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Everything posted by SkinssRvA

  1. ^^ Fake News Fake News! The batman has already laughed it off and made sure it's clear he was not laughing at Morata. He may have been laughing at Courtois though
  2. As it stands now you've got Chelsea too high. after today arsenal are too high too, imo. The other four (city, pool, Man U, and spurs) are all the front runners imo with city the favorites. Good luck to all, honestly, and I hope that pl represents in the champions league.
  3. I know you don't like Chelsea, nothing too wrong with that! We can always agree on skins. You and ghh and fanboy and long n left and all the others, all good dudes and know the game. you've just got it wrong as far as pl squads go moving forward solanke is so young and raw. He is a promising player no doubt, but with a long way to go. He's also a bit of a head case, if that means anything. Not overly rapid or technical, but a knack for goal. One decisive move and make your play, that's his game. Pool need a top number 9 before they can convince me they are title contenders. last thought: I practice here in Richmond all the time. I'm not young anymore, but I'm disciplined. Anyway, I went out this afternoon and there was a group of young kids training, teenagers probably. Looked like a tryout to me given the numbers and method of separation. I was taken aback by the lack of skill and actual coaching going on. I didn't interrupt. These kids are learning nonsense I saw them repeatedly stop flow of the game and lose possession without being taught the correct way to progress. It's not the best example being here in richmond, but travel squads/academies have a long way to go. @RichmondRedskin88 see me on the pitch, bro!
  4. Not sure why the bolding is all messed up. On mobile so can't fix it.
  5. @DC9 financially Chelsea were in a bad spot that's clearly documented. But they had a very good spine of players already in place and finished fourth that year, needing a win against the mighty reds to secure it! In fact, Liverpool had the opportunity to essentially keep roman from buying the club, all they needed to do was beat chelsea.
  6. I have always said Chelsea did similar. It's fair to say though psg and even man city are spending at different levels than even back in 2003 for Chelsea. But the difference is Chelsea was coming into prominence before roman got here (kinda)! they had already been top four and qualified for CL before he bought the club. But yea roman is essentially the reason for ffp, no argument from me
  7. Depends on which clearance you're going for. Frequency within the past ten years is certainly a factor. Admitting you smoked one time 10 years ago is not going to hold back a TS (on its own). If you've been smoking daily up until you the day you fill out your sf86 that's not acceptable. Each case is evaluated on and individual basis though.
  8. So Neymar's move is certainly about money. He made more in bonus money alone from signing wih psg than he did last year in contract with Barca. His father from what I understand also gains massively from the deal. BUT! If I may play devils advocate here. If Neymar does have ambition to remove himself from shadows of the best players in the world and establish himself as the best, what better platform than PSG? A talented squad with no true superstars that is guaranteed CL football year in year out. And pretty much guaranteed the ligue un hardware. He is immediately the face of PSG which is, due to Qatari money, an absolute monster of a club now. THey will pay for their fans, players, and eventually European championships. I think there's a massive underestimation of how good a deal this is for them. THey essentially gained an entire continent of followers due to this move. Messi I would say has 3-5 more years at the absolute top of his game. Suarez maybe 3. That would put Neymar at 28-30 by the time they are both gone... not a lot of time left at that point in his own career to cement himself as an all time great. While Messi is still at Barca, no one will supplant him as alpha dog on the pitch. He is their golden boy unlike any other player we have ever seen. psg just sent a massive message to the rest of world football
  9. I still hold some sort of hope that costa can come back and play without issue until January. It's why I still have him as avatar. But if I'm honest with myself, it ain't happenin. We are in a worse spot at cm than you say, but better spot at cb. The good thing we have, especially defensively, is versatility. Azpi can play wingback or cb, Alonso can play wb or cb, and rudiger can play wb or cb. Pedro even played wb at times last year. Midfield is so bare it's criminal. Three players that I would trust in the whole squad, for two spots. Kante, Baka, and fabregas. You are are right at striker. With injuries we had to play morata in a wide role and batshuayi up front. Let alone conte hates batshuayi for whatever reason, but playing morata out of position is stinting him. Anyway, we need players in before the window closes. If not we are in big trouble. I'd say another midfielder or two, and creative attacker at least. And hopefully the last one would be Sandro, but if not I'd take Ox
  10. @Morrison J I think there are two main factors that go into my valuation of Chelsea, as they are today. Lack of quality depth and more games. So more games is obvious with European football back in the mix. The depth is an issue. Right now Pedro, hazard, and bakayoko are injured and morata is not fit. Since this time last year we have sold or loaned something like 20 players, half of which had been in the squad at some point. we've signed 4. Our 20 goal scoring, pl proven line leader is gone. Even with all that I'd say domestically we can still compete and finish anywhere in top 4. But with CL and the need to rotate squad, I have us further back. And as far as spurs, they have been pretty complacent in the market and lost a good player in walker. Also I hate them.
  11. If Coutinho goes to Barca, wouldn't that be the weirdest... A huge reason Neymar wanted to leave apparently was because the club wasn't signing his buddies...like Coutinho. Then Neymar leaves and BOOM in comes his buddy. Strange stuff. FWIW I don't actually want coutinho to go. I won't be upset or anything if he does because it will weaken a top side, but if the PL is going to get back to competing in CL...and I mean really competing...we need to keep our best players in the midst of international interest. A stronger PL is good for all teams
  12. Liverpool looked quite ready for the season to start, well done. May have to amend my preseason prediction and move liverpool up to finishing 2nd. Still think City, under the current setup in the PL, can walk to the title. With Neymar saying his good byes hopefully Barca will act on Coutinho quick!
  13. Neymar wants that $$$$$$ and truthfully I won't hold it against him. He's got a bit of Mcgregor/Mayweather in him
  14. True very early for predictions, but still fun. Sounds like Liverpool are still doing business in the market, and Chelsea certainly are (err.....have to) so definitely moving parts. I also expect City may splurge on another full back or three
  15. The overhaul of Mourinho stalwarts at Stamford Bridge is almost complete. Matic likely signing for Manure today or tomorrow for 40m or so. Good bit of business, I must say, but outside of Hazard Matic will be the last remaining Jose Mourinho player. Costa, Matic, Oscar, Mikel, Ramires, Terry (kind of), all gone. Fabregas demoted. Oh, Cahill....I guess Cahill is actually Mourinho's last (again, kinda). Fond memories of Matic and is a really good defensive player shielding the back four on his day. However in 2015 and 2016 seasons he really dipped in form often...he was asked to do too much and be a box-to-box. Under Mou he will probably sit back deep in a midfield 3 where he is best and allow Pogba to get more free and attacking. We'll truly see this year if Pogba was worth his price. Conte isn't happy, moaning about how he needs more players and setting relatively low expectations. I don't necessarily disagree, but you can't just sell everyone off and not expect teams to know you are desperate to buy and inflate prices. Roman is trying his mightiest to run the club like a business now (more or less), and not like a fun little football manager game where you just buy all the players you want with no repercussions. Add on to that our two most creative players Hazard and Pedro are injured, we play four of the top 7 teams in our first 7 games, and things may be rocky in the early going. So, here are my way too early top 6 predictions for the PL: 1. Man City* 2. Man Utd* 3. Liverpool* 4. Chelsea* 5. Tottenham* 6. Arsenal* I almost put spuds at 4 ahead of chels but I just couldn't do it, f them. *I reserve the right to change these at any time up until the start of the season
  16. Monaco may not be able to guess a team next year. They've been raided hard
  17. He's a good player for sure. His biggest strength as far as I glean is that he's versatile. I think he started as a winger for RB, then moved central and played all roles: box to box, defensive, attacking. To your point, there are a few managers in the world who I would trust to bring in their own players...Klopp is one one them, thankfully Conte is too. Pep on the other hand just buys for fun no matter the price or skill set. LOL he has bought 3 defensive flanks for a total of like 140m. What an absolute waste of money.
  18. Really don't think he's worth that fee. Understand I'm biased, but in a world where kante is 35m and bakayoko close to the same... dont get me wrong he's a good footballer. Just as a club you've got to ask yourself, if we are going to shatter our club transfer fee are we willing to bank it all on keita. Huge transfers can ruin the way clubs do business for years if they turn sour. If you said to me: "skinssrva, where would you spend 70+m on Liverpool squad?" CM would be probably last on the list.
  19. Wonderful video. Really excited about this kid and quite honestly shocked Real Madrid would let such a high potential kid who came from their youth academy go!
  20. Coutinho is onf of the true top talents in the EPL. There are only a few out there in the EPL where the teams that own their rights need to be worried about the big spanish giants coming and buying them. Two of them are goal keepers...and outside of them I'd really say there are only 5 or 6 left. Coutinho Hazard Jesus (not yet, but he's got the potential to get there) Dele Bellerin Pogba With Coutinho and Hazard being the oldest of the bunch they are in that stage where literally every window Chelsea and Liverpool should be worried.
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