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Everything posted by mh86

  1. It’s criminal how bad this OL is. I’ve watched them let free rushers pass. Watched as three blocked one guy while another runs past. I’ve seen them miss block after block as soon as the ball is snapped. Howell holds the ball too long at times, but he’s not the biggest issue here. What is our coaching staff doing to help either of these issues? Have we benched starters to see if someone else can do a better job? Have we changed up the running game or added screens / rollouts? Hey coaches, do your job.
  2. Agreed. Coaching and scheme are a huge factor in why we aren’t seeing growth in some of our players. Funny how they run around screaming “do your job”, yet they’ve taken almost no blame and are probably the prime reason.
  3. Hope. We’ve been living off hope for so long with this team. I would just like the chance to be confident in the off-season that we’ll have a good team.
  4. Well considering JDR is the one who seemed to really want Quan and Forbes, I lean towards blaming our coaches 99.99%
  5. Man such a shame about Michael J Fox. Imagine all the movies we missed out on.
  6. I honestly forgot he was on the team. Sad.
  7. Considering the giants are missing (I believe) 4 of their starters on the OL, we should dominate the LOS. So we’ll probably only get one sack.
  8. Many first round picks need help to be successful in the NFL. Was he a reach? Maybe. Regardless, he is who we have. Coaches should strive to place our players in the best situations. Especially when the coach in question wanted Forbes badly. However, that’s not the case. That being said, who’s at fault then? The player or the coach?
  9. He sure can, but not if JDR is leaving him on an island with AJ Brown. If the coaching staff does nothing to help him we will likely be calling for his bench again.
  10. This team hasn’t done much that makes sense the last few seasons
  11. I still blame JDR and his trash game plan for the eagles game. Forbes didn’t play great by all means, but he’s not nearly to blame as much as JDR. That being said at this time I wish we picked someone else.
  12. Wish our D was as good as the jets. Also, eagles just look overrated to me every time I watch them play.
  13. Good thing Ridder sucks. Two first career picks given in one game.
  14. Still in disbelief that we let a team that was practically taking players out on stretchers and replacing them with fans walk all over us. Ah who am I kidding, not surprised at all.
  15. Say one thing about Howell. He needs to commit to the run. He hesitates too much. He woulda had that
  16. They’ve looked bad since the fist snap. Get outta here with that
  17. They can’t even do the fundamentals right. This teams a joke
  18. I agree. I honestly don’t know how often Forbes was left alone with brown, I did see more than what he caught though. I feel like juste would have been better off maybe?
  19. I don’t mind Forbes, but I’m confused why they put him up against brown most of the game. Especially when it looked like he didn’t have safety help.
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