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Everything posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. Not related to this but I was actually talking to someone about this yesterday and maybe you can provide the answer: How do life insurance companies treat an "accidental drug overdose"? Depending on the answer, that would seem to be the way to go if you wanna kill yourself but are worried about the life insurance.
  2. I really hope he gets the help he needs for the alcoholism. At his age, he's really playing with his life at this point. I'm sure it's hitting his family extremely hard and they don't deserve that.
  3. Great example of why I think ****ing with and talking **** to public faces on social media is the pinnacle of the digital age. It can't be stupid hateful trolling of innocent people. Then you're the asshole/bad guy, they're just rolling their eyes at you and everyone else rightfully hates you. It has to be aimed at the legitimately corrupt, your game has to be logical and make sense and it has to hit them where it hurts. You do that and they end up making asses out of themselves. It's the digital age equivalent of some poor downtrodden serf throwing an egg at a corrupt baron and either making everyone laugh at him or making him overreact and solidifying the opposition to him. Old people have a hard time getting this but I'm telling you it's the single great thing social media has contributed to civilization.
  4. This is the smoking gun really. In my opinion. I mean there are no innocent explanations for his actions RE Russian sanctions. But anyway what makes more sense: building a new wing at Gitmo or remodeling and reopening Alcatraz?
  5. So I just happened to be reading something about the internment of Japanese Americans during WW2 (and other harsh measures taken during WW1 and Red Scare hysterias) and I got to thinking about how we would have handled all of this during the first half of the 20th Century, during less-civilized times (times Trumpers claim to want to emulate, ironically enough). Would we deport non-native Trumpers like that Hungarian Nazi **** Sebastian Gorka? What about the native born? Build 'em camps in the desert somewhere? I wonder how Wilson or either of the Roosevelt's would've handled it? Forgive me. I always try to make Thursdays my happy-thoughts day.
  6. No half of the country didn't still approve of Nixon when he resigned. He had a 25% base bottom and that was it. Don't listen to Kellyann... Sorry I mean twa's "memory" and cherry-picked poll outliers. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/05/15/how-america-viewed-the-watergate-scandal-as-it-was-unfolding/ Hell do yourselves a favor and don't listen to him period.
  7. Well i mean it is the party that faked millions upon millions of votes but forgot to fake 80k needed to win in the important states. And the party that murdered an aide for leaking and then forgot to take his wallet to make it look like a robbery. Ooh and the party that assassinated a Supreme Court Justice but didn't take off the pillow they put over his head. The party that rapes little kids but does it in the basement of a popular pizzeria on a first street and then leaves clues for everyone to decipher and catch them. The party that murdered 20 kindergarteners to ban guns and then forgot to ban the guns. I can go all day with this. Feel free to add your favorites. Republicanism needs to be listed in the DSM-5 Eat **** and die ****. You are the most vile creature to crawl out if this "swamp" in my lifetime.
  8. I love their spin that the DNC was colluding with Ukraine (non-adversary) and it's same thing. That collusion? People from Ukraine warning Democrats that Manafort was a Putin mole. Isn't that like saying I'm a violent person because I punched you in the face when you pulled a gun on me so neither of us should be arrested? Am I wrong about that? That's all they have. Deflection and gaslighting (a term i never see used in here but should be.) It's beyond annoying. And any layperson knowingly carrying water for them should really be ashamed of themselves.
  9. Just to rant a little... What does it say that the party that sought impeachment over not getting a straight answer to "Did you have sexual relations with that woman?" has no qualms with not getting a straight answer to "Did you commit treason?" To me that's the Republican Party in a nutshell. And I just can't bring myself to respect anyone who's down with such a blatant, obvious and un-American absurdity. And really why should I? They obviously have no respect (or love) for the rest of us. No problem selling us out. Hell they have no respect for themselves. The rank and file anyway. I really think they need some kind of counseling. And all this is before we even get to the anti-science, anti-education, anti-diversity, anti-women, anti-poor people, so and so forth, elements. I'll accept those as political issues. But this **** here, with Russia, this is beyond politics. This is a matter of patriotism.
  10. Why anyone who truly loves this country should want this **** show to end and these clowns out of the White House ASAP.
  11. I saw the same thing somewhere. Don't remember where. I find that hard to believe though. And the fact that it isn't a bigger story tells me it's probably bull****. Anyway say it is true, Mueller is still hiring people. He's just starting. His investigation is gonna take a minute. No one's Time Cop-ing the meetings and colluding. I'm not worried. RIP
  12. That's not what happened with Watergate. Agnew went down for something different @EBozis one. Then there's my favorite Bernie Butthurter and Russian pawn. I doubt anyone wants to read his whining though. There's one more but I can't remember it.
  13. I think you're right. That that's how they're going to try to play this. Even though Kush and Manafort were there as well. They're going to act like it stopped at Jr. Investigators need to find the 18 1/2 minute gap in the tape that connects him to all of this. I think people cracking and flipping on him can provide that. My only concern is his pardoning powers. Why are people going to flip on him if he can just pardon them if they don't? When this is all over we really need to explore the Presidents pardoning power and potentially make some adjustments. I've never hated the sight of another person's face like I do his. Even his little twitter thumbnail disgusts me. His stupid go-hard smug look. Fake ass cotton candy hair weave. Phoney orange tan. He's the villain in any movie I want to watch.
  14. I posted the story yesterday that the pro-Trump media is in a state of confusion, with their defenses contradicting one one another. That needs to get cleared up first.
  15. That's what's annoyed me the most. The denial. The wilful ignorance. It looked like a duck, it quacked like a duck, it flew like a duck, it tasted like a duck...guys I think it's a duck. "Where's the body?!? Where's the body?!? It might've been a puppy!!!" Btw, the word for today... Wikipedia: New one for me. Most fitting I think.
  16. What a bar that's been set. "He didn't drool on himself!" "Make room on Rushmore baby!!"
  17. Hell Kushner is the one who leaked all this stuff. That's the one thing I can't figure out. What exactly his play is. But yeah, no way is he falling on his sword. Ditto Manafort. There's just no way we don't eventually get to the bottom of this. Too many self-serving assholes involved for honor and loyalty to win out. Say Trump finally fires Mueller next week. What are the odds Republicans finally open up impeachment proceedings?
  18. If anyone feels like feeling nauseous... I really wanna meet Mike Cernovich.
  19. Besides twa, I'm more wondering how my favorite Bernie Butthurter is reacting to the news. Wonder if he's ready to accept his role as a Russian pawn.
  20. For the past month or so, Howard Stern has been playing the podcast that O'Reilly is now doing and just ripping him over it. It literally sounds like something a teenager puts together in his parents basement. ****ty production and everything. And O'Reilly continues to cry about how unfair it all is, that he can't talk but it's all going to come out "soon". It's great. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Speaking of Stern, I pray to God this happens... Harvey Fierstein to play Ailes. If it does happen it'll be my first time seeing a play on Broadway. No way I'm missing that.
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