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Everything posted by SkinssRvA

  1. Here's my thing: I don't really care. If you want to take down statues of confederates, I'm going to be ok with it. But you need to answer the "why" for me. Are you actually upset about a statue? Or is this your way of signaling to the world your superior morals? I'm a 30 something white guy, these statues dont bother me. If it's difficult for others, let's help them feel comfortable. If it means tearing down some statues then that's a concession that I feel a reasonable person can make. What are some of these statues doing there anyway? Lots of them don't seem to make logical sense contextually. Same goes for people protecting the statues. Why? Are you trying to "protect free speech" or are you using that as a veil to hide racist motives? When white supremacists show up I'm going to dock you very valuable points in the game of social correctness. I guess I want a discussion to take place before we all show up in riot gear wielding weapons and running over each other in cars demanding things happen. what I really hope we don't lose is our landmarks. Places where significant events in history took place. The civil war is the deadliest war in American history by a long shot. The death toll alone is remarkable and stands the test of time. There's much to be learned from it even to this day. I walk in Richmond every day and can find a new plaque telling me what happened here 150 years ago. It's not good or bad, it's just statements of fact about the war. The southern White House, the houses and churches that were used as hospitals, the buildings burned, yes even monument Avenue.
  2. I'd erect a statue of them down south, but think of the implications. You're really....flirtin with disaster....if you ask me. Ill see myself out
  3. Tbf, they aren't equivalent. Nazis/white supremacists are beyond dangerous and despicable. But saying blm = nazis doesn't make that person a nazi. It just makes them wrong. I echo @Destino, I haven't seen a single pro nazi comment.
  4. Don't get me started on irregardless I'm not really opposed to tearing down confederate monuments I guess, as long as the scope of it is related only to monuments that glorify the confederate cause. Here in Richmond you can't walk down the street without passing a monument or building that serves as a landmark of confederate history. The white house, churches, hospitals, plaques, etc. I'd hate to lose all that. I guess the first question I would ask when I see a monument is why the hell is it here. If there isn't a good reason, it can go for all I care. Or FDR for his internment.
  5. The easiest way to determine is to remove the other person/people in the sentence. "That was the way subject had always raised me" "That was the way subject had always raised I"
  6. Diego is being exactly what he has always been: a menace. The man has never settled in England and since the day he came has been angling for a move back to Atletico. For him to come out with this "woe is me," victim piece is beyond garbage. He made his bed in January, and now has to lie in it. I'm happy to let him rot in Brazil for the rest of his contract, see how he likes it. Time for an avi change.
  7. ? Don't understand your point, honestly. I did change it to inherited, before you quoted me. Lee was the executioner of the Custis will, assets were not given directly to Lee. It does not excuse the way he treated black people, slaves, or anyone else. In fact Lee was very harsh toward slaves. He did free them, but not of his own volition. If this is not accurate history then I'm happy to admit I am wrong.
  8. I am no history major...no degrees in it whatsoever. But I'm pretty sure Lee didn't actually own the slaves. They were "inherited" through his wife's family, Custis. Lee himself came from a poor family. And he did free them, but it was mandated in Custis' will. Whether he would have done so given complete freedom we will ever know.
  9. Lee was a poor strategist. He galvanized troops but made countless wrong decisions. He was the Rex Ryan of setting up an offensive gameplan. As far as Charlottesville, it shouldn't be so hard to say wow, neo-nazis are bad. Nazis are bad, slavery is bad. Allowing a platform for hatred masqueraded as free speech rallies is bad. This is literally day one stuff.
  10. He was booked in he first three minutes of the game for a completely fair challenge that won him the ball. Honestly not sure why he got booked. My my problem with the ref is this: first the red card given the circumstances and timing, is a 50/50. He called it a red, I'm not overly thrilled but I can see why. BUT he has set a standard with that red. Every call that follows must meet that standard. Unfortunately it was only met for one side. Burnley had three challenges alone that, by that standard, should have been red. Add on that rudiger picked up a yellow for a flop, fabregas' second yellow was very harsh for me since he won the ball, and he ref just didn't cut it today. There were too many bookings for a game that was very fairly played and it impacts he next game too.
  11. What a crazy ass game.. the ref had the absolute most shocking game I have seen in a very long time. He should absolutely be reprimanded for that entire game. Grossly leaning for burnley all game. that said, simply cannot lose at home to burnley. The game showed me that morata is the real deal and whether he's fit or not should lead the line. A goal and assist two men down. Very well done by him. Big ups to the rest of the squad too who didn't give up, showed good heart making the late comeback. Can't take much more from the game when you're playing down essentially the whole game. Cahill and fabregas out next week for spuds. Hopefully bakayoko is ready.
  12. I dunno, very close. Either way, exciting start to the league in both games. Silva is a good manager, has watford playing well
  13. I agree, just instantly responding to the arsenal winner. Entertaining match, wish Leicester had won.
  14. This Maguire on Leicester is good. I think he came from hull? Pretty sure he scored a screamer against Chelsea last year. Anyway, playing pretty stout against le arse
  15. The problem for me is the leipzig (outside of last season) and Southampton aren't clubs with huge ambition. They are going to get poached either way, a few disgruntled players aren't going to shake things up so much. You are talking here about a 100m rated coutinho at a club/manager seeking to energize their fanbase, not demoralize them.
  16. If Zeke boy misses time this team is in trouble. And Dak is set for a regression. Could be a rough start to the season for the cowgirls.
  17. Unfortunate because although I'm not following their news closely, it seems like liverpool and Klopp especially have done nothing but be effusive about their desire to keep Coutinho. I see FSG is saying he still won't be sold which brings me to my next point.... When a player hands in a formal transfer request you almost have to sell them at that point. The season will be a complete nightmare for the player and club. Fans may stop supporting him, bad games will always be down to the fact that he's lost desire...you can make him enemy #1 essentially and there's no point carrying on. Contracts hold almost no water anymore it's a wonder why they are even still a thing in world football
  18. Saw that too. Bit of a prick move if you ask me if he actually did do this the DAY BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS. And he's not even fit to play.
  19. He played in two games last year i think, most notably a 50+ yard catch. I guess i should amend my original statement to say consistent competitive football. But even then that sounds like he played way more than he actually did. He basically missed all of last year as far as I'm concerned when it comes to actual progress as a WR in the NFL.
  20. Really wanted to get looks at Doctson. The man hasn't played competitive football in 2 years. Away from competition, away from contact, away from reps. Really need to get some reps tape of live games before we can really understand how close he is to tapping in to his potential.
  21. Oh I agree anyone Barca wants to buy is now going to be very inflated due to that neymar transfer. I think Coutinho could do really well at Barca, he's a perfect fit for them. I think the time they really come in and try to take him is next year, when iniesta is gone.
  22. How about 90m, plus add ons up to 120? That's what ESPN reports
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