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Everything posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. These people are bright inside their little bubbles. Take them out of the bubble and they have no business on stage. Nunes is a perfect example. In other words, the smartest idiot is still an idiot. And Nunes is an idiot.
  2. Obvious guilt was obvious. Innocent people don't write rambling letters to the DOJ proclaiming their innocence.
  3. I hate conspiratards. With a passion. Before Trumpists came along, they were my mortal enemies. (Of course there's a **** ton of collusion between the two groups.) The big thing I promised myself after the election was that I would always remain conscious of and steadfast against going down that hole. I'm not going to let my anger and politics sell out my frontal cortex. It becomes a tough balancing act when there's so much smoke though. So with that, I don't think the Syrian bombing was a wag the dog distraction move by Trump. My biggest issue with many conspiratard theories is the number of people who would have to be in on it. No different here. I don't think either McMaster or Mattis would let the Orange Buffon use the military as a political tool to run cover for him for a second. That said the fact that it's such a clear possibility with such obvious motivations shows why this country desperately needs a fully independent and completely thorough investigation into the whole Russian thing. Because until that happens there's no way that our leaders can properly lead. The cloud over the executive branch is going to become more and more paralyzing. Just my opinion.
  4. Saw this on reddit (forgive me) and it could go in pretty much any political thread but it was in a discussion related to Russia so I'm putting it in this one. I think it's perfect
  5. But is the Trump/Nunes reframing spin really working on anyone who already wouldn't accept them taking a dump on their chests and calling it a sign of respect? Cause I don't see it.
  6. Somebody hold me. I'm scared 16 years old. Calling it now, the next Shawn Kemp.
  7. Who Bannon and Kushner fought to keep. And now you know whose orders he's following
  8. Eh. Can be like telling someone pointing a gun at you to go ahead and shoot. Try to show them you're not scared and switch up the vibe in the situation.
  9. Where art thou Butthurters? Maybe learn to listen next time you insufferable, over-privileged, granola-guzzling, sheltered, whiney, my-college-debt-is-too-high, ****-brown-people, waaaaaah waaaah waaaah crybaby mother****ers. Yeah I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive them.
  10. But the Left is the "America sucks" side. The Republican Party hates America. They want to destroy America. They can't remake it in their image until that happens so it is their goal. To destroy this country. That's why they had absolutely no problem selling us out to far right Russia. This desperately needs to be understood by the masses. And if conservatives have a problem with this, they need to stop losing their **** on the left calling a spade a spade and start cleaning up their own party. This country desperately needs a sane, functioning conservative party that loves ALL of America and ALL of Americans. That's what I want more than anything. More than a liberal president or Congress. A lot of conservatives seem to realize this well and I keep waiting for them to find their balls and do something about it but I'm close to giving up.
  11. Mother****er if you were good at your job nobody world want you out of there. Your job though is too find out the truth, not to provide cover for Putin's flabby orange taint in the WH. I swear to God I hope we end up hanging people for this. Nunes included. ****ing traitors. Pieces of **** sold out America the first good chance they got. Tell me they don't hate this country. **** them all. Bring on the gallows and the riots. Let's get it over with, one way or the other. For real, are there any conservatives in positions of actual power in the government who still love America? Or have they all sold us out?
  12. Today I learned that Dante sent betrayers to the 9th circle of hell. I can dig it. Burn baby burn
  13. On a serious note, when all this **** with Trump is over and we're done hanging all the traitors (esp Sean Hannity) and whatnot, I really hope they seriously investigate how much Russia is behind all the alt right, white nationalist racist trolling and recruiting we've seen explode online over these last couple of years. I know that's a reality on some level, I just don't know how much though. Then come up with a legitimate strategy to counteract it beyond some. kumbaya online group hug. The Internet is turning into a scary place and something has to give. I personally think we need to bust out cold war level propaganda viciousness for the digital age. We're so freaking far behind Russia on that front.
  14. Two questions: 1) does anyone know how forestry stocks work? 2) does anyone know what kind of wood gallows are made out of? Just curious. Thanks.
  15. I welcome the Hawaiian lady to the party but I have to say her reason for ever even being a Republican is infuriatingly dumb. Just some passive aggressive, buck the tide, "look at me, I'm different" bull****. And from what i gather that was the entirety of it. So it's not like she changed or the party changed. She just grew up. But whatever. We're all dumb at some point in life. At least it wasn't forever.
  16. Netflix man. Daredevil is better btw. Frank Castle is my guy though so i might be biased. Btw been meaning to tell you, I'm currently reading an old Vertigo series called Transmetropolitan. I don't know you off this board but I've known you on it for a decade plus now. Maybe I'm off but from what i know--your sense of humor, politics, etc--that series is absolutely made for you. I'd actually be surprised if you haven't read it. If you haven't though, defintely check it out. (I'll shoot you a DL link if you want)
  17. Hang the traitors. Not even kidding. I'm anti-death penalty 99% of the time. Treason is in the 1%.
  18. Eh. **** from the 70's and earlier can be so damn corny. Maybe that's just me though.
  19. If i want to get into Green Arrow, where should I start? Think I can figure out where to go from there, i just don't know how far back to take it
  20. My favorite will always be "His singular focus in life is fame and fortune AND he ****s on literally a gold toilet. No way will he be corrupt."
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