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Everything posted by carex

  1. well, depending on the population either can, but for you personally switching parties every election is just voting against the you of a few years before and insuring previous work will be undone
  2. they don't acknowledge them because there's not enough people on each side who combine those two opinions to shift the party platform well, there's a reason that's a mistake, unless you like gridlocked government. Te two sides dislike each others policies so much right now, that switching out repeatedly just means they next Congress and Pres spends their time undoing what the previous one did
  3. oh really? People against gay marriage but for a strong social safety net because of what the bible says about sex and about caring for people have moral reasons for each but have to pick a side because current orthodoxy in the US parties put those moral issues on opposite sides meanwhile people for gay marriage because it's not the government's business but against the strong safety net because they believe any large gov't will go wrong and hurt people are also deciding something for moral reasons but have to make a decision
  4. more likely they decide what they believe then pick out the party, there only being two significant parties in the US has narrowed it down to if one party believes one thing the other belives the opposite in most cases where there's a question. Of course the two people who vote may not lockstep with each party, but then you just have to prioritize
  5. well, if both sides believe they're morally right, why shouldn't they feel that way?
  6. I don't think the Wizards can trade their 2018 first rounder since they traded their 2017 pick
  7. CSN is purposely making the Skins/Cousins negotiations sound bad for ratings and hits. I mean the last we heard last week was a twitter mention that negotiations weren't so bad. Today they have an article basically dismissing the idea of an LTD and talking about another franchise tag next year
  8. seen the thing about the Redskins expected the defense to be more physical and pound the hell out of people. I've nver really thought of the 3-4 as the D to do that
  9. they showed him and Morri trash talking and the expression on Olynk's face was extremely unpleasant he just deserved his ass kicked
  10. Olynk needs his face caved in by someone, and I just say that not becuse of his pling but by the way he was in Morris face
  11. these announcers saying it's smart basketball to just jump into people. If that is the case then basketball's rules are terrible
  12. I imagine it was alte because the guy was waiting for the other refs to make it
  13. it's the Celtics court, sucks that it not being properly maintained can benefit them
  14. they called that a flop? it looked like he was elbowed in the face
  15. bull**** that the Celtics end with the lead. Wreck them in the second half
  16. refs suddenly not calling fouls, Wiz not going for offensie rebounds the same
  17. that was such a fake foul. Looks like Morris went down cause if Thomas was going to get the call he was going to get fallen on
  18. that was an amazingly blatant hold a minute ago they weren't playing this kind of d last game
  19. some people like color. I've been wishing for a yellow jersey at least for years
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