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Everything posted by SkinssRvA

  1. I will give Bradley as much crap as the next guy but he has been our only solid midfielder the majority of the hex, save our first game. And he hasn't done anything really poor today. Gonzo, Beasley and Zusi though....wow are they bad and slow
  2. Honduras playing much bettter and making us look extremely bad defensively
  3. What on earth is Gonzalez doing? He had about 3 different opportunities to make that tackle...
  4. All of their attacks are coming down Beasley's flank. Overall we look much better than them, their only ability is kicking our players
  5. Anyone care to recap the match? Missed it....hoping the 2-0 loss was Bull ?
  6. That's a bit misleading, but I get it. Media love to drum up all the drama. Ox is the only one who rejected us, and he did so for his club he grew up rooting for. Lukaku and llorente we never made a formal move for. The price quoted for both was too high for marina. Barkley, well he agreed to personal terms with us but popped out during his medical, for any number of reasons being that he's injured. More likely than not, he is ours in January if we want him...I'm sure we believe we can get him cheaper then considering he will not have played for a while and still won't accept an Everton contract.
  7. Not all of us have these fancy twitters @DC9 and instagrams. Plus, how often are reports wrong???? Afterall, Chelsea had Lukaku and Ox in the bag...
  8. Predict Sanchez to city as the last big move for PL squads. Leaving Man city with a billion attackers and 2 defenders, both of which are wbs. The vaunted 2-8 formation... Disappointed so far with Chelsea's dealings. The iron lady Marina doesn't seem to have an ounce of negotiation in her...it's her way or the highway. Russians...who knew they could be hard to deal with
  9. Ox has been a liverpool fan forever. Not a surprise he wants to go there if the opportunity presents itself. I wish him all the best jk hope he sucks
  10. Looks like Chelsea have agreed with Arsenal over Ox. Surprising given we would need him for wingback cover and apparently he doesn't like playing there. He can also provide Midfield cover if needed...and he helps with the English quota...
  11. Why are they doing a medical now if he is going to join next summer? Yes when he signed the two year contract it was very very strange. Now with Alexis, Ox, and Ozil all on the final year of their contracts...he's in big trouble if he doesn't turn the ship around. Maybe he should just resign, do everyone a favor.
  12. Arsenal look like relegation fodder. Arsene won't get past December at this rate
  13. City escape again! Arguably most talent in the pl for the second straight year and if they keep playing like this it's a man united runaway. I think they'll pull it together soon enough...they have to right? @Gibbs Hog Heaven rumors are that the ox isn't happy playing wingback. Which, is surprising to me given it's probably where he plays best. When he plays as a winger or central midfielder he doesn't contribute nearly enough. So far he's turned down massive wage offer from arsenal, more probably than Liverpool or Chelsea even would pay. If he goes, it's gotta be a deadline deal day because I don't see clubs budging on his wage demands...
  14. I can't believe Martinez is calling up Eden for international duty. The nerve of this guy. Gets him injured then calls him up for games against the mighty greece and gibraltar without consent from Chelsea. If you can't beat Greece and Gibraltar without Eden then do you really deserve a job, Martinez? He hasn't played competitively in months...if he plays a full 90 I'm going to lose it.
  15. Liverpool and ManU waltz to the knockout stage. Come on Jose, complain about matching for me just so I can get even angrier. At name value Group H is hardest and C is second. Outside of those groups it should be pretty straightforward for everyone else.
  16. Poch is a good tactician for sure, no doubt about it. But as a leader of men I'm not so sure. We've seen it plenty of times, but none more noticeable than when they've played Chelsea over the years. And today they should have had two sent off, dier is a dirty dirty player. All their players lose their minds and resort to thuggish behavior. Conte has shown me a lot, conversely. Second half last week and then again today...that's leading men. The squad is thin, or we are down 2 men...doesn't matter you play with 100% and he demands it. Last thought on todays game: Kante is I think some sort of machine. I've never seen anyone with so much energy, and his ability to break up play is really an amazing thing to watch.
  17. Oh what a game Marcos Alonso! Who needs Sandro when we've got alonsoooooo. eat it spuds, lucky not to have two sent off. Hope your woes at wembley continue indefinitely
  18. The writing has been on the wall for Barca for the last few years, obviously reaching their apex a few years back with the treble. The entire team is aging, and messi's decline (albeit he will still be top 2 in the world) will be more rapid than Ronaldo's, I bet. The real move for Coutinho either comes very late in this window or more likely next summer, when iniesta is on his last last last last last legs. I feel like I say he's on his last legs every year tho...
  19. I would encourage you, if you'd like to use the Senate/Strom Thurmond case to look at all the other senate dixiecrats as well. I don't want to derail the thread but it's an interesting topic if there's another thread on it. Also, the civil war would be a great thread to have too as I see a lot of compelling thoughts and discussion points, and also just complete misinformation.
  20. Kind of, if you are referencing the new deal. And kind of, to your second point as well. Careful using this logic for le big switch
  21. They will argue as they often do that it's a symbol of freedom. states rights. Yadda yadda. which in a ****ized way, they actually are. If you want a real loser jersey I'll send you a Liverpool top. Haven't won premier league title ever. My friends over in soccer thread won't like that joke
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