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Everything posted by Dissident2

  1. Yes, exactly. We had beaten the Rams 51-7 the week before, and the Niners came out during the week saying things like they didn't think we were that great, etc. We dominated them for the entire first half and into the third, and as said above, if Moseley had made his kicks, which were not that far, we would've been up 33-0 at one point. Game over. Instead, he missed all of them, and we were up 21-0. Montana finally connected on a huge bomb, and the comeback was on. They tied it up, and yes, we benefitted from a VERY ticky-tack PI call that gave Moseley a chance at redemption from like 30 yards. Thank God he made that one. Should've never been close. They should've learned from that letdown, but apparently they didn't.
  2. Wow, good pull. Two sides to every story, but that certainly doesn't speak well of Joe. I remember my mom at that time, who was very religious, talking about how she could no longer root for the Redskins because of the way Joe treated his wife. When the Cowboys would win, she would say, "That's because Tom Landry and Roger Staubach are good Christian men." It would make me so angry. "Joe Gibbs says he's a Christian, too, mom, so now what?" "Well ... I don't know ... maybe Joe Theismann cancels all that out," lol.
  3. That 79 Cowboys loss was an absolute nightmare. However, the thing that helps with that memory now is that, without it, we'd have most likely never seen Joe Gibbs. And we weren't going to beat the Steelers that year in the Super Bowl. They absolutely destroyed us earlier that season. So, in a vacuum, that is still the worst loss in Redskins history, perhaps. But, in the grand scheme of things, it was a serious blessing in disguise.
  4. I don't know why, but I remember just not being incredibly upset by that game. I mean, I WAS upset, but I wasn't devastated like I typically would've been with a Redskins loss, let alone a SUPER BOWL loss. The run for almost a solid two years had been so spectacular (only 3 losses total in two years leading up to that game) that I guess my young self figured, "Well, it was still a helluva run, and we'll be back next year." I remember still having hope when the second half started and we drove down and finally scored. Then Moseley missed the extra point, and I thought, "OK, that's probably it." Moseley was the MVP the year earlier, and he was the LVP in '83. Just absolutely horrendous.
  5. Thing is, the Raiders were a high powered offense too. We were extremely lucky to beat them earlier that year. That said, the game should’ve never been a blowout like that. We were totally flat and fat. Even Gibbs was bad that day.
  6. Man, this clip of the "Joe Theismann Redskins Report (with George Michael)" brings back so many incredible childhood memories from that time period. If you lived in the local area, these shows with George Michael were things you just never missed. I hadn't seen this show in more than 30 years, and I immediately knew the theme song as soon as it started. But as great as seeing this is, it really is so telling for why the Redskins laid such an egg in Super Bowl 18. Way too full of themselves (especially Joey T., whom I love), surrounded by celebrities, going too Hollywood. You can see the big "L" coming when watching this, especially considering how badly they let down in the second half of the NFC Championship that year. (Which would've been 33-0 at one point without Moseley missing four freaking field goals.) Still, those of you were around at that time and lived in the area may especially appreciate this great piece of nostalgia.
  7. I too try to forget about Dan and focus on the positives. And there are a lot of them. It's absolutely fine for long-suffering fans to allow themselves to feel pride again about their team. My point is that NONE of that exonerates Snyder for the last 20 years. The fact that he blatantly refuses to take responsibility for any of the team's misconduct, beyond the laughable "I was too hands-off" line, and even has shown a propensity for "blaming the victim" at times tells me all I need to know about him and any "changes" he's made. And yeah, that bothers me. So if someone wants to just focus on the team and forget about Snyder, have at it. But when I hear people jumping in to defend the guy or excuse him of blame for the last 20 years just because they've suddenly gotten excited about the team based on one 7-9 year, that's when I can't help but jump in. He deserves very little credit for anything good happening at the moment. He seems to have made a good decision to hire Rivera, but I think Rivera's ultimate success will only be bolstered by all the other moves that have happened in the front office, moves that would NOT have happened if the NFL hadn't stepped in and all these stories of misconduct, etc., weren't brought to light. There would be no Jason Wright without those stories, imo, and that culture he put in place for the last twenty years would be unchecked. And Rivera would probably end up being yet another casualty of that culture. So yeah, I'm thankful for the changes, and I'm proud of most of 'em. But the thought of that little weasel trying to come out of this squeaky clean and hoping that these moves will make everyone forget about what kind of person/owner he is truly sickens me. As I've said before, if Snyder would come out and give everyone a legitimate, sincere mea culpa, I may be willing to change, even if he doesn't fully cop to the things I'm personally 100-percent sure he had a big hand in (like the cheerleader videos). "This culture was my responsibility, and I'm ashamed of many of the things that happened under my watch, things that I realize now I helped encourage. I want to sincerely apologize to all who were hurt or victimized by this culture, not just for whatever acts you may have had to endure, but for my own inaction in doing what was necessary to both prevent those actions or to help you find justice after they occurred. I want to apologize to our fans for mistakes I've made that have translated to our performance on the field, as well as for these cultural issues within the building that I know have been a source of great embarrassment for you. I can assure you they are for me as well, and always will be. I can only pledge to all of you that I have learned a great deal from these incidents, and I'm fully committed to not only ensuring they never happen again under my watch, but that we instill a culture where these incidents can never find fertile ground to take root ever again. I realize that my words mean nothing, and I hope to show you with my actions, both now and in the years to come, how sincere I am in bringing these things to pass for what was once one of the greatest franchises in football and will be again. It is a privilege and honor to own this team. It is also a great responsibility. I have failed in that responsibility far too often. I can and will do better. Much better. And that starts right now. Yours in Christ, Dan and Tanya Snyder Or something like that, lol.
  8. I don't agree with either of them being allowed on these boards. It's incredibly problematic. But I don't control that. And the only "bias" I have against Snyder is based on 20+ years of watching him slowly destroy the franchise I've loved since I was a boy. So yeah, I have a "bias" toward him in the same way you'd have a "bias" for the guy who intentionally ran over your cat. Someone shows themselves to be a POS, recognizing that does not equate to having a "bias" against them.
  9. For someone who claims a legal background, that's an awful lot of assumption making going on as well as total misinformation that you're putting out there. First off, how do you know it was a "crappy video"? Have you seen it? And saying he "could've just downloaded porn" is incredibly shortsighted and utterly missing the point beyond belief. It wasn't about "seeing porn," FFS. Jesus. It was about Danny being able to brag to his rich cronies and say, "Look at MY cheerleaders. Look, I'll show you clips of them naked." It fits his M.O. to a tee. Yeah, it was a stupid thing to do from a risk standpoint. That shows how much he believed/believes he can get away with. And it took 10 years for it to come out, so he was pretty much right. And probably would've NEVER come out if someone hadn't leaked the videos. You have a guy in Brad Baker who went ON RECORD saying Larry Michael told him and his crew of 3 (hardly "20") to make this video "for the owner" in 2008. You have another person who did NOT go in record (the one who released the videos) saying that he walked in on another editor in 2010 (after Baker and all those others from 2008 were gone) making the same kind of video. When confronted, the editor also said it was something "the owner" wanted. He went on to say in the Post article that Michael asked him to burn the videos to DVDs labeled "For Executive Meeting." At the very LEAST here you have Larry Michael as the guy responsible. Believing he would do that completely rogue is what is truly "asinine." Why would Larry Michael order his crew to make a video like that for him, claiming it was for Snyder if it wasn't, ask for it to be burned to DVDs, all while totally risking his dream gig for a few boob shots? Absolutely no way he does that. Oh, and not to mention that both videos were set to the same three classic rock songs as the soundtrack, with two of the bands, U2 and the Rolling Stones, being Snyder's "two favorite bands." Come on, man. This has "Occam's Razor" written all over it, as most things do. Larry did what Snyder demanded and had the underlings make this video. It was then given to Snyder and who knows what he did with it. I believe that 100-percent. It's the simplest, most obvious explanation. The fact that he settled Allred's case within seconds and then settled the same case with another group of cheerleaders almost as quickly makes that even more clear to me. Not an ounce of fight against those allegations. This dude is corrupt, period. His entire "empire" was corrupt, which should now be obvious. Most of it's been replaced, which is a good thing. But it's not good enough as long as he still lurks in the shadows there.
  10. All-around, that comment's about as stupid, ill-informed, moronic and outside-the-realms-of-reality as your avatar. And it also speaks to EXACTLY why the report needs to be released, as there are clueless idiots out there who still believe garbage like this. Believe me, people "know." Whether it can be proven in a court of law is another matter. Moot point anyway, as the cheerleaders settled.
  11. Dan IS directly implicated in some of these allegations. The cheerleader video he ordered to be made, for example. Comments made to the head of cheerleader operations. The comments to a cheerleader that she "get to know" his friend in a hotel room. Dan, as the head of the organization, is also clearly responsible for the culture that existed under him for decades. What you're talking about at the bottom is great. But if I rob stores for 20 years, then decide to turn my life around, does that mean I'm no longer accountable for the past crimes? Especially if I go around denying that I ever committed them to begin with? And for the record, it's my belief (because it's utterly obvious) that Snyder hasn't turned ANYTHING around on a personal level. He's the same utter snake he's always been. Proof of that can be found in his entire approach and responses to these allegations. No responsibility, others thrown under the bus, "I was too hands off," etc., etc. The only reason people like Wright are here to begin with is because Snyder realized he had literally hit a brick wall and he had absolutely no other option but to start making these types of changes. I'm sure the NFL had a LOT to do with it as well. They forced Brian Lafemina on him who lasted barely a year. Snyder couldn't stand the honest approach of the guy and fired him, which the league was utterly pissed about. Then, all these allegations hit like a tsunami, and the ass-covering began. You want to just enjoy the team and forget about all that he's responsible for? That's your right, and no judgment here. Not what I plan on doing, ever, not until we hear, at the VERY LEAST, a true mea culpa from him, an honest apology, none of this "Dan and Tanya" BULL**** and he takes responsibility for the way he ran this organization I have loved since I was 7 (nearly 3 years ago now) into the toilet in just about every way imaginable. Winning games, getting acclaim from media, that's great, but that doesn't hide this man's past from me. It shouldn't from anyone. Release the report, make it public, and let the cards fall where they may. Besides, anything that happens to Snyder at this point isn't going to stop what's already happening in that building. Ironically, only Snyder himself can do that. He may go into a hole for a few years, but ... give him time. He'll be back to stink up the joint.
  12. Great insight, dude. Really thought-provoking. It's pretty clear he won't be "forced to sell" at this point, so no one's expecting that anymore. But to have this many people bravely come forward and talk about what happened only to have their stories swept under a rug or locked away in some Indiana Jones-like vault is simply, for lack of a better word at the moment, immoral. Whatever the NFL decides to do, they owe it to these people to make this report public, or at the very least the overall gyst of it. Oh, and what "president" are they going to set? I'm going with Taft.
  13. Where's the damn report? Everyone's hyped up on the admittedly GREAT changes that seem to be happening within the organization on many levels right now, which is understandable. But this ****ing WEASEL is responsible for more than 20 years of not just on the field drek, but off the field toxicity and scumbaggery. He can't be allowed to just walk away from all these allegations that have come out over the last few years or settle his way out of everything. RELEASE THE REPORT! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-nfl-needs-to-release-the-results-of-an-investigation-into-the-washington-football-team/2021/05/28/3acca60a-b820-11eb-a5fe-bb49dc89a248_story.html
  14. When it was over, sure. But no one needs all that angst leading up to and during the game.
  15. I love that we're going up against the Chargers in Week 1! Nice to start out with a non-division-conference opponent as we get back into game form.
  16. I want the Giants on opening day badly. I'm so sick of losing to that abomination of a franchise.
  17. Turns out it was, but I totally missed that for some reason. Looks like they settled before the new year hit according to an article I just read. Wow. When she got on the case, I thought that would be great, as she would speak loudly and often on this on every news outlet that would take her. Guess the team realized that as well, lol. They settled that one in lightning speed. No, Snyder had nothing to do with those videos. Nah, of course not, lol. Pathetic.
  18. Exactly. What it looks like to a few will hardly matter to Don Goodell if there's no public outcry to "release the report." And it doesn't look like there's going to be judging by how quickly the whole Junkie leak faded away for example. NFL is very predictable, but they know what they're doing: Weather the initial storm, say nothing, and wait for something else to claim people's attention. Unfortunately, lots of smoke, but no smoking gun. The best chance at that was to tie Snyder to the cheerleader videos and watch all those lies from him and his goon squad fall apart in court, but he made an offer that apparently couldn't be refused, unfortunately.
  19. I think he'll be good as gold for a couple years from a behavioral perspective, but have no doubt that he'll return to his old ways once he feels comfortable again. The fact that there continues to be radio silence on the Wilkinson report is so frustrating. I fully believe it was leaked to the Junkies because they knew it would be buried. Hopefully more people start demanding it be made public or at least addressed by Don Goodell. But yes, why they are so eager to help someone like Danny is mind-boggling. Only assumption I can make is the one that's been said many times: no one wants to set a precedent, and it's a "there but for the grace of Crom go I" kind of thing. The fact that the video issue never went to court pretty much guaranteed he'd escape all this. And whatever happened to Gloria Allred? She got involved, made a ton of noise for a day or two and then totally disappeared. Have to assume the cheerleaders she represented settled as well. That settling basically secured Snyder as owner and gave him the ability to continue to deny all of this ... or in his case, not even address it. Sickening.
  20. Damn, as much grief as I've given the Moron that is Snyder, that evil **** has played this so well from the beginning. And what can you say about it? It's great that people like this are getting these opportunities, that seemingly good people like Jason Wright and Julie Donaldson have their roles and seem to be doing good things and creating positive buzz around the team internally ... but damn if this isn't the most transparent case I've ever seen of someone trying to cover up their own guilt and disgusting past. He must've been truly scared this time that his ownership was in serious jeopardy. Welcome, Natalie, but I don't believe Damn Spyder has changed a bit through all of this. It just sickens me that we're stuck with this POS.
  21. What's wrong? You don't enjoy hearing the same guy saying, "Bro, I'm done with this thread," then posting, then saying, "Bro, I'm done with this ****," then posting, then saying, "Bro, I'm out," then posting, then saying (ad infinitum) ... 😆
  22. Exactly. Dan is the consummate jock-sniffer. it's the other people, the ones he views as beneath him and not worthy of "looking him in the eye," that are the problem for him.
  23. FYI, if you're right, I will officially support "Warriors" and any logo design of your choosing.
  24. None of this is surprising. Once the cheerleader video case was settled out of court, I was pretty sure it was over, although I held out hope, especially with that Junkies leak from a couple weeks ago. As I said over and over, I think that court case, if it had happened, was the only real chance to pin something truly heinous on Snyder personally, as it would've had executives and past employees forced to take the stand and testify under oath about what they knew and who actually ordered those videos to be made, what they were used for, etc. No aspersions cast on the women involved in this and easy for me to say, but I'm just really disappointed they didn't take this as far as they could have. I don't think he would've survived that. I think that was as close as we were to any "smoking gun" that he wouldn't have been able to avoid.
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