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Everything posted by Simmsy

  1. I guess he has a lot of information, hell, he's still working with prosecutors.
  2. What about Flynn, after the judge read his plea agreement, he was called a traitor.
  3. From what I've heard, doesn't the WH get first whack at redacting it before it is released at all? Honestly, at this point, I don't think it matters. I was willing to believe that he may have not colluded, but there is so much smoke. Just saying, after being "vindicated" I would expect full transparency of the report (minus sensitive intel). I'm going to "Redskins" it, take a shot and maybe hope for a field goal.
  4. I know Reno changed the rules and he can do this. However, to do what he is doing and think that this exonerates him is insane. This isn't aimed at you, the entire notion in general just blows my mind. Once again, I apologize if I came off as aggressive, that was not my intent.
  5. Yes, I'm the dumb one. How about we let the guy being investigated decide what gets out and happens during his OWN investigation? After everything that has happened, do you really trust him or his people to do the right thing?
  6. Screw that, I want the whole thing! Trump is an egotistical narcissist. If he really had all the money he says he has, he'd release his tax returns. If he really was a great student, he wouldn't threaten his alma mater with a lawsuit if they release his grades. If he was truly innocent, he wouldn't block the Mueller report, he would send it out to every single mailbox in America. Only his base is dumb enough to fall for this half brained scheme.
  7. I know thats a joke, but this orange turd couldn't even be bothered to read the 4 page summary of his "exoneration".
  8. Honestly, I hope they never release the report or not until Trump is gone. Trump's "vindication" is only for his base, he didn't win over any liberals and I doubt he gained back any swing voters with this summary. Dems need to focus on their popular policies (the GOP doesn't have any), but they can still push for the unreleased Mueller report and label the GOP as cons.
  9. It pains me to say it, but I whole heartedly agree. Why "nub" it, put your own stamp on it and call it good?
  10. So Barr, took thousands of pages and in less than two days broke it down to a four page summary. In that summary, he said that Mueller said that Trump didn't do it...but may have done it. Why, gee! Thanks, Barr. How about you stop killing your legacy for Trump and let the report speak for itself.
  11. I think this is a good thing, hopefully it won't be too long, but when this report does come out...I think it will be a sucker punch to America.
  12. Of course I don't know this for sure, but I don't think they're going to get Trump for "collusion". Not because he didn't do it, but I think there is enough distance between him and his cronies that they will take the fall. However, I do believe that Mueller gave some of the "juicer" charges to the SDNY prosecutor's office to hit the Trump kids (and possibly Trump himself) with state crimes.
  13. I've had this debate hundreds of times, with the republican base around Virginia. The debate here is much more civil, but I'm going to chalk that up to people not wanting to get banned more than anything else. As I've said, I've had this conversation hundreds of times. I've used facts, logic, sympathy, empathy, etc, nothing works. The reason the people for gun legislation are so crass nowadays is because we're sick of trying to compromise. One side of politicians are willing to talk and compromise and the otherside isn't, one side needs to go. Our leaders will do something when we put the pressure on them to do something or they get voted out. True, their allegiance is to corporate and top 1% donor money, but they can't spend it if they're not in office.
  14. I think you're missing the point, objective, subjective...it doesn't matter. The gun advocates don't respond to fact or emotion, I don't see the point in "debating" anymore. At some point someone is going to have to end the "conversation" and pass some effective gun control with or with the input of gun advocates.
  15. It seems to me that for gun rights advocates, their argument or reasons for wanting a gun come down to two things: "Its my right!" and "I need to protect my family". Now how come your right to own a gun is more important than my right to go to the grocery store and not get my head blown off? Why is your right to own a gun more important than the right for someone to peacefully pray at their house of worship or children at school? This argument now sounds selfish and ignorant to me. Your wants and needs are now more important than the lives and safety of every other American in this country? Not very patriotic. I'm also sick of people needing to protect their families with guns. If you want to keep a gun in your house to protect keep your family safe, I can completely understand that reasoning. However, people who buy guns in case of an apocalypse or in case they need to overthrow the government...you're insane. I would also like to add that if you feel the need to take a gun on your hip everywhere you go, you're also whackjob and shouldn't have a gun. I understand that certain people actually need more protection (politicians/celebrities/judges/cops/etc), but regular "Joe Schmo" doesn't need a gun at all times. I'm almost 35 years old and I've never once needed a gun, there was one time where I could've legally shot someone, but even that ended up with no one getting hurt. If you saw someone wearing a helmet and elbow pads everywhere just in case they fell down, you would think of them as unhinged. Just so you know, I've fallen down WAY more than I've ever needed a gun. Go buy a helmet, people.
  16. I'm not saying that you or any other gun owner isn't a good person. I'm saying that I would rather not have to rely on a miracle instead of decent regulation.
  17. I've found one where a guy killed a mass shooter after he killed everyone and was trying to escape. He didn't save anyone. I find it funny that you would rather take the chance of a good Samaritan with a gun than actually pass some legislation to keep these highly powerful guns out of the hands of whackjob terrorists.
  18. I hate when people dismiss the whole gun control debate with "guns don't kill people, people kill people" (this isn't aimed at anyone in this thread btw). These people are using the gun for what its for, its a tool to kill. How can you say that they're misusing it when they're using it EXACTLY for the reason it was invented?
  19. Can we please stop this "good guy with a gun" dream, it doesn't exist.
  20. I'm a hardcore alcoholic (not bragging, just being honest) and I've done many drugs, but I just can't handle being high. I can smoke, but I can't function or be in public or be social. Also, I hate the actual "smoking" part. I smoke cigarettes, but I don't like smoking weed. I hope to get some gummies one day...and then stay home and be a hermit.
  21. Cool, I'll give it a shot. On a different note, if you like marinades, I surprisingly recommend wal-mart, they have a lot of good priced choices.
  22. Never heard of that, like I said, what I cook is simple and taste good. However, I can get old eating, chicken/pork chops/steak/fish every week. I'll check out the viola bags.
  23. I'm single and dead tired when I get home, so my cooking routine is pretty simple. I plan my meals out on Sunday and season and marinade everything as needed. I also rely on steammable veggie bags, good, but simple.
  24. I don't see how this moron could win in 2020...if he makes it that far.
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