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Everything posted by CousinsCowgirl84

  1. im not sure,maybe because they were charged with murder..... seems dangerous as ****.
  2. I mean, the media eventually recognized what he did, but not till after your post.... the backtracking backtrack that wasn’t is in a lot of ways worse than the original “screw my intelligence i’m with putin”... I just don’t get the upside for Trump.....
  3. He wants to become less embarrassed by the Cohen interview.... this has nothing to do with trump.
  4. If your going to say that cops earned mistrust because of some cops behaving badly you how is it different than making the same argument about any particular race, of which consists of some people behaving badly? When your on the beat, in the hood, and you see a lot of black people doing crime, (a police officer would naturally see a lot of crime) it would be easy to think all blacks are like that... When you are constantly getting stopped, profiled, fines into prison, it’s easy to think all cops are corrupt. im not seeing a huge difference there. Both are wrong... You would expect cops to be held to a higher standard, but they are held to a lesser one... they get the benefit of the doubt....
  5. Hi. No, I did not take offense to it. I understand your frustration. When you use someone’s evil acts to justify your own evil acts you justify theirs in kind. I do not want to justify them.
  6. Lets go back to the tape: https://www.google.com/amp/s/fivethirtyeight.com/features/registered-voters-who-stayed-home-probably-cost-clinton-the-election/amp/ Whelp, there it is.
  7. It has nothing to do with being civil. Cursing screaming and kicking your feet is not where I want to be as a society. So I won’t do it. The fact is that if half the people saying “we ain’t need to be civil” voted, we wouldn’t have to have a discussion about whether or not we need to be civil. This is not close to the worst passage in our history. Civil war and Japanese interment camps were worse. But you know, hah, facts....
  8. So much for the the US giving NK everything and getting nothing in return...
  9. Would watch but it’s really right in the middle of the work week during a weekday... what are are the odds on Croatia vs Russia?
  10. This congress was voted into office. We got to deal with the hand we got and not create precedent for unelected organization being able to remove people from office, that’s my point.
  11. I think of if the president killed someone in the streets, there would be enough votes for impeachment. A president removed from office can’t pardon himself. So he could be indicted. Iif he kills someone and gets re-elected, the voting public decided the killing was justified, If impeaching trump was a way to guarantee re-election you would see lines of republican congressmen chomping at the bit to impeach him.
  12. it would not make the president above the law, congress could still impeach him under the law, then he could indicted... would put him under the law. Or since a presidency only lasts 4-8 years wait until he is out of office if congress doesn’t impeach. The other thing is that the people get to decide on who is in congress every two years. So, if congress was a lapdog for the president and the american people wanted justice all they would have to do was vote in people who promised to impeach him, give LEA authority to indict him. What you are arguing for is the ability for an unelected agency to remove an elected official from office. Im not a fan of that. Even in this case. Thats sort of what Iran has with its "presidential elections".
  13. I know your asking twa, but I don’t think president can be indicted (a long with all the rest) while he is president. He’d have to be impeached first... I know it’s wrong, but I think that’s what makes the most sense. If he was convicted while he was president he could pardon himself...
  14. Are those tweets about the new trench and and the ac
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