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Everything posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. They're all so....ugh. Truly the Master Race:
  2. And in today's radical Republican extremist news.... Bought the book today, about to start reading it now. And lastly a look at Bannon and the mindset that set the stage for these loser Nazi ****s There's another thing that recently came out about him and online gamers and how he and the right are now essentially using the internet to radicalize that community and to cultivate the alt right. Good read for some of you folks who aren't entirely clear on what's going on and how it's happening. Can't find it at the moment but I'll pull it up tomorrow when I get some more time. Oh and if you missed it in the Fox thread, Why the Alt Right Loves Tucker Carlson As someone in a relationship with a non-white legal immigrant...man. I want to meet Tucker Carlson. And what does it say about the right as a whole that he is the #1 cable news show in the country? Why does anyone think any of this is going to start moving in any type of positive direction anytime soon? Radical Republican extremists indeed. And I know someone in here is with Carlson. Come on. Speak up. Don't be a coward. Tell me how my girlfriend doesn't belong in this country.
  3. Never thought I'd be rooting for Sessions to keep his job. To me, Mueller not getting fired is priority #1 though.
  4. And a quick blast from the past while I'm here... I swear words can't do justice to things his face makes me feel. I despise it so much. At least O'Reilly and Hannity have to start talking first. Carlson is like if King Joffrey start spouting Republican and white supremacist propaganda.
  5. Yeah I was thinking about this last night. Thinking about other democracies that have collapsed over the years. I think the big thing we have that others didn't is our history and traditions. The one I've seen mentioned here and there in the past, including by myself, is the Weimar Republic. It lasted a total of 15 years and was a hated cluster**** from the start. I'd like to think that no matter what happens with Trump, no matter the damage he does, when he's finally gone, one way or another, that our traditions and history are going to kick in and give us the opportunity to make sure something like him never happens again. Maybe that's just being optimistic though.
  6. If it don't apply, let it fly Such a stupid little rhyme but I swear it's never wrong.
  7. Crucial to impeach him before he's formally charged. Maybe even hold back some charges at first. I don't know. If this ****er and his little army of dingleberry's don't pay I will have lost all faith in justice in this country. And then I'm back to that question that's been bugging me: When is violence appropriate?
  8. And evangelical Christians nod their heads in agreement. Because **** soft-ass Jesus if he isn't gonna win you ****. Power is the real God.
  9. I'll stop bumping this when these idiots stop getting arrested
  10. He's so guilty. It's a miracle he hasn't fired Mueller yet. You know that's eating him up inside. Like waiting for a bomb to go off, praying it malfunctions somehow but you can just kick it over the side whenever you want. Oh yeah but you'll get hit by a sniper if you do. He's probably going crazy trying to figure out how he should play it. What's more likely, the bomb malfunctioning or the sniper missing?? Meanwhile he doesn't know **** about bombs or firing a weapon and he can't tell the people he's asking for advice what's really going on so he doesn't know whether he should even listen to what they have to say. Most of them smell funny anyway and he really doesn't like the one guy's hair. Everytime he turns on the TV he's confronted by it. Again and again and again. He tries to take comfort in the soothing, supportive voices of Fox and Friends, but goddamn he still can't figure this TiVo thing out and he hates watching commercials. He has to change the channel sometime. Why won't it just go away? Why is everyone still talking about it? He doesn't know what to do. It's probably the biggest decision of his life and he's stuck...what will he do? Whiiiine...like a biiiitch "Goddammit this is all Jeff's fault!! I told that **** not to open that package!!" This holiday season, in theaters across the nation, from the massively polluted and extremely damaged mind of unappreciated genius Francis Ford GACOLB, it's.... "I'm ****ed" starring Colin Farrell as Donald Trump. (Sorry I started this off thinking about that Colin Farrell movie "Phonebooth". I gotta stick with him even if it doesn't make sense. It's like my vision man.)
  11. I'll believe it when it happens. And even then I don't think for a second she'll tell the truth. She'll lie her ass off, run cover for Puti-bear and his bottom **** Donna, and then jet back to Moscow before they can charge her with perjury or anything else. So you basically use Congress to put on propaganda stage production for Putin. And for nothing. No thanks. If they wanna do it behind close doors, maybe, but even then I just don't think there's any chance she'll tell the truth so what's the point? That's just my opinion though. Maybe I'm missing something. Idk
  12. OT a bit but just want to share how I've been countering the whole All Lives Matter/Blue Lives Matter **** (To open-minded people that are trying to make sense of it, not to the actual trolling all lives matter **** stains.) If someone with a baby says to you "Isn't he cute?" Are you going to respond with "All babies are cute" or "girl babies are cute"? Why not? What are you really saying when you respond with that? That their baby isn't cute. It's the same ****ing difference. But yeah, goddamn does the right wing love to bog us down in battles over language and definitions or what. Because that's all they got. No actual ideas. No policies that anyone with a quarter of a frontal lobe likes. No accomplishments. Just juvenile petty games. I haven't figured out the best way to handle it (according to my lawyer it's not legal to punch someone in the face for wasting your time so on to plan B.) Btw here's another link on the Baltimore thing
  13. PG cleaned up a ton after the feds took over
  14. Lol. Not gonna lie. I've had that thought a couple of times over these past months. Trump is Dr. Strange. Turning space, time and reason on its ****ing head. I swear my biggest beef with Obama, by far, was I thought he was too soft on Russia. The situation in the Crimea and the Ukraine in general and our response to it, legitimately pissed me off. I always figured that that was the one and potentially only area where the GOP, the party of McCarthy, Goldwater and Reagan, would be an improvement. Ha. What a sucker I am. I'll never forgive them for going soft on Russia. And if it's more than that, it's deeper than that, if they knowingly sold us out to them for some power, phew. You all know where I stand. I think making examples out of folks is definitely a legitimate strategy in certain situations. I just worry about us having the balls to do what's needed. Lately I've been thinking back to when Obama, upon taking office, essentially shut down any potential investigations--for war crimes or otherwise--into the Bush administration. I understood the reasoning. I thought it was the right thing. I defended it. But now I'm starting wondering. You let people think you're soft and today they'll take a dollar out your car. You don't do anything and let people know your soft, and tomorrow they're punching you in the eye and taking your wallet. Maybe Obama shutting down the possibility for investigations provided them the confidence that they could get away with something like this. And what's going to happen next if we do let them get away with it? Hopefully we won't have to find it. One way or the other.
  15. Good God. That's as low as it gets there. I've used house cleaners a few times over the years for special occasions. I'm always so embarrassed about another person(s) cleaning up my **** that I'm throwing at least a $50 tip on top of everything else. I can't even fathom flat outright stiffing them short of the cleaners dropping upper deckers in my toilet. What a disgusting person she must be.
  16. Stupid website with a nice list of all the Russian connections if anyone needs a reference point http://www.donaldjturnip.com
  17. I'm just thinking about it, Trump meeting Putin for a full ****ing hour with no other American present--after he's already openly disclosed intelligence to Russia--is scary as ****. I mean just think about the potentials. And we have no ****ing way of knowing went down between them. **** us. **** this President. **** the GOP.
  18. And of course the radical Republican terrorists are always especially ballsy when they're hiding behind the safe space that is online anonymity
  19. Another 'radical Republican terrorist' in action... (but the rise of fascistic elements in this country is just a myth/overreaction shhhhh)
  20. 3 longterm steps to fixing Trump voters. In no particular order. 1. Fairness Doctrine. Worked for 40 years and scrapping it directly, and purposefully, led to the rise of FoxNews. 2. Figure out a way to clean up the disgusting hateful cesspool that the Internet has sadly devolved into it. I don't know how but **** is broke. Figure something out. 3. Public education, public education, public education. Fix it. Teach critical thinking skills. Social sciences, especially history. And whatever else it takes. And for the more immediate and personal... I don't accept there always being a 35% sub-population that's based on racism and bigotry. **** that. And I especially don't accept the premise that it'll remain at 35% either. This population is mobilized and it is active. They are a major force in online culture. You have far-right Russia funding them from the shadows and especially running cover for them online, helping them spread their bull****. Our mainstream right wing politicians are either in league with them or too scared to stand up to them. And you have you avowed white nationalists in the highest reaches of the White House. Including, undoubtedly in my mind, the presidency. None of that should be normal. I don't like going to sleep at night next to my black immigrant girlfriend knowing that my president and the supporters of the majority party in my congress hate us and everything that we are. I'm not dooming and glooming this, I don't think the FBI is going to disappear us in the middle of the night, but where exactly is this headed? Where is it headed if they're mobilized and working hard and in power with funding, and we're too busy in our comfortable little bubbles to do anything? (and sorry but talking **** amongst ourselves online isn't doing anything.) So yeah, forgive me if I don't stay medium on this. Never before has politics been so personal. And the only response I've seen out of entirely too many is a shrug of the shoulders and a bunch of yapping from the living room couch. Somebody needs to step up. We can't just wait on the next guy to do it. At least get counted. Make yourself be heard. Matter. (ftr I'm an election official, protested a Trump rally, protested a couple of alt right rallies and plan on anther one next month, be to a few marches. I'm trying.)
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