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Bozo the kKklown

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Everything posted by Bozo the kKklown

  1. Where are the wealthy people who donated to the Cathedral of Norte Dame?
  2. I love those (GENERIC STEREOTYPE MILDLY RACIST DESCRIPTION) thinking they can beat her in a debate, LOL. MOD edited.
  3. Not sure if you all care but Brazil had an American style of corruption to put corn Lula da Silva. It was all intercepted and involved Supreme Court Justices, etc https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/brazil-car-wash-prosecutors-workers-party-lula/ More in the article
  4. Chicago has a lot of gun violence, partly because you can drive 50 minutes to Indiana and buy all the guns you want. You can also go down to Missouri and buy guns. I grew up in PG County, and we have a no fireworks policy. But fireworks still went off on July 4 because you can buy all you want at the pop-up fireworks stand on the DC side of the DC/Maryland border.
  5. Link for think for those that cannot click through my post https://www.gq.com/story/americas-mass-shooting-republican-rule
  6. Read the rest here: GQ - America’s Mass Shooting Epidemic Is the Result of Republican Minority Rule
  7. No, you can keep it at corporate media. CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, NY Times, National Review, Sinclair Broadcasting Group, Fox, and other corporate media outlets all traffic in their pretend quest for impartiality. They h
  8. Its bigger than Fox News. This is a corporate takeover of our country.
  9. This little demon and his family should be on an terrorist watch list.
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