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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. Yesterday morning I was sitting in my office looking at last year’s yearbook. We had a crossing guard named Donnie who had to stop working a few weeks before summer vacation due to health issues. I was looking at his picture and wondering how he was doing. Later that afternoon, we got a text that Donnie had passed away earlier in the day. Last year was my first year at the school and I had bus duty in a different location so I never got to know him but apparently he was a sweet guy. A lot of the teachers who have been around for a while were really affected.
  2. I’m sure there are quite a few teams that would love to see that. New England for example… The Chargers…
  3. @ixcuinclehe literally stood there and saluted domestic terrorists that attacked our country based on his lies while the national anthem played in the background. Serious question, do you have no bottom?
  4. And my true analysis of the situation... Williams is the best talent of the group but he's going to Chicago so no point in discussing. The strengths of both Daniels and Maye that are repeatedly pointed out are very real as are many of the criticisms. Whoever we draft, we are getting an excellent prospect that needs to be developed. Either one would have busted here under the previous leadership. I think Daniels's flaws that you see might potentially be easier to fix but I think you might uncover some new flaws with him in the pros that you've not seen before. I also think that he has significantly higher potential to bust which is why I'm guessing they go with Drake. There are quite a few successful quarterbacks in the league that are in the same mold as Drake. He really is the prototype in that sense. There's been a ****load of guys drafted high that play with JD's style and most of them have been disasters. That along with his proclivity to take off running, some of the hits he takes when he does, and his age I think will be the deciding factors. Of course, if our staff really, really values the QB's ability to run then all bets are off.
  5. One of my few serious posts in this thread coming up… My best guess is that we end up with Maye.
  6. Last night, Colbert asked Biden if he could be trusted since he’s never won a trophy at a Trump golf club and Biden said that when Trump was coming into the oval office, he told him that he’d be willing to play and he would spot him three strokes, but he has to carry his own bag.
  7. Just one of my three big pet peeves (the others being people who point out others’ sloppy drunken grammar on their birthdays & hypocrites) but you are not literally hammered AF. In order to literally be hammered AF, you would have to I actually don’t know what that would look like. Anyway, happy birthday brother.
  8. Pretty sure this is the first 🏆 emoji I’ve ever given out. btw, I thought my post above would have you rolling.
  9. He’s a combination of the best traits of both… Plus the oversized feet of Brandon Banks.
  10. I think Ive become one of those people whose brain works better when he is high.
  11. Jumbo been typing for like 20 minutes now. This is going to be a banger and I sort of have that feeling like I’ve been called to the principals office and I’m not sure if it’s good or bad.
  12. Thanks. I took it off of a drifter that I’d just murdered in order to attain arousal.
  13. Yeah, I’m gettin’ a little antsy too. This Drake Maye pro day ‘bout to make pornhub look like a church.
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