your calendars accordingly.
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