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Posts posted by thegreaterbuzzette

  1. 18 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    Started drinking early I see.

    Just a jamocha arby's shake.


    18 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    It's cute that you think people that rich and powerful will see even the smallest amount of justice served.


    Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. 

    You called me cute *blush*

    Justice has been a tornado lately. It levels one house, while leaving the neighbors house untouched. We have to wait and see I guess. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    The other thing that might come out of this is nothing.

    Yes. IMO this is an all or nothing. Either it disappears or explodes.

    38 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    It’ll definitely be nothing. The rich run the world. If they’re caught up in it, this whole thing will disappear. 

    Very likely. But I feel we are in a very different climate in many ways right now. I wouldn't bet $100 either way. 


    34 minutes ago, Mooka said:


    Fixed that for you. 

    Ha. True.


    20 minutes ago, Mooka said:

    How did these people avoid prosecution the first time around? 


    Was that part of the deal given to Epstein? 

    Yes. That's exactly how it happened. His deal was actually a deal for everyone involved. That's the main reason it's so insane. It protected everyone....except the victims.

    • Sad 1
  3. I'm not sure if everyone is grasping how huge of a deal this likely is. The amount of power and money that may (hopefully) eventually be brought to the surface is crazy.


    And yes, the thought of those asshats getting their due is so satisfying. But really think about it. We are talking about the owners of the biggest companies, politicians at all levels and both sides, high ranking police and military.


    stock market could be vastly impacted. Our remaining institutionalized law and order could be lost. Financial ruins are likely.


    it may sound silly, but this could have all the political/financial/societal impacts as a nuclear bomb attack.


    I mean let's face it, what you all are describing above of why Trump hadn't leaked this.....its MUTUALLY ASSURED DISTRUCTION.


    I swear.....no tin hat here.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    My girl goes to church every Sunday, its African, none of them are Trumpers.  I've never seen this issue in any black church really, this isnt an across the board Christianity issue.  327 million Americans, 70% identify as Christian while only 62 million people voted for Trump, which no one can say were all Evangelicals.  Are there hypocrites? Sure, but I have trouble with the idea either neither follows all the values or the ones that do are brain dead Trumpers.  Dems need to wake up and target Evangelicals kids for their votes instead of giving up because they can't get their parents money.

    None? That's a pretty bold statement. There's got to be at least one "I thought he liked me, tho" voter that is scared he'll be busted. Probably the one screaming the loudest about hating him now.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Epochalypse said:

    Complaining about how unfair it is when people group you with others who label themselves similarly, in a thread where you've done the exact same thing.


    It appears those hypocrisy lessons were well learned.

    Imagine what it's like to have an actual argument/debate with him in person. He'll base an entire argument just to prove a point about another argument from a week ago. And a week later, he'll argue the exact opposite. 

    He's a masterdebater 🙂

  6. 9 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    Nah, just like you posted in the other thread about There being a difference between actual Republicans and Trumpers... There’s like a billion Christians. A lot of them are really good people and actually try to live their lives according to their faith. Give me a billion of any demographic and  it’s not going to be hard to find some real pieces of **** though too. 


    But yeah, I can see how people could view a lot of the stuff that is the most in our faces recently as confirmation of the worst criticisms of evangelicals.


    edit: whoops, that was Buzzette in the other thread.

    Yup, that was me 🙂


    I know a lot of Christian's. I currently live in the bible belt and grew up in the delmarva bible belt....and I can honestly think of only THREE families that I fell truly live by Christian ideal values and the true teaching of Christ. Every single other one I know exploits, hypocrites, and selectively applies. No, not in the "no one is perfect, we seek forgiveness" kind of way either.....

    • Like 2
  7. 47 minutes ago, Mooka said:


    You're just not paying attention, or trying to be fair when its not warranted. 


    The GOP treats Me Too as a smear directly against them. Just like Black Lives Matter. This isn't party policy, this is marketing. 


    The Democratic Party isn't pumping out news 24/7 downplaying sexual assualt, they're not parading **** grabbing as "lockeroom talk," downplaying Roy Moore, calling Christine Blasey Ford a liar, pumping stories 24/7 reminding people that powerful men are unfairly under attack. Fox News has been running Kavanaugh/Blasey Ford stories for the prior week just to soften the Epstein case. (to remind people women lie about powerful men to bring them down) The stories were based on absolutely nothing.


    Don't even get me started on social media on this subject. Its so ****ing toxic don't even know where to start. 


    You could say this is all the media, but that's naivety IMO

    Right, they are too busy in-fighting about bussing, age-ism, and supporting segregationist.


    Also, believe it or not there is a difference between legacy GOP-ers and Trump-ers.



    6 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


    They seem to be employing the guy who covered it up last time in a key cabinet position, and it’s quite likely the current POTUS even participated in it. They’ve already backed a pedophile for a senate seat. 


    So so are they “against” busting it up? Their behavior suggests they are perfectly fine with powerful men who abuse women getting away with it. 

    Trump is employing. It is a presidential appointment position. I believe a form of impeachment is allowed, and we'll have to see how that plays out. 

  8. 26 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    Numerous Republicans from local, state, and federal levels are getting exposed. A few Democrats. And I don't think it's because Democrats are getting a pass. 


    The Republican party is filled with these deplorables. Hillary had it right about them. Although Bill might also be implicated in this filth. 


    Let no stone go unturned no matter who. Maybe if we start cleaning up this filth we can clean up other kinds, for instance treason.

    Really? You are bringing party lines into the guilt of this?


    Clinton is a former 2 term president whose wife is former member of senate, sec of state, and dem presidential nominee.


    Also, wasn't Trump registered as a Dem during this time? And endorsing and fundraising for Dems?


    This isn't a partisan crime or issue. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

    Exactly.  What made me ask was the Mitch story above.  Stating that his ancestors owned slaves like that is a big deal.  I would guess that 95% of white people whose family has been here for 3+ generations would have slave owners some where in their lineage.  But I couldn't find anything to actually show a study regarding it.  


    *Mitch is still a turd, this isn't meant as some sort of defense for him.  

    I would bet it is actually less than people think. Remember that majority of slaves were owned by the wealthy. Many white immigrants came over and were quite poor, barely having a roof over their heads - Italians, Irish, Jewish, etc. Many were indentured servant to pay off their debt of the trip.


    Now those that go 3+ generations back in the south.....that % I'm sure is much higher. 

  10. On 6/5/2019 at 8:16 PM, twa said:


    they do compartmentalize damage and isolate shooters , which is good unless you are in the targeted one.


    greater good

    Yup....there is no absolute. Same with the ****pit door on planes now. 99% of the time it's awesome. Except for when the pilot goes rogue.


    Edit - I cant say ****pit?!


    On 6/5/2019 at 9:40 PM, Renegade7 said:


    Way I'd hope it'd be treated is on a building by building basis, an actual plan for first responders and whoever they are calling for backup.  


    Do a risk assessment, you have SOPs and Incident Response Plans to go with your Security Policy (hopefully having one).  The truth in computer security is the most important thing to protect are the people, not the computers, physical security has its own chapters in certifications like Security+ and CISSP.  You can fail for not thinking a lit parking lot at night for your employees was important.

    I'm CompTIA Security+ certified.....I do not recall physical security being heavy on the exam at all. While I agree on your sentiment....that part just made me pause. Then again, I got certified 10+ years ago. 



    On 6/6/2019 at 3:16 PM, TheGreatBuzz said:

    Both black, plastic, and something I would only use on others.

    Um.......remember your wife is here.

  11. 4 hours ago, twa said:


    I see the need to quit killing people as more urgent .....most that see them as human lives would.


    That they might die if we let them live is a piss poor position to start from.

    So you can’t walk and chew gum at the same time?

    wouldn't the public education, health, and criminal resource items I listed do more than substantially cut down on abortions?


    why can’t you not find value in all humans, and not just ones not yet born?

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, twa said:


    Quite a few thru the govt, and I do some on my own.


    So are you shouting just as loud for those as you are for anti-abortion? Where is that conversation?


    14 hours ago, twa said:


    actually I mentioned rates in response to Burgold's use of rates.....details

    Burgold brought up infant mortality as an effort to show that there are strong considerations for the health of the child post birth than just insisting birth. Plus your above statement indicates that you too acknowledge the horrible infant mortality rates so you are in agreement that those numbers are in fact relevant and important.....so you cant just pick and choose when analytics are important. 


    17 minutes ago, twa said:



    reducing lives to numbers is just math, denying life is denying life.

    Ok, so save all the lives. What programs you supporting and funding for proper sex education, affordable/accessible birth control,  community health clinics, expanding affordable childcare options, welfare/WIC increases, therapest/social services/CPS funding to help investigate insest and pedophilia?

    • Like 2
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  14. 1 minute ago, twa said:


    well I took that a numbers person was playing games...but that's just my nature


     3.978 million births in 2015 vs ?

    It's not # of births vs # abortions that lead to the higher # of deaths.


    It's a ratio. It is used to level the playing field when comparing figures. This is why it's a "per 100,000".

  15. On 6/11/2019 at 6:30 AM, Cooked Crack said:




    My exact reaction when I learned this - "What in the handmaids tale are you thinking Alabama?"

    My exact action when I learned this - scheduled a longterm BC appointment the next day. 


    I live 2 miles from Alabama...can't wait to move back north soon! Scary.

    • Thanks 2
  16. 24 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

    True, you caught me, I was speaking more to hoping you would read more about it versus dismissing my example, not abortion in general.  That's reasonable when having a discussion with someone over the internet, but not when they're sitting right in front of you.



    But for the record I didn't (intend to) dismiss your example. I simply was asking for a modern day example. Which you 100% provided with the billboards. I 100% do not approve of the billboards. As I do not believe in utilizing shock and awe to "bully" someone into a decision.


    I remember being in middle school and walking around our county fair exhibits with a couple friends. This was in a very red area of Maryland. And without even realizing it we were at a pretty pink booth, with candy, and religious emblems with an older man showing us graphics and telling us how late term abortions are performed. I was maybe 11? 11!



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