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Everything posted by carex

  1. or it could be the offensive equivalent of signing Will Blackmon and Mason Foster when injuries necessitated it. Blackmon gave us a couple of good years and Foster is still tearing it up. when Floyd was released by the Cards fans wanted us to sign him. And as much baggage as he has it seems like less than Gordon
  2. we did't use him as a deep threat in Arizona because the running game worked well enough we didn't go deep. We didn't use him as a deep threat against the Colts because of the constant pressure Smith was under
  3. this is the Redskins. We trade for him he'd have failed a drug test before he got to Redskins park. cause no one else offered a fifth? I think I saw the condition is if he's not active for 10 games they send back a pick
  4. you can't just say "minus the off field stuff" Plus it's not like they just left. Jackson had a down year last year. If we had keot him we'd have spent all season hearing how we wasted money, signed the wrong guy and needed to cut our losses
  5. designated to return is no longer a thing. There's two returns and it can be anyone who goes on IR during the season. We could sign Quick back and/or bring up Cobb, but unless Harris is also still out I think we might just make one move and skip IR, instead releasing someone like Josh Keyes. As for the teams issue, if we do keep them on the active roster they would be on the inactive list, allowing guys like Perine and Adonis Alexander to suit up and take the spots on teams
  6. not a fan of that shade of gold on the 9ers, don't want it on us
  7. I think that might be a non starter with the Chiefs having an arrowhead logo
  8. I like the pants and the helmet actually the jersey isn't quite right though
  9. why else do you need? How about some effort. That jersey looks like a t-shirt with a number slapped on it. It's boring. Give me bright colors, I like things loud
  10. not to my eyes. I mean I guess that burgundy is okay, but the gold? Ugly as hell. Of course to me, that's closer to mustard yellow, but I don't think of French's mustard as mustard yellow, I tend to think of Dijon mustards as closer to actual mustard color
  11. In fact that's about how often we saw it in the old days, The problem is the home team always chooses the color. If we choose white on red at home, and then most of our opponents choose to wear their color jersey in their home game we'll almost never wear the burgundy jersey. In fact, during Gibbs 1 it got the the point we only saw it when we played the Cowboys in Texas Stadium
  12. I won't argue the white and yellow is terrible, but so is the burgundy jersey/white pants. It's just boring as hell
  13. the yellow pants are great. the white pants are boring as hell, I hope we never go back to them
  14. Cowboys are making their third string QB into their QB coach
  15. I saw no evidence Snyder was interested in changing the unis until Bruce suggested it Honestly, I'm not a fan of Color Rush as is, it's kind of to much of a good thing. The pants worn with the various uniforms frequently look weird to me with the way they're striped or sometime aren't striped. But I love the Gold jersey and think it would be incredible paired with the Burgundy pants As for options I feel like Allen might say that the yellow against white would be to hard for color blind people to tell which team was which, though I don't know if that's true. He might also suggest Burgundy on Burgundy since we have worn that before
  16. Dallas Color Rush have been all white in the past so I don't think all white is an option
  17. so, we've got two Thursday games coming up. Will the Skins be able to wear their proposed color rush unis for either? Last year the late Thanksgiving game didn't require Color Rush rules. And Dallas I think has white color rush and I'm not sure how yellow would look compared to that
  18. carex

    Touchback? Are You Sure?

    on the touchback thing, the ref ruled he'd touched the line before the ball got there, which basically makes him unable to touch it without it being a touchback
  19. so they called the grounding because Payton complained. He knew there wold be a ten second run off. If a player tries to steal time from the other team get called for delay of game and penalized. Coaches after two minutes should get the same
  20. white pants stink. They're plain and boring. But I love the burgundy jerseys
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