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Everything posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. Jailhouse lawyer here. I mean sometimes they work with a suspect to find out where the bodies are. And i guess it's conceivable they'd work with someone to find a bunch of littler fish to get up on the whole operation; though I can't recall an example of that off the top of my head. And yes, often times they flip people to work their way up the ladder. In conclusion, him working with the FBI might bode badly for Trump and it might not. We really don't have enough information to call it. I mean maybe they have somebody other than Trump they view as a bigger get than Flynn himself. Who knows. I can't wait to find out though. Now I must bid farewell. All of this has just reminded me that it's been awhile since I talked **** to Mike Jr. Later.
  2. Make every single thing the same except now he's Muslim (and instead of McVeigh he has pictures of Osama.) One, there's no way he gets bail. That's not a question. I'm stating that as fact. And two, if it did somehow happen, if he got bail and the judge deemed he "isn't a threat" ...holy ****ing ****. Can you even begin to imagine the category 5 ****storm that would ensue? Everyone would be rocking umbrellas on sunny days in case of stray Trump/Jones/Rush/Hannity/etc flying spittle. Does anyone know if he actually made bail? I mean just getting bail doesn't mean he's out. You still need to put up your 10% (or this is federal I think so 15%). Did that happen? Is he out?
  3. Here's a nice video... An alt right neo-Nazi **** stain gets choked up and run out of a Confederate-statue support rally by Oath Keepers and other non-Nazi-degenerate right wingers. ** Warning NSFW Language ** Maybe there's hope for America afterall (Last line is tongue in cheek. They're still pro-confederacy morons)
  4. It's a common move among (dumb) criminals. They feel asking for an attorney (or invoking executive privilege in this case) casts them in a suspicious light so instead they just sit there in silence and/or stonewall. Amateur hour and guilty as hell.
  5. Seen some very very early 2020 presidential buzz about her btw. Her and Franken.
  6. I can't figure out the crazy to guilty ratio for Trump. In regards to him firing Mueller potentially. Like I think he's mentally ill so that's always there, but is that it? Is it even the dominating factor? Like is he just 100 crazy/0 guilty or 20 crazy/80 guilty? It's somewhere in that range. **** i can't wait for like 30 years from now when we start getting all the definitive scholarship on this period. This is gonna be an awesome time to study (granted everyone doesn't die.)
  7. At what point does it become armed resistance territory? Legitimate question. I'm not saying we're there or close to there. I'm just wondering when there is. Or if that option is forever off the table? And Larry, i wonder sometimes if you just don't have the stomach for various realities and that's what driving your opposition to even acknowledging them. And not just you. Some other older members as well and of course a whole group in real life as well, always the same age range. To the others (not necessarily you), I don't expect older people to be balls-to-the-wall political revolutionaries (i mean we can't all be the Founding Fathers) but their resistance to certain things lately always seems a bit too active and a bit too full of **** for them. A type of political denial. Maybe their life is too comfortable to be be accepting uncomfortable truths. Probably entirely subconscious. And I'm probably wrong. Just something I've noticed and got me wondering. Patterns tend to do that.
  8. Bro did you see what happened to the lunch lady at Douglas Fir Community University?!? We're all gonna die!! 6!!! Don't let your kids leave the house!!!! It's like a word holocaust??6!66 Ahhhhhh!!! Edit: I inspired myself... First they came for slavery, and I did not speak out— Because I did not own slaves . Then they came for Jim Crow, and I did not speak out— Because I did not live in the south . Then they came for the n****r haters, and I did not speak out— Because I normally didn't use the word n****r. Then they came for white privilege—and there was no one left to speak for me. Now let's join hands and have a moment of silence...in memory of being allowed to be dicks to those not like us, just because...... I mean this is the thread for radical conservative extremists, no?
  9. Trump is so much easier to understand once you recognize that he's mentally ill. Like I'm being serious right now, not throwing shade or talking **** or anything. The man is clearly sick. All the advice and common sense in the world isn't fixing that. His brain is broken. It doesn't work like yours. They--Republicans--really need to accept that, lower their expectations and then start figuring out what that acceptance means for the country and go from there. And hopefully sometime soon. You wouldn't want someone with a broken leg running a marathon for you. Why should we want someone with a broken brain in the presidency? As long as he remains in office, we're permanently residing on the cusp of this going from a ****show to something much, much more tragic. Enough is enough.
  10. What if it's taking a ****? But seriously, did I miss something? That's like the 10th random Cthulhu name drop I've seen in the last week and a half. Why's it hot all of a sudden? Or just a coincidence? Sorry to hijack. Back on topic...Trump sucks. I'd rather Cthulhu take a dump on me than have Trump's stupid, lame, played-out ass spend one more second embarrassing our country. I've shared before, I spent the last year-plus trying to sell my immigrant girlfriend on the idea that America is special. Trump single-handedly killed that. He killed any notion of American exceptionalism. I'm sorry but we're past the point of loving this country and supporting Trump coexisting. It's one or the other: America or this ****ing half-demented King Midas Tweeter-in-Chief ****tard. Your choice. "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? - Joseph Welch" - Michael Scott Anyway was thinking, when ****face von Clownstick ultimately passes, are we going to have to fly the flag at half staff and do the whole state funeral thing? Did we do that for Nixon? Legit question. Second legit question, did Ford get any type of Inauguration when he was sworn in? Any celebration or ceremony at all? @Larry Or @Jumbo You all remember how that was handled back then? My mom was saying she seems to remember it just being something quiet, behind close doors and not really talked about but she wasn't sure. This doesn't matter at all but I'm curious.
  11. How long until Hannity starts calling people cucks? Or has he already done that?
  12. No real details on what the "threats" were or what their suspicions are. There's a protest rally coming up Saturday (Holler) so I'm wondering if maybe that's it. Whatever it is though, there really isn't a single good reason for someone to be packing an assault rifle in that part of town. These are scary times. So worse than the random mass shootings. That was random. This stuff isn't. I know they actively want to kill people like me. They actively want to kill people like my girlfriend. They actively want to kill us as a couple. Never have I missed my lost gun rights...until now. #dowhatyougottado
  13. I will be hitting up this one. Urge others to do the same. You only live once. Make it count. So with that said, I've been dying to rock my "STEPHEN MILLER IS A VIRGIN" sign while I still can (he's still alive right?) I still need something for the other side though, open for suggestions...
  14. Just wanted to point out that Planned Parenthood absolutely provides adoption services and pregnancy care. Also as an outsider looking in, I completely agree with the rest. I've been a strong agnostic literally my entire life (parents are basically the same) and I swear the behavior of Christians in this country--particularly their hypocrisy and blatant ****ization of Jesus' teachings--has done more to push me away from organized religion and "finding God" than anything. By far. Dont see my image on there but I'm on mobile so that's probably why. But yeah same breakdown. Thank you. Just grabbed it from someone off of twitter. Didn't realize the differences were that stark. Must be a Deep State conspiracy. /s
  15. And you better believe these ****ers are local too Almost all my life I've lived in this area. 30 some years. Never, not once, did I witness some crazy racist ****. Not once. I remember the first time in my life hearing the word n****r be used. At a little league tourney. In Tennessee. I was 12 or 13. They were ****ing about "that n****r" Woodson winning the Heisman over Peyton. It shocked me so much to actually be witnessing such a thing firsthand and so casually even, that's it's arguably the most vivid memory from my childhood. So to now see this **** happening here of all places, we've got a problem America. White families, white parents, are failing on an epic scale. We need to have that discussion ASAP. We are headed down a very dark road.
  16. Deplorable human beings. At this point, part of me hopes another civil war happens. Dude that called my girlfriend q chimpanzee late last year mightve been able to duck out in time but I'm primed and ready for the next one. And innocent randos aren't going to be the ones getting plugged in the neck. Promise that. I'm just so sick and tired of these over-compensating, disgusting, hooplehead **** stains. The empathy and patience ran out long ago. I have absolutely no interest in sharing a nation with them if they're going to continue be in our faces with their bull**** and an active threat to our peace of mind and general welfare. None whatsoever. And i might be the only one saying it but I guarantee I'm not the only one feeling it.
  17. Oh bull****. You really can't connect the dots between that dude did in Montana to the attacks on the press that occur every minute of everyday from right wing media and right ring politicians, ESPECIALLY the President? It's a straight ****ing line. Here just saw this on twitter literally two minutes ago Didn't even blink, it's just expected at this point. If you want to be a Republican or conservative then fine. But own the ****. And if you don't like what comes with that, then change it. Just stop getting mad at other people for calling a spade a spade. Now do tell how exactly what Anthony Weiner did reflects on anyone other than himself?
  18. I think people are potentially sleeping on Kellyanne Conway hard as far as leaks go. Potentially. I wouldn't be shocked if after the fact that's all revealed. I mean it would all be very self serving as she tries to salvage her dignity and reputation from the rubble but whatever. The only thing that gives me pause on that theory is her husband. Cause I imagine he'd have to be in on it and that might be too much.
  19. Really annoying seeing (not on here) fellow liberals, skeptics and supposed folks of reason attacking the police before they even did anything wrong (not arresting him on the spot and donating to his campaign isn't wrong.) I swear about 3-4 times a week I have a moment where I find myself wondering if I'm actually in a coma, stuck in my head and this is some upside down twilight zone mind**** I'm now residing in. Me, of all people, defending police against the masses is defintely one of those moments. And it's happened quite a bit. Too much. Don't be a stupid, hysterical, petty **** anti-Trumpers. It's not a good look. And besides, there's more than enough legit **** to be pissed about.
  20. "In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness." - Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) Been waiting for a good opportunity to post that.
  21. Exploiting a grieving family for political gain? Whaaaaaat?? No way!!! Republicans continue to have no shame. Really starting to believe that Republicanism needs to be listed as a mental health disorder somewhere in the DSM-5.
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