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Everything posted by Dissident2

  1. Right. It's such a ridiculous line of "reasoning." "Ask yourself if people would still be talking about how evil Hitler was if he hadn't presided over the most vile, murderous regime in modern history. Mic drop!" More like "IQ drop."
  2. Considering what he's done to the team over the last 20 years and what kind of person he's shown himself to be, I am ABSOLUTELY willing to take that "risk." I put it in quotes, because I don't think it's a risk at all. At this point, I find that like saying, "Consider whether or not you want to go outside today, because there's a chance a meteor could fall on you." That's about what I think the chances are of us somehow ending up with a worse owner than Snyder if he's ultimately forced to sell. I couldn't care less about how "invested" he is as a so-called "fan." None of that has done much of anything to turn us into a winning/respectable franchise, and any benefits we HAVE accrued as a result of his supposed "fandom" have been far outweighed by the absolute POS human being he's shown himself to be over and over and over again. If the day ever comes where he's ousted, which I think is a longshot, it will be a day to me that's right up there with the Super Bowl victories I was lucky enough to witness. Maybe even better.
  3. Which means what exactly? You could say that to try to justify anything. "Sure, RG3 sucks, but we could have a worse quarterback. Let's just count our blessings that he has two functioning arms."
  4. That would never happen, but ANYTHING that means Snyder is gone, I would be ECSTATIC about, even if that would lead to the fantasy scenario you suggest. It would still be utterly worth it for me.
  5. I'm looking forward to seeing the kid, but I'm concerned. Seen the movie too many times. Kid comes in at the tail end of a game off the bench and lights things up, gets everyone excited, then starts and ends up showing everyone why he hadn't been a starter up until that point. All that said, if Alex is still hurting, it's the only real choice we have. No way we can go with the same Smith we had play last week and expect to have a shot at this team.
  6. You're right, thanks for that correction on when the tirade came. That aside, I'd agree with you if we were talking about anyone but Dan Snyder. I'm sure this wasn't the first time Smith had witnessed something idiotic and franchise-damaging coming from this owner. I can't imagine Lil' napoleon has even an ounce of respect from these guys. Probably the complete opposite. So I don't see it as some stupid, "macho BS" move, but more of an "I'm fed up with this ****" reaction. Especially considering all the hours these guys put into their evaluations, only to see some tiny man-baby overrule them based on whatever "gut feeling" he had about a player who went to school with his kid. The fact that Snyder did that at all to these guys shows how little he values them and their actual skillset. Responding to that the way Kyle did, to me, is not something that speaks to some "young up-and-comer" trying to make some sort of naive, inappropriate statement to prove he "had a spine," but rather to someone who actually cares about what he does and what his name is associated with.
  7. Tantrum? I think that's the wrong word to use. He passionately stood up for his work and for the countless hours he'd put in as PART OF HIS JOB to figure out who would be the best use of that top pick. I'd say that's exactly how you do it when there's no other choice left and the "boss" is basically ****TING on everything you've worked so hard to put together. Again, I love this guy after reading this. I don't know if that makes him qualified to be our next GM or not, but that's the kind of guy I want on this team in SOME capacity at the very least. No more ass-kissing shills needed in this organization.
  8. I'd settle for Unholy Satan at this point. Whatever it takes. You want a goat sacrificed? Done.
  9. Could not disagree more. That may work if he had TIME to convince the owner, but this was on draft night right before the pick apparently. I gained a TON of respect for Smith after reading this. That's what this team needs far MORE of, people willing to stand up to this imbecile of an owner, not kiss his ass and try to "finesse" him. **** that at this point. The world needs far more spine. Snyder has a history of not respecting the talents and abilities of people in his employ. This guy clearly valued self-respect over self-preservation. Huge props to him if that's true.
  10. One thing I'm not clear on here. Are they threatening Snyder if he doesn't SELL or if he doesn't LET THEM sell? Feel like it's the latter, but hoping it's the former.
  11. So here's the text from the most recent Post article. Apparently there was a harassment settlement in 2009 that Wilkinson (NFL lawyer) wants to disclose the details of. The plot thickens. Or sickens, take your pick. Interesting that she interviewed Snyder himself late last month.
  12. I could even live with all the suck record-wise if I felt like a decent person was trying his best and trying to do the right things. That's never been Snyder. I agree he got the coach right, but if the Post story had not come out, Larry would still be there, the harassment culture would still be bubbling beneath the surface, etc., etc. He's trying desperately to shield himself from his own wrongdoings. I don't care how successful the team is, I personally won't let him get away with that. A sincere "mea culpa," and maybe I'd listen. But he has lied and continues to lie about all these things, go after victims, etc., etc. I hope the fan base is smart enough as a whole not to let him off the hook just because the team starts looking good again.
  13. I just heard this mentioned 5 minutes ago. Would also love to hear more about this. Also, it's great that the team is doing well. Snyder made the right hire this time. That doesn't exonerate him from anything for me, and I still want that POS booted as badly as ever. If people don't want to think about that side of things right now, I guess I understand. But I'm able to separate the two entities right now and I can root for these players and this coaching staff without laying off one iota on my utter disgust and disdain for our owner. EDIT: Found this. Sure the Post article is more detailed, but I don't want to subscribe at this time: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2921385-wft-confidential-settlement-found-during-nfls-sexual-harassment-investigation
  14. I feel like he's pretty aware of the situation. How could you not be? I'm sure he's shielded somewhat, but he knows he's pretty much despised. The only problem with this leading to him selling the team out of frustration is that he wants the team to stay in his family. He wants it to go to his son at some point, and I'm sure that supersedes any frustration he feels about not being liked. Hopefully his son turns out to be a decent person if we end up with the team staying in this family.
  15. I get your feelings, TD. I've been close to that as well, and yet I still instinctively root for the team and continue to, despite my feelings of utter disdain for Snyder. Not just for him, but for his entire inner circle and the stooges who still lie for him. I still haven't wavered on my feelings for what's to come. This is going to sound a little goofy, but I "know someone who knows someone" who's directly involved with some of this stuff, so I occasionally hear things. Feel free to take that with a grain of salt, and I'm not privy to any "huge" revelations, but I've gotten some basic insight into some of the things going on. Basically, the NFL investigation, whatever it yields, will NOT be the end of all this. And just because things have been very quiet lately doesn't mean there isn't stuff going on behind the scenes. My personal feeling is that the NFL Investigation will yield some nasty allegations and lead to Snyder being pretty much even more condemned and reviled than he already is (if that's even possible), but I personally don't think there's enough to force him out at this point. I truly hope I'm wrong, but most of the stuff that I'm AWARE of that's out there is damning of his character, but not enough to make the owners kick him out of their club. Again, I hope I'm wrong, and I know it's not like he's even well-liked by many there. That said, where this thing will get interesting is with the video issue. To me, that is the last real chance to pin something on Snyder bad enough to force him out. If it can be proven that he ordered those videos to be made - over multiple years - I think that, combined with whatever this investigation yields, may well be enough to finally bring down the axe. The thing is, that's going to take people to talk, more people than the ones in that Post article from awhile back. It's probably going to take Larry Michael to talk, because, as it stands now, he's the one who has been named firsthand by people as asking for these to be made. Snyder's involvement amounts to people second hand saying, "Larry said Snyder asked for these" or "he said Larry said Snyder asked for these." Putting my cards on the table, I fully believe Snyder asked for these based on what's been reported and other things I've been told. I firmly believe the employees in the first article who were accused of editing these and denied it are lying. I firmly believe Larry is lying through his teeth. What inevitably happens will be based on what these people end up doing. If some of them grow a conscience and tell the truth, that could be very damning to Snyder. If Larry mans up and tells the truth, that would be devastating. I would say the latter happening is incredibly unlikely EXCEPT for the fact that, it seems to me, there's a pretty damn strong case already against Larry as being the one who asked for these videos to be made. If it looks like he's going to take the fall, will he be willing to do that, or will he cut a deal of some sort? Who knows what sort of "parachute" he has as a result of what he knows. I'd imagine it's pretty golden. So what I'm saying is, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high for the NFL investigation to bring about what we all want. But there's still a chance even after that, especially when people like Gloria Allred get involved in all this, which will be happening at some point. If they can pin those videos on Snyder, I think he'll be done. Remains to be seen of course, but that's where the best hope lies, imo. I imagine a lot of things will kick into higher gear once that investigation finishes. Apparently they are set to finish in about a month or so and have spoken with MANY people.
  16. That's rich that the NFL says "That's not how it's done" in relation to the minority owners suit. That sentence has applied to Snyder since he bought the damn team. Yeah, I just don't see how the investigation is going to force a sale. Mainly because there's no way it can prove at this time whether or not Snyder asked for those videos to be made. Probably the only hope is the litigation to come later and seeing if new things are brought to light through that. Disillusioning for sure.
  17. I want him ****ing gone. Period. End of story. I don't care if they turn this into the greatest "culture" in the NFL. That does NOT exonerate him for the past 20 years. It MIGHT if he admitted to what he's done. If he asked for forgiveness and took the blame. If he stopped his constant lies and attempts to divert attention from his own pathetic self. THEN maybe I'd have some hope and empathy for him. But that's not usually what people do. They rarely change. He's a POS. He's hired some good people (I think), but not out of any real desire to "change." It's totally a self-preservation move. As long as he's there, my fandom has a permanent and giant asterisk.
  18. I heard an interesting theory from Cooley and Kevin Sheehan, basically that, if the owner is planning to sell (or forced to sell), he could possibly get a great deal more for the team by allowing the new owner to also rename/rebrand the team rather than inheriting a rebrand immediately. That would make the idea of owning the team that much more attractive. Cooley was wondering if that could be playing into all of this. The ONE thing I still am happy with when it comes to Snyder is his commitment to keeping the team colors and as much of the tradition as we can. One of the reasons I'm all in for Redwolves. Colors would work perfectly, still a NA vibe, etc. I would worry that a new owner with no connection to that history might be fine just starting from absolute scratch. That said, I've arrived at the point in my fandom that I just want Snyder gone by any means necessary, and anything we have to deal with as a result of that happening would ultimately be worth it. Best case scenario: Snyder rebrands to Redwolves, keeps the colors, gets kicked to the curb shortly thereafter. The thing that contradicts this conspiracy theory, though, is that Cooley also said the new name has already been chosen. So I guess we'll see.
  19. I actually see more ... PROVIDED that "big cash settlement and everyone goes away" is not ultimately what happens. The Banks firm has already claimed they are going to file both civil and criminal suits. And we've heard nothing from Gloria Allred yet. That's coming. I also get a sense that there is intense anger from the cheerleading squad over this and a sense of deep betrayal. I think most of those involved will WANT to hurt Snyder and those associated with making these videos. While that would obviously never rule out the possibility of them going away "if the price is right," I believe someone or some people are going to take a big fall for this whether there's a big settlement before a trial or not, and Larry is the most obvious candidate at this point. If more come forward in the meantime and admit that it was in fact Snyder who ordered these to be made, I don't think there's any way he survives that. I think there's very little chance that what we've seen/heard/read so far will ultimately get Snyder forced out. It's possible, but unlikely imo. A suspension is probably going to be the outcome. If the NFL was smart, what they would do (aside from forcing him out, which would be the smartest/best move, because this will never end for them as long as he's owner) would be to suspend him until the trials are complete. I heard one of the lawyers speaking awhile back saying that when things go to trial, "people start speaking." If I had to guess, I'd say there's at least a 50/50 chance that some more people corroborate Baker's story in the Post. This is far from over, no matter what the investigation yields.
  20. Yeah, no amount of "nasty comments" (unless they're racially motivated) are likely to get him forced to sell. I still say it all comes down to these videos and whether or not he was the one who instructed them to be made. The one thing about this article that stands out to me as new/worthwhile info is the Rolling Stones/U2 connection. Snyder's two favorite bands, two of the three bands included in both the 2008 and 2010 videos. While obviously that's not a smoking gun at this point, it's a smoking ... something or other. One of the things people had suggested is that possibly a staff member put those together for their own amusement or that Larry wanted them for himself and just lied about Snyder wanting them, both of which seem to me ridiculous. Number one, different people were supposedly involved in the production of these videos during these two years. Number two, some young editor isn't going to put some produced piece together for his own amusement (and choose the Stones and U2 and Aerosmith as the backing music?). They'd just grab the raw clips. Plus, you'd have to have multiple editors doing exactly the same thing over different years for that to be true, since different people are accused of making each video. So that theory is pretty much out. Number three, Larry isn't about to go to all that trouble AND put his job on the line by lying about Snyder ordering the videos just for some nip slips that he could probably get easy access to anyway as the head of that department. Nor would he have someone burn the videos to TWO DVDs saying "Executive Meeting." Again, Occam's Razor ... what makes the most sense here? To me, it's easily what Brad Baker went on record as saying: that Larry was ordered by Dan to put these together in multiple years, Larry had it done. End of story. And they have videos from 2008 and 2010. Not a big stretch to think there must be one from 2009 and prior and later years. Seems to me, all they need is for a few more people involved in this to grow some balls and tell the truth. Or for one ... Larry. Rest assured, if Larry doesn't spill, he's more than likely going to get hit hard for this when all is said and done. I think that even if the NFL investigation doesn't find enough to force a sale, there's still hope that a court trial will reveal a lot that could.
  21. For me, what's possibly the most damning - albeit circumstantial - evidence in this is the fact that the two videos feature the same songs by U2 and The Rolling Stones (plus an Aerosmith song), and that 2011 article cited has Snyder saying the Stones and U2 are his favorite bands! That certainly raises a big eyebrow as to who ordered these videos made, which a couple of employees claim was Snyder himself. Personally, I believe it completely. The thing that gets me the most is the fact that the cheerleaders actually had in their contracts: “Inappropriate” conduct or online content, including nude or seminude appearances in “tasteless” films, videos or photographs, could trigger immediate dismissal. “Each cheerleader must at all times conduct herself with due regard to public conventions and morals." Unreal that the organization that made them sign that ends up making those "tasteless" and "nude/seminude" films themselves. People/lawyers should really be playing that angle up hard. Please, please dear [any god who will listen], please let this be the beginning of this scumbag's end as owner.
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