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Everything posted by Dissident2

  1. Lol right back atcha. You need to find something else to whine relentlessly about.
  2. Why the hell would anyone want to revisit this thread? Of course Chase gets tons of attention for his constant failures. A ton was expected of him. He’s done virtually NOTHING this season. To top it off, he seems to give poor effort.
  3. Just me or did Chase actually slow down on that rush???
  4. Lol, 3 out of 5 kicks blocked. Unreal. And yet ... not.
  5. Ugh, bad two throws there. Terry had room on that screen, too.
  6. Lol. Trying to set a record for least points in most red zone opportunities. Blewitt, what an upgrade, lol.
  7. Lol, dumbest play all in that position I’ve seen on a long time.
  8. I also heard on local radio this morning that Goodell told the owners privately that the email leaks did NOT come from the league. Considering the only other people who had access to those emails were the investigators and the team itself, that makes it pretty clear who most likely DID leak them, something we pretty much knew already. I can't imagine that making the other owners very happy. Fredo is ready for a boat ride.
  9. Speaking of sickening, how about this post from a guy to the woman who Larry Michael made comments about that forced his "retirement."
  10. Hate is long gone. Hello apathy. Barely watched today. Only thing that excites me related to this team is the ongoing scandal and the dream that Snyder could possibly be forced out. Only thing I care about at this point.
  11. Lol, “run to the hills” is a fitting song to take this out to commercial.
  12. My kingdom for someone willing to nuke these repulsive Kate McKinnon commercials that appear 100 times an hour.
  13. I've said since the beginning that if they can tie those cheerleader videos to Snyder, i.e. prove that he ordered them to be made, he will be done. When the cheerleaders settled, it looked like the case was going to be swept under the rug. But if Congress gets involved and more on this comes out (maybe getting Larry Michael on the stand?), things could go way differently.
  14. This is great. Someone should get Frank Herzog and get him to dub some play calls over this for old time's sake.
  15. Those are all good points, but what must be remembered is how Sean made us as fans FEEL at the time, too, not just his stats. As someone who was there in the glory years of Gibbs I, I can say without hesitation that Sean made me feel a sense of pride in the team that I hadn't felt in decades. I went to that Hall of Fame game that year, and seeing what he did in that game was an epiphany. Seeing how he literally TERRORIZED opponents is something that doesn't show up in a stat. Seeing him literally win games for us in 2005 with incredible fumble recovery TDs. People often forget the huge hit he put on a Cowboys receiver to dislodge the ball on a third down in that Monday Night Miracle game. He brought an electricity with him and an excitement that simply had not been apparent on that team for years and years, and I know I felt that way while he was ALIVE, not just in hindsight after his death. The fact that so many of us literally wept when we heard the news he'd passed away says everything about what he did for this fanbase. He was by far the most important and beloved player we've had since the glory days. His death was utterly soul crushing to this fan base, not just because of what "might have been," but because of what WAS.
  16. Good time to remember what Riggo said about Snyder in 2009 during an interview with Inside the NFL: "But this is a bad guy that owns this team. I'll just tell you that upfront. Bad guy. And if the Commissioner is worried about potential new owners and saying some of these guys shouldn't apply, he might want to police his own inside guys." "I just don't think you can be successful in those situations and when you are dealing with someone with the mindset of a child and yet owns a franchise in the NFL." "[Dan Snyder] knows nothing about football, absolutely nothing. I don't think they have a clue how a football team comes together, how it works. And yet they are the ones that are basically calling all the shots through a puppet, which is Vinny Cerrato." "Let me put it to you this way, Cris, this person's heart is dark."
  17. Gonna post this now for future use for our entire fanbase.
  18. I want Danya to wake up in the middle of the night to this image for all eternity.
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