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Everything posted by kfrankie

  1. Sounds like Trey Mancini is suffering from some sort of serious medical issue. Looks bad based on comments from teammates. Anyone know what the deal is? https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/analysis/schmuck/bs-sp-trey-mancini-illness-reminds-us-of-whats-important-20200308-2rbli5xcz5exxo47eiom5i7tei-story.html The Orioles are keeping a tight lid on information about the “non-baseball medical procedure” that outfielder Trey Mancini left spring training camp for Saturday, but it should be fairly obvious from the comments of his worried teammates that he is dealing with a very serious situation. When you hear veteran pitcher Alex Cobb talk about how confident he is that the team’s most popular and productive player will “beat” what he’s going through and come back stronger, it sounds both encouraging and ominous at the same time. When rookie Austin Hays relates embracing Trey and telling him that he loves him and will be praying for him, you know how much the situation must be impacting the youngest players on the club and how much Mancini is revered in every corner of the clubhouse. Click link above for full article.
  2. When he won the election. Meaning when he told everyone that he won.
  3. I appreciate the fact that public officials want to protect the 3 sick people from the mob, but I'd certainly like to know who they are if I lived in Montgomery County. If anything it might help with the whole "can you recall who you had contact with since 2/20" question being asked of the patients. It's impossible for 3 people to recall every person they had contact with. But I'd sure remember if I had contact with someone in the past 2 weeks if I had a name.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wbaltv.com/amp/article/three-confirmed-cases-of-coronavirus-maryland/31206429 Guess this is sort of flying over everyone's head right now. Word is the people are residents of Montgomery County.
  5. Game on people: https://www.wbaltv.com/article/three-confirmed-cases-of-coronavirus-maryland/31206429 No need to panic, let's just listen to the professionals.
  6. I have a trip booked at Beaches in Turks and Caicos for early April for 5 days with wife and two kids. I told my wife yesterday to check on the cancellation/postponement policies. If it's anything less than 50% i'm going hold off on cancelling and just play it by ear. I see that Santo Domingo has one confirmed case, which you know means that its loose there now. Only a short flight to Turks, but hopefully it won't be reported there. For all we know, they won't let us into the country if its untouched by the virus. I wouldn't.
  7. So you deduced from this publicly available information that you, your wife, and your three children will catch the virus, and there's about a 10% chance that one of you will die from it (2% x 5?)? Even though all indications are that the death rates are significantly lower for younger people? And despite the fact that not a single person in the U.S. has died so far among the 60 that are diagnosed (granted, only 6 have been cleared). Plus (assuming that all of your parents and grandparents are alive) at least one of your 12 elders will die (I guess they'll all get it too)? Also there's no chance that a vaccine will arrive sooner than a year from now and squelch rates down even further... Personally I'm going to wait about 3 weeks until the first wave of 50 or so U.S. patients have cycled through before I determine whether I should scare the **** out of my wife and kids.
  8. So, there's a couple reports now of cases in the U.S. that are what you might call of "unknown origin." I don't believe this means these patients contracted the virus from visiting the supermarket or Target, or hanging out at Church for Ash Wednesday. There's a good chance that these patients were just in close contact with someone recently returning from China, and they simply did not tell health officials because they want to protect that person from blame, or just simply forgot. Sort of like Jimbo in Outbreak, who didn't want to disclose that he was trafficking in the illegal pet monkey market because he was afraid of getting locked up, and maybe wanted to protect his monkey. Not that it would have saved Jimbo (played by Patrick Dempsey during the period between his 80s teenage crush years and the more mature Dr. McDreamy years, horribly miscast). This does not mean that it is now widespread and untraceable. Then again, if it takes 7 days to incubate and is contagious on day 1, we could all have it right now and not even know. All 330 million of us here in the United States.
  9. Remember Rock Hudson when he came out, and the concern because he had kissed an actress on Dynasty or Dallas and hadn't disclosed his diagnosis? I was too young to remember that, but my parents told me about it.
  10. https://www.sciencealert.com/who-says-a-coronavirus-vaccine-is-18-months-away https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-long-will-it-take-to-develop-vaccine-for-coronavirus#Faster-vaccine-development https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/25/business/moderna-coronavirus-vaccine/index.html Seems like "experts" believe it could take up to 18 months to develop a vaccine, or that it "there’s no guarantee that it will be ready before the end of the current outbreak." This tells me two things. (1) A vaccine should be available, conservatively, within 18 months, and (2) modern medicine is equipped to deal with this disease must better than in "I am Legend," but not as quickly as Dustin Hoffman did in "Outbreak."
  11. It's because of people like you that normal everyday people shouldn't worry, and should find new hobbies.
  12. So I'll be the one to say what needs to be said here, after somewhat playfully engaging in this thread over the past couple weeks. People need to stay off the goddamn internet and need to stop watching "I am Legend," "The Stand," "Outbreak" and that dumbass final episode of the transformers where all the robots turn red and angry. This disease is only interesting because it reminds people of these movies. The chances you will catch this thing is remote. And if you do catch it, the chances that you'll die are slim. This is the U.S., not China. If you go to any reputable hospital you'll receive state of the art care, even if you can't pay for it. You'll get a bill after the fact. As other people have pointed out, there are multiple other diseases out there that you are far more likely to catch and die from. Pointing out other, worse diseases is not the best way to argue but things need to be put in perspective here. The biggest threat this disease poses is to the public mindset. We saw that yesterday with the stock market. People need to get the hell away from the sensationalist "news" articles and start acting like adults here. If you allow this disease to affect your daily life at this juncture you have a weak constitution and someone should give you a backhand slap across the face. Knock it off and get a new hobby. You are affecting my 401k.
  13. Yes, personal decision. Go with your gut when your child is at issue.
  14. Sounds a bit paranoid to me. I guess there is that one case there though.
  15. My grandmother, who was born in 1910 and grew up in southeast DC, told me about that there were horse drawn death wagons that would circle the streets and the drivers would holler for people to send out their dead relatives. However, my answer to this question would be HIV. If the question is what modern disease did the world fail to control. You can live a long time without symptoms, while remaining contagious.
  16. I'm wondering if the disease figures are being significantly under reported, or if cases are simply going undiagnosed, in some of the southeast asian countries. If big brother China can't get its act together, is it reasonable to assume that Thailand has the assistance it needs? Also, I find it hard to believe (yes, I understand that the numbers are based on "reports" and not actual cases) that there is not a single case yet on the African and South American continents. This has to have made in way into these areas by now. Let's just hope that local custom does not simply assume that people are dying of pneumonia like was (is) the case with AIDS.
  17. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/13/coronavirus-latest-updates-china-hubei.html Well, it appears that China was not counting patients that had been "clinically diagnosed" in its counting method. So tack on another 15,000 cases and the total figure is now over 60,000 infected. Next thing we'll find out that they were not counting "clinically deceased" cases in the mortality figure.
  18. So, where might I buy one of these bitcoins?
  19. Its not his fault that he's so smart that he's eyeing a career in politics after he's run out of the NFL. Having a big brain ain't easy, as I'm sure he'd say if you asked him.
  20. Looks like China is keeping its neighbors "in the loop" so to speak. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/02/world/asia/china-coronavirus-philippines-thailand.html Quieter Response to Coronavirus in Countries Where China Holds Sway BANGKOK — In Myanmar, loudspeakers broadcast advice from Buddhist monks: Seven ground peppercorns, exactly seven, placed on the tongue will ward off the coronavirus spreading across Asia and the world. In Indonesia, Terawan Agus Putranto, the health minister, advised citizens to relax and eschew overtime work to avoid the disease, which has killed more than 360 people and infected more than 17,000 others, mostly in China. “To prevent it is very easy as long as your immunity is good,” Mr. Terawan said. And in Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen told a packed news conference on Thursday that he would kick out anyone who was wearing a surgical mask because such measures were creating an unwarranted climate of fear. “The prime minister doesn’t wear a mask,” he said, “so why do you?” Click link to read full article. That is, if you trust the NY Times. Or, so the Germans would have you think...
  21. According to the App there's now 3 cases in San Fran.
  22. Wow, those "Administration Officials" are really going out on a limb here. Good thing they didn't give their names. Luckily for them, I'm willing to go on the record, and will say that a temporary suspension of flights to China will affect flights into and out of China. I hope I don't get doxxed for this.
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