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Posts posted by thegreaterbuzzette

  1. 48 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    @Llevron and my wife trying to talk me out of letting some certifications expire.  It jus feels dumb maintaining redundant certs, I was going to go as far as taking them off my LinkedIn and resume.  But only one person agrees with me, so that's probably a sign...

    Out of curiosity what are the certs? And what makes them redundant?

    Unfortunately right now, hiring managers want certs (in many cases more so than degrees). I have my MBA with a concentration in HR, plus 10+ years in the field, and guess who is doing a lame boot camp for a certification right now?

  2. On 7/30/2021 at 1:03 AM, NoCalMike said:

    Can someone wiser on the subject explain to me how you eliminate the more severe gerrymandering going on?  From my understanding it is basically a "the winners get to map out the district maps" situation or something along those lines which is why it keeps getting more ridiculous as it goes, but the proposal to remedy this is what, have judges write them, yeah?  Is there any concrete established guidelines to use (or supposed to be using) when it comes to drawing districts or has this always kind of been an unwritten honor code thing and then once whoever started manipulating the district maps first, it just set off a domino effect that everyone is doing it now?

    You offer a $5mil award to solve it. I’m sure a group at MIT could easily write a program that does it straight off GPS coordinates and census data. Start in the most North West point in the USA and draw lines from there. It actually is a super easy lift. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, abdcskins said:

    I could do without the American cheese, but looks good. I believe I see some avocado in there. Corned beef? What kind of chips are those? 

    American Cheese (was supposed to be Colby but it was past it’s prime apparently so had to sub in the American)



    black forest ham

    oven roasted turkey 

    thick cut bacon

    red onion





    and Herr’s Old Bay chips


    I just thought that was a thing of beauty when I sliced in. I’m @TheGreatBuzz ‘s official sandwich maker. 


    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

    And I can't figure out why you were on my profile page. 

    It couldn’t possible be that you were literally the last post before I posted and I was trying to reaclimate myself with how all the things worked. 

    But alas, I remember the ray of sunshine you were and clearly still are. I had to ask the hubby who you even were, glad to see you are still super preoccupied with me. Move along. 

    • Haha 1
  5. On 8/5/2021 at 10:31 AM, PleaseBlitz said:

    Hopefully the judge picks the right hole for him to rot in for awhile. 

    I have a feeling he’s about to learn a whole lot about hole pickin’


    On 8/5/2021 at 10:42 AM, Forehead said:

    I'm annoyed these guys are only getting six months (essentially time served) in the judgments so far.  I was really hoping to see the hammer come down.

    are they being convicted of felonies at least?

  6. 1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

    Gee, what could go wrong? Kinda like those guys who wanted to fly planes but not land em.

    Somebody knows something. 

    What are you suggesting is the "obvious wrong" here? Allowing non-American citizens to train along side our troops?


    What are your thoughts then on the non-Americans that enlist?


    Or the Iraqi fighters that serve alongside our troops in the Middle East?

  7. Question ——why is the focus on insurance costs and not healthcare costs? If doctors and facilities charged a reasonable price for procedures, meds, diagnostics.....wouldn’t the system fix itself?


    highly recommend the “Adam Ruins Everything” episode on healthcare. It explains how we got to our current state.



    spoiler alert - it’s not the republicans fault.

  8. 33 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


    Everybody I know shops around for airline prices and tickets.  Price isn't the only thing that matters (quality in terms of stops, etc.), but prices are a big driving factor.  I don't know anybody that just says they always fly whatever airline without looking at prices.



    I'm writing my MBA thesis on the airline industry and I can say with certainty price is the absolute determination of airline ticket purchases. The things you mentioned are sometimes a thought, but ultimately it is a solely price driven utility when it comes to personal leisure travel.



  9. 51 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


    As to which one takes precedence, I don’t believe we know the answer to that.

    I find these things written purposely. Therefore, Constitution takes precedence.


    1 - it is mentioned 1st

    2 - it has no qualifier

    3 - President and superior Officer orders are mentioned second

    4 - POTUS and Officer orders have qualifier “according to refs and UCMJ.....”

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:


    If people, not including criminals, want to move here, then yes. We give all kinds of money to corporations and the extremely wealthy, we can't spare some for people who want to come here and work and become citizens?


    Do you consider Military Times as a reliable source?  The Washington Post?







    There's a whole bunch of similar articles if one Googles "veterans deported".


    Both your sources indicate the rules in place were not followed. That's an entirely different issue.


    Also, indicates veterans who did NOT follow thru on the entire process. Would be interested to know why.

  11. 33 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


    Is thst really true? I've seen stories where veterans are deported. I think the Trump administration is deporting anyone that they can. 


    Remember, the administration is on record in the media that incarceration and separation of children and families is the policy to discourage others from coming into the U.S.

    Care to link a story from a worthy source? Also, any response to the 1st question I asked?

  12. 28 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


    That doesn’t add up. Hospitals are kept around 65 degrees in their coldest areas like operating rooms. 


    If you need winter jackets and beanies, it’s far colder than that. At this point, I don’t give them the benefit of the doubt. They’re either in those clothes to hide their malnutrition and dirty hair from the cameras or they’re purposely cranking the temperature down lower than needed as part of their cruelty. 


    I guess it is nice to give them warm clothes to accommodate the cold before making them sleep on a concrete floor 


    1 - I wasnt offering that as justification for the cold. I was more suggesting that would be their excuse.


    2 - 65° to those used to living in 100° with no ac....they'd be cold.


    28 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    Except for criminals, yes. The way Trump and his minions treat the Dreamers is unfair also. And the service people and veterans, they should be processed through too. Let these people get on the path to citizenship and they can contribute to Social Security and Medicare. 


    It's better than treating them the way we are now. We give billions in corporate welfare that just goes into already wealthy pockets, certainly we can afford to treat people decently.

    So if every person anywhere in the world decided to move to America right now, you'd be cool with it?


    And those serving the country in uniform are already on a track to citizenship. Please don't utilize our armed forces just to prove a point. It's very disrespectful. 

  13. So here is where you're losing me, and I'm gonna try to type this whole thing out - so stick with me.


    I feel I should 1st start out by saying, separating families and what's going on at the border camps is appalling and wrong no matter which way you slice it.


     I also believe that those crossing the border to seek asylum, have a complete right to do so. But I also think we need a formalized true definition and instruction on what qualifies as asylum.


    Further, it goes without saying, that our entire immigration system needs an overhaul. We don't need to spend billions of dollars to build a wall, we need to spend the money on people, processes, and facilities to make this system work.


    I also agree that the rhetoric from the president is dangerous and is being used to divide and incite violence.


    And while I don't necessarily agree with the publicity and attempt to use this to further divide... ICE is doing exactly what their job is, when it comes to these "raids".


     These aren't asylum seekers, these are people who illegally crossed into the United States, and we're not only caught - but tried and convicted. These persons then chose to continue to stay in the United States knowing the consequences.


    While I'm sure we would love to be able to house, shelter, protect, employ, and everything else all of the people who have less than around the globe - it just simply isn't feasible.


    It just isn't logistically possible, at least not right now.


    I recommend for those on the extreme left to continue to focus on reuniting families, improving the situation at the facilities along the border, and lobbying for full on immigration system change. But if you continue down this path of saying those truly here illegally and convicted of such should somehow have a free pass just because everyone should be able to obtain the American dream…



  14. 24 minutes ago, tshile said:

    But not smart enough to not pick a fight with your wife ;) 

    That's how I 1st took it as well. Just wait, we'll be under 1 roof soon! *evil grin*


    3 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:



    That's what I was hoping. Like we both agree, pretty good chance our current governmental structure will look completely different within a few years. 


    3 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


    Pfft....she is like 5 states away.  Even SHE can't hit me with a frying pan from that distance. 

    You forget :

    1- I own the master Alexa that controls your echo

    2- I know the password to all your accounts.....you don't. 


    Happy Anniversary! 🙂

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