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Everything posted by Dissident2

  1. Allen 22/28 with 3 TDs ... in ONE HALF, lol. That "elite" d-line really making a difference!
  2. All this Chase Young hype has officially gotten old. See what I did there?
  3. We've had a couple fluke plays and a couple breaks and that's about it. Team just being outshined in every way by a far superior team and coaching staff. What else is new?
  4. Refs? We are ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. Total loser talk, same **** every year in these threads. "Refs, refs, refs." You ever figure maybe that's because refs ALWAYS make ****ty calls? A team that's even remotely decent overcomes those calls. We have NO pressure, NO coverage ability, NO scheme. Yeah, sure, "Thanks, Refs."
  5. Nothing but open field in front of him. Just run the ball!!!
  6. This defense is such garbage. So boring, so predictable, so ballless.
  7. Nice stop, but this Defensive line getting zero pressure as usual.
  8. I don't mind choosing a pass play at all. Heineke made a HORRIBLE decision.
  9. If there's one thing I can't get enough of, it's Landon Collins getting back at his old team. Oh, wait, that's one thing I don't get ANY of.
  10. Again, how many times are they going to let the same freaking play happen,. Unreal.
  11. Commercials, commercials. Each one more horrible than the last. Don't know what is making the NFL more difficult to watch ... the pathetic team I follow or the glut of constant, horrible commercials.
  12. Like I said ... cue another three and out. Absolute garbage on both sides of the ball, coaches included.
  13. Wow, we are just absolute garbage. Jason Garrett continues to own us. Howdy Doody owns us. So, apparently, does Satan.
  14. LMAO at that idiot St. Juste putting up the fourth down sign after that huge conversion. Who didn't know that was coming?
  15. Nice Giants home crowd at this pathetic stadium. As usual. Listen to that cheering after the sack.
  16. One of the most memorable experiences I had at that stadium was close to 20 years ago. I can't even remember what year, but it was around the last game of the season, and we sucked, and the Giants destroyed us, with Tiki Barber running for around 200 yards. It was about as depressed as I'd ever been as a fan ... up until that point, lol. Anyway, as we made the walk of shame in the dark down from the top of the stadium, this giant, drunk, obese female Giants fan kept yelling, "Waa- waaa Redskins! (Clap. Clap. Clap-clap-clap.) Maybe next year! (Clap. Clap. Clap-clap-clap.)" She did this from the top of the stadium until we got to the bottom, as loud as her fat voice could scream it. It was just too much to take, and all the rage I had from that awful season just boiled over. When we got to the bottom, I finally turned around, caught her eye, and yelled, "DRUN-KEN FAT ASS (Clap. Clap. Clap-clap-clap)." At that moment, I knew I'd made a mistake as the fire in her drunken eyes erupted and she charged me like a bull elephant. I regretted my decision at that moment, the fact that my rage got the better of me. She got up in my face, "What did you say? What did you say to me?" "You heard it," I said. I looked around, and the "friends" I was with at the time had vanished as some giant dude, who I think was her brother, approached as well. I think I looked like a maniac, as I was unshaven, hat pulled over my face, drained by rage. He could've crushed me like a gnat, but, thankfully, he just grabbed her and pulled her away. As they left, I heard her cry, "He called me FATTTTTT!" Was I proud of that moment? No. But sometimes, whenever we play the Giants, I think of that girl, wondering where she is now and what is in the trough her face is undoubtedly buried in. I hate the Giants.
  17. Watching this freaking KC game. Can the forces that inspired our name change now turn their attention to their ridiculous tomahawk chop chant? I'm tired of seeing their wild-eyed joy in their incredible stadium, filled with incredibly loud Chiefs fans.
  18. It's so frustrating because it's just the SAME thing, over and over and over. I'm not so upset about the game in a vacuum, but just the overall scourge of this pathetic franchise and how little they ever really accomplish under the human cesspool who is our owner. So much overhyping of guys that don't produce like they should, so much crap spewed in the absence of actual results. Chase Young, Mr. "Predator", can seriously pound sand after the crap performance he put on today. No one expects game-changing plays ever single week, but how about just a few DRIVE changing plays? How about ANY kind of a play against a makeshift O-line, lol. It's pathetic. Hopkins sucks. I dont care that he went 3-4. I knew, we ALL knew, he'd miss that last kick. Why Rivera just refuses to try something else is beyond me. Fitz looked totally unprepared back there the short time he was in. The schemes on both sides of the ball were amateurish at best. Again, it's just the same **** over and over and over and over. Thank God for the memories I have of a team that wasn't owned by dan snyder, but I echo an earlier sentiment: just pick some kind of ****ty name that isn't redwolves so I can just jettison this dungheap once and for all. And I say this a lot and realize it's meaningless overall, but ... did you see those dancers today? Did you SEE THOSE DANCERS? I mean ... what in the actual hell is the thought process behind assembling that gaggle of no-talent husks?
  19. I was SO CLOSE to paying some pretty decent prices to go to this game with my family. Thank the MAKER that I didn't do it. Just another typical Redskin disgrace. New coaches, new players, doesn't matter in the least. Same stats in the end. We got utterly DEMOLISHED today. Score is far from indicative of just how badly we lost this game. ONLY positive I see is that UNREAL catch by Terry. He deserves a lot better than being stuck on this Titanic franchise from hell.
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