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Sacks 'n' Stuff

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Everything posted by Sacks 'n' Stuff

  1. We had you at number four on our big board after watching all the film of you actually playing football but after the way you took down those lamb chops…
  2. I didn’t find that out until I was in college. I was arguing online with someone over some stupid **** like whether Josh Norman was released or not and it of course became a battle of which one of us were smarter. When I said “for all intensive purposes”, that should’ve been the end of the argument with me losing but as he was correcting me and laughing at my ignorance, I cleverly countered by declaring myself the winner and signing off.
  3. Which was unfortunately compounded by the issue of Robert not being any good as an NFL passer and having no value outside of read option. I really don’t blame Shanny. The options were to keep running read option, have a chance of winning and hope that Robert might eventually figure out that stepping out of bounds or getting down is a good thing if you keep telling him over and over and over and over again or we pretend like he can play in a traditional style and have no chance of winning and he is also getting his ass destroyed in the pocket because he looks like one of those big inflatable guys outside the car dealerships, flailing around with no idea how to protect himself so what’s even the point.
  4. If I told you this was a good hip-hop song, how would you rate my hip-hop ear?
  5. So what’s going to happen next is that the entire Republican political machine is going to rally behind Donald Trump just like they did in the last election and the election before that. That means buying into all of the stupid bull**** he is peddling. They will all be questioning whether the last election Was legitimate. Eventually, you will have regular discussion on Fox News about the possible crimes that Democrats could be charged with if Trump wins. After his attempt to seize power through an election fails, he will at some point use the phrase “we are at war”, and this will be the call to arms for all of his crazies to start their domestic terrorism ****. That’s when we’ll see the battle for the soul of our country with the Most powerful military arsenal in the world, potentially falling into the hands of a narcissistic maniac. Also at this point, my father (his name is Ray) will say that Biden and the Democrats are just as bad and that’s when I will know that I have lost him for good. Anyway, four dollars a pound.
  6. I think if I got drafted to Chicago, I would probably be out of the league after a season. That deep dish pizza…
  7. Mims is a massive human being. They’re just isn’t a ton of film on him.
  8. Everything is going according to plan. My QB rankings 1. Maye 2. Williams 3. That’s it. I want nothing to do with any of the other QBs. All are busts.
  9. True dat. I think it's safe to say that my prediction of him retiring as our all time passing leader isn't going to work out though.
  10. I have a pretty good history of QB analysis on here. It was close to perfect until Howell fell off a cliff right after I declared him the QB of the future 😞
  11. Arrogance edit: Except in my case. It’s Maye over Daniels and in the end, it’s not close.
  12. Reading that made my eyes water. Mine was much less invasive. He flipped my eyelid and used this little poker thingy like you would see at a dentist office to get the thing out.
  13. Thanks man. I’m taking the first sick day of my life tomorrow. Apparently the cornea is full of stem cells and it regenerates rapidly so now that that thing is out, I should be feeling better pretty quickly.
  14. OK, so I hurt my eye on Friday evening. Had to take an Ambien to sleep that night. Pain was so bad on Saturday morning that I went to urgent care, and they diagnosed me with the corneal abrasion. Gave me some pain med and some eyedrops and said I should be feeling better quickly because it is a short recovery time but I spent the weekend in a self-induced medical coma. broke down and had to go back to the eye doctor today I was in so much pain. Whatever the thing was that had gotten into my eye was stuck behind the eyelid and had been in there for four days, scratching me up and causing more damage. They found it and took it out. Has not been a fun time.
  15. Without reading the whole post, I’m going to try to guess who you’re talking about here. So far, I’ve got it narrowed down to about 500 players that this could be. edit: oh ****, I just realized it doesn’t have to be a player. Could easily be a lot of coaches, too.
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