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Everything posted by CousinsCowgirl84

  1. Refusing to give trump any money for walls (despite doing so numerous times in the past for other presidents) is not negotiating. Pelosi hasn’t offered trump anything he could reasonably accept. Democrats should ask for more concessions in return for money (less than he wants) for a wall. I doubt trump is going to open the government without any money for the wall. So unless you can get republican senators to flip gl with the stance that democrats don’t need to negotiate.
  2. The only issue I have with the pelosi thing is that all these media outlets are outraged that trump leaked her travel plans but they (the media) are the same people that chose to release the leak...
  3. What is he going to talk about tomorrow then if it’s not declaring an emergency..
  4. Assassinators might prefer a 3D printed guns. Single shot, untraceable. Can easily melt it down after your done... the gun he made available can be printed on a 300 dollar printer. (I wouldn’t use it in my hand, tho. Making something that sets of a bullet isn’t that difficult... but rather controlling where the bullet goes after that is the hard bit. a high quality sls printer can be bought for 7500... not exactly out of the reach of someone who really wants one.
  5. Mitch isn’t acting like an adult either. To be fair to Pelosi, playing the part of a clown is sort of in her job description... she has to rally her base as well (or troops, whatever)
  6. New laws are routinely written and enforced. The argument that’s it’s too expensive to enforce doesn’t hold water with me. I agree that there will be lawsuits. The fact that a law will be challenged doesn’t make it a bad law. We are talking about Virginia. Good less guns. Sounds good to me. Which are, specifically? We we can have that discussion once a mass shooter ever chooses a weapon with a smallish magazine. I don’t have an opinion necessarily on charging someone else for your crime, seems like a bad idea imo. And doesn’t really stop the shootings. No body things their little Jeromy is going to be the next school shooter. It gives people a few more seconds to run. I think it’s a much more difficult task to evaluate everyone’s mental state vs getting rid of dangerous guns. Ones relativity straight forward, you can see the gun, you can remove it. The other is completion abstract. Who decides whose crazy.
  7. Shouldn’t be allowed? He’s the president of the United States. He is part of the government, he’s free to talk about It. From the Oval Office. I don’t like the move Pelosi made but I understand why she did it. It’s a shame that neither her or trump are willing to act like adults. Trump started it but they are both responsible.
  8. spice, synthetic weed... asbestos.. now with opiates. There is no hard evidence one way or the other. Only empirical evidence. Every time someone does a mass shooting, they choose a legal high capacity fire arm. Thats a good reason, for me, to limit the number of bullets in a gun. There will be pains of passing and implementing anything. yeah, i edited my post because i was wrong about that.
  9. It wouldn’t set precedent. The precedent has been set. I find the whole discussion “but imagine how much it cost to regulate my guns” to be ineffective. If we are worried about the costs that can easily be solved by increasing concealed carry permit costs, taxes on weapons, ect. Meh. Thats a real shame. I say if you can get the votes you get to make the laws. So dems have taken over in va so thy get to write the laws, if that causes a red wave then the republicans get to write laws, That’s how democracy works. That’s how it’s always been. You hate the argument because it’s a bad argument. The parkland shooter and lanza, they got the guns because their parents had them, not because they were some career criminals with th street knowledge to obtain illicit guns When is the last time a mass shooter did his business with an illegal gun. QED. I only fired a gun once, when i was like 8, so no, I am not an expert on the tactical advantage of larger clips, but hey, you know, if the mass shooters main weapon of choice was a revolver or two shot shotgun your argument might have more credence. All the evidence (aside from your protests) i can find seems to indicate larger clips represent a tactical advantage. easier than evaluating everyone’s mental state.
  10. IMO, tactical advantage is tactical advantage. Possible solutions to the problem? All i said was the 10 round limit seems reasonable. That is a possible solution. I mean, not a solution, more of an easy first step.
  11. The reason i didn’t answer is because i don’t see how your question is relevant. The short answer is no, you do not need to offer any compensation. But to the question “is making guns that have a capacity over ten rounds illegal a good idea” the question of how much compensation to pay to keep gun owners legal seems like it would come after answering the first question and therefore isn’t relevant to the first question. What money? Two to four seconds every ten seconds, yes, i do thing that would give people who can run more of a chance. Also, it’s not a this or that like you framed it. It’s this, and that. Who cares. The same way that police enforce any new laws. This is a rediculous question. They are illegal, turn them in, or if you get caught you’ll be arrested. Did you now that there are a lot of people breaking laws right now and aren’t being caught? Yeah, because the law doesn’t catch all criminals. The goal isn’t to stop all criminals. Just make incremental improvements. A 10 round limit makes incremental improvements, it doesn’t solve the problem. That’s all you can hope for. And it’s a lot more concrete that some abstract “improve mental health” alternative. There is no downside afaik to the 10 round limit, except for the fact you want your toys. I get it but that’s not a reason to make a change that can save some lives.
  12. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/handguns-magazine-capacity/ this website agrees with me... larger magazines better for killing
  13. If your argument is that larger magazines have no tactical advantage the army and police would beg to differ.
  14. When your firing into groups of people accuracy isn’t a limiting factor
  15. I’m sure having to deal with multiple magazines, reloading, ect, would have an impact on the amount of shot a shooter could take. That should be really easy to test though. Go to a range and fire off 60 shots then get a gun with a 10 round clip and reload it six times.
  16. 2 to three seconds every 10 seconds is enough time to get away. Plus, your not counting the time it takes to grab it, and the fact that a mass shooter would have to carry around a lot of magazines that would weigh and slow him down
  17. If your not saying it is, then why does it matter? Theres a huge performance difference between an ar15 with a 50 round magazine and a hand gun with a 10 round clip or a two shot shotgun. Reloading times would be significantly higher giving people more time to run...
  18. Ask people to turn them in. Yes, i’m fine with it. I’m fine with it being nation wide, but i’m also fine with local governments deciding. The argument that we can’t place restrictions on new gun sales because there are too many guns is a dumb argument.
  19. a 10 round limit would mean that the parkland shooter, sandy hook shooter, ect, would of had to reload constantly, that would have made a large impact on the amount of lives lost. Those guys aren’t manufacturing a special weapon clip....
  20. most crazy people and school shooters aren’t making extended clips. Niether are gangbangers.
  21. trump as nothing to lose... i wouldn’t count on him backing down. I actually found this reasonable... The border wall solution Trump hasn't thought of (CNN)President Donald Trump has not been able to persuade Congress that US national security requires the building of a wall at our southern border. If, however, a national emergency really exists, as the President insists, then he should take his case directly to the American people and look to other ways to pay for a wall -- ways that do not require the use of pre-existing taxpayer dollars https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/14/opinions/trump-border-wall-bonds-solution-zelizer-zeldin/index.html
  22. why does anyone need a gun that has more than ten bullets?
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