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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Charge him $100 even if he DOES take the Metro! I sure hope not...but would EB tease it that way when we all saw Danny Boy sucking up to Jerry Jones on Sunday?
  2. Obstructed view seating. With sewage leaking from above. While he's served stale peanuts from a defunct airline. And being forced to pay $20 for a flat beer. And...surrounded by fans of the other team.
  3. Unless there's video of Snyder punching Tanya into an elevator wall, I wouldn't bet on him being removed. Even then, the NFL's investigation would just conclude that Tanya "knocked herself out" by brutalizing the wall with her cranium.
  4. EVERY season goes "off the rails" under Snyder. This team has had 4-game losing streaks or worse many times: 2001 (5 games) 2003 2004 2007 2009 2010 2011 (6 games) 2013 (8 games) 2014 TWICE (4 games and 6 games) 2018 2019 THRICE (5 games and 4 games twice) 2020 (5 games) 2021 TWICE (4 games twice) 13 times in 22 seasons. There was a gap from 2015-17. Why was that? Oh yeah, we actually had a franchise QB at the time...(sort of)...who we let go for nothing except a bag of stale peanuts from a defunct airline. Actually, we didn't even get that... I'm proud of myself for finding a way to use the word 'thrice' today too! 😬
  5. Ssssshhh! Don't tell everyone Tanya's secret! Regarding Pink October, it would be so tone-deaf and hypocritical for this organization to embrace it considering all the sexual assault/harassment allegations currently floating around.
  6. Let's not forget that the park ranger who reported on what Snyder was doing lost his job. Here's an oldie but goody on this topic: https://washingtonmonthly.com/2013/12/26/smokey-and-the-bandit/ There's also a shorter summary here: https://deadspin.com/dan-snyder-killed-some-trees-and-a-park-ranger-paid-th-1494113337 Just realized the park ranger involved wrote a book about it...anyone read it? (Robert Danno "Worth Fighting For (A Park Rangers Unexpected Battle Against Federal Bureaucrats and Washington Redskins Owner Dan Snyder)"
  7. "I want the fanbase back but we're not giving them a reason to [come back]." This almost sounds like a mission statement that Snyder wrote into the Commanders Workplace Manual. It's right there in black and white: we're NOT giving them a reason to come back. 😆
  8. I hear Matt Millen is available. By Snyder's standard, he would be a fan favorite because he was on the 1991 Super Bowl team. 🤨 Or just promote Doug Williams. He won the 1987 Super Bowl, and it's obvious Snyder will only hire Redskin legacies or under-qualified yes-men. 😮
  9. Those guys weren't "flashy" enough for Snyder. He has proven time and again he covets other teams' goods over the people in his own organization. For GM, what's to keep him from just promoting Doug Williams?
  10. Certain "leaders" don't like to empower people below them for fear they will get all the credit when there's success...Jerry Jones is part of this club too, with his incompetent handling of Jimmy Johnson back in 1993-94. No sane owner would have allowed that to happen.
  11. Snyder likes the idea of running a football team and the perks that it gives him. I don't think for one second he was ever a real fan. Of course, as owner he has a long list of scapegoats he can blame for 23 years of failure...
  12. I'm not. Gibbs is a nice guy, but he's also pretty naive when it comes to Snyder. He doesn't seem to know about all the hatred from the fan base...or if he does, he just ignores it so Snyder will keep paying for his hotel room and meals when he comes up to DC.
  13. LOVERRO: Snyder’s cozying up to Jones sends defiant message to NFL https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/oct/3/dan-snyders-cozying-jerry-jones-sends-defiant-mess/ Washington Commanders owner Dan Snyder flew to Dallas Sunday morning on one of his private jets with a mission in mind. It wasn’t to watch his Commanders beat the Cowboys. Not even Skipper Dan the Sailing Man likely thought that was going to happen — and it didn’t, as the Commanders helplessly went down in defeat 25-10 for their third straight loss early in this NFL season. No, it was with one purpose in mind — to get a photo on the field at AT&T Stadium with powerful Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. Mission accomplished. There was Skipper Dan, dressed in his finest sailing gear — blue blazer, khaki slacks, wearing what may have been sailing shoes — standing next to Jones, with Commanders executive Jason Wright and Snyder’s wife and co-owner Tanya in the photo, all of them posing for the shot. It wasn’t a coincidence that this was the first time this season Skipper Dan had been seen down on the field. This wasn’t for the skipper’s scrapbook. This was a message for his fellow league owners — you know, the ones who have anonymously been talking to the Washington Post about losing their patience with the embarrassment and turmoil Skipper Dan has brought them and their willingness to consider the possibility of ousting Skipper Dan. The message? Jerry Jones has Skipper Dan’s back. And if Jones has Skipper Dan’s back, he’s not going anywhere. That photo told those brave owners who are trying to grow spines that Skipper Dan ain’t selling, and if you try to force him out … well, you’ll have to go through Jones. The two men have had much in common over the years and have been linked for a long time. They were seen as business mavericks, newcomers to a chummy old-boys’ club who were going shake things up. As we know by now, one turned out to be a contender. The other? A pretender. They are both self-destructive embarrassments to humanity. Both have faced persistent accusations of sexual misconduct. But one of them hasn’t let his self-destructive tendencies affect his business. The other? He has turned one of the most popular and successful sports franchises into a bottom-feeder. The Cowboys were recently valued at $8 billion by Forbes. Skipper Dan’s Commanders were priced at $5.6 billion. They were once close in value. In fact, after Skipper Dan bought the Redskins in 1999, their value would shoot to the top of the list for seven straight years. Now they are $2.5 billion apart, and the Commanders have fallen from the top of the league to sixth in valuation, now surpassed by the Patriots, Rams, Giants and Bears. Let it be noted that the Commanders’ value increased 33% from 2021, according to Forbes. The Commanders/Redskins have grown in value in spite of Skipper Dan’s disastrous ownership that has driven away thousands of fans and television viewers. Skipper Dan had the good fortune of buying into the NFL, a business juggernaut that seems immune to outside forces like a war with the president of the United States and a pandemic that shut the entire country down and the aura of self-destruction that surrounds the Washington franchise. The Cowboys have grown in value in part because of Jones and his business acumen, even though both teams have had little success on the football field over the past two decades. Skipper Dan has been one of Jones’ customers and intends to be so in the future. Jones started a business with the New York Yankees called Legend Hospitality. They handle the concessions and suite sales for many of the other franchises in the league. In fact, the Redskins hired the company in 2013 for concessions at Ghost Town Field, a deal that lasted just one year. But they are hoping to do business again soon. Skipper Dan made a deal with Legends to sell sponsorship and premium seats for a new Commanders stadium, according to a June 2021 report by venuesnow.com. That’s an optimistic business arrangement, isn’t it? Just look at their stadium situations. Jones’ AT&T Stadium is one of the top venues in the country, hosting Super Bowls, NCAA Final Fours, College Playoff National Championships and major title fights, among other major attractions. Skipper Dan’s Ghost Town Field was deemed unfit by FIFA to host a World Cup soccer game. It cost Washington its shot at being a World Cup city for the 2026 games. He is no closer to a new stadium than he was when the plans for a new home surrounded by a moat were first announced in 2016. Jones is one of the most powerful owners in the league, if not the most powerful. He is the one who brokered the game-changing Fox television deal. He may be a poor excuse for a human being, but that doesn’t get in the way of his pocketbook. Skipper Dan is the NFL’s pool boy. He’s a seat at the table, nothing more, and now his wife sits in that seat because NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell believes he has banished Skipper Dan from the day-to-day operations of the team. That “banishment” was for the sins attorney Beth Wilkinson uncovered in the investigation she conducted last year into the franchise’s record of sexual misconduct and workplace bullying — the documented results of which remain hidden by the league. If those results are ever revealed or if the seven different government, NFL and NFLPA probes into Skipper Dan’s business uncover unprecedented public damage, Jones might very well back away from his embrace of Skipper Dan. But perhaps no owner in the league can relate to the notion of “there, but for the grace of God, go I” than Jones when it comes to the idea of getting rid of NFL owners. Whatever misconduct by Skipper Dan is revealed, Jones may just see as the weekly calendar in Dallas.
  14. I don't think Snyder has enough awareness of us as actual human beings to hate us. Other people who aren't millionaires or athletes are just like ants to him. I'm sure Tanya with her "fashion sense" picked his clothes out for him...
  15. Yeah, very few people in this world can do two jobs well. Ron should stick to coaching, but I guess he wouldn't have come here if Snyder didn't give him the keys to the franchise. Snyder knew he'd wind up with someone like Rich Kotite if he didn't allow the coach to be GM. On second thought, Rich Kotite may have been a better choice...
  16. Somebody said you can't coach effort. Maybe that's the problem...we have guys who are athletically very gifted but not motivated, meaning it's a character issue or they just hate the coaches.
  17. Thank God Jason Wright didn't make that comment. It would have said "This organization has 17 championships, are you fargin' kiddin' me? The last one was in 1983, right? Anyone? Lemme check my notes. My bad. Our last championship was in 1994. That's why we put it on the crest."
  18. Agree 101%. It's become a good ol' boys club. Of course, could it be possible that it's not the coaching at all, but it's that the players just aren't any good? Maybe the plays would work better if guys didn't just suck, so that means Ron & Co.'s talent evaluation is deficient and is the biggest problem facing this team.
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