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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. You guys are forgetting the role JFK Jr plays in all of this - we haven't even gotten to Act 1 yet where he reveals himself
  2. Scoop: CIA director Gina Haspel almost resigned over plan to install Kash Patel as deputy https://www.axios.com/kash-patel-cia-gina-haspel-757b92c0-82a5-457b-bde8-d0d683ee222e.html
  3. Kash = Kash Patel, Trump placed him at the DoD and is likely why the National Guard wasn't approved to help with the Capitol security. Take a look at MyPillow Guy's notes and you'll see his name as who they plan to place as acting director of the CIA if they declared martial law. Dude is sketchy as **** and is connected to Devin Nunes/Russia misinformation
  4. DC has way too many National Guard stationed here and barricades set up. They won't be able to get anywhere near the inauguration. They'll instead focus on storming soft targets or other Capitol buildings (especially Michigan...I can see MD being a target too since they hate 'RINO's like Gov Hogan....and Virginia since they think Northam will take their guns). This is just my guess.
  5. These people are stupid, but I don't think they'll be in DC next week unless they have a death wish. It's a diversion.
  6. **** that article above - I'm not letting those idiots dictate my policies. I'm not going to walk on glass to try and not piss them off. They can grow a pair of balls and enter the real world with the rest of us in civilized society
  7. they should have just traded Kyrie for Harden straight up One head case for the other
  8. DC is so heavily fortified now, I doubt they show up. It'll be some place like California or Michigan they target instead
  9. and don't forget the QAnon factor....the people at the forefront of the lines were wearing QAnon ****. They were calling for holding congress people hostage
  10. I really worry for her during times like these....she had that crazy Coast Guard guy with guns after her previously
  11. crazy woman on CNN right now just interrupted Schumer's speech and said she got sexually excited the terrorists stormed the Capitol
  12. I could have sworn there was video from the other side of the rioters talking to the police - I thought they were breaking the glass with something sharp, I don't remember seeing guns
  13. they live meaningless lives and want to be martyrs. This weekend will be bad, it's almost certain. People showed up on Jan 6th prepared to die, the same will happen this weekend.
  14. That's clearly a Russian accent Just saw in the comments that was from an event in November - they didn't want to wear masks on the plane and assaulted a flight attendant
  15. Oh well - this is what happens when you don't hold the president accountable for not denouncing these groups. They have become emboldened more and more over the past 4 years because they know they have his backing.
  16. RE: Larry Hogan waiting for permission from DoD to send MSP to the Capitol What was stopping him from saying "**** it" and sending them anyways? What are the consequences? To me, it kinda outweighs sitting and waiting.
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