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Everything posted by goskins10

  1. He would rather **** be broken so he can campaign agaisst than help people who are suffering. Republicans submit HR 2, a bi-partisan group send a compromise back that contains much of HR 2 but without the draconian parts and republicans don't want it. Talk about disingenious.
  2. Fair, he was no in retirement when Dan hired him but he did retire after Washington. Point remains he was not looknig for a job. But good job, you found one mistake.
  3. I love a good dan bashing like anyone. But your statemenbt is not exactly accurate: After Marty: Steve Spurrier - went back to college as a HC and was extermely successful resurrecting a SC program that was very pedestrian - it was Lou Holtz last years. Spurrier had a .671 winning %. He was not loking for a NFL job. Joe Gibbs - He retired. Was not looking for a football job. Went back to racing. He could have had a job if he wanted it. Jim Zorn - Not a OC but a QBs coach for the Ravens and Chiefs - He really should never have been a HC. I give you that. But he was back in coaching after here. Mike Shannahan - Took a year out of fotoball afdter Dewnver before being hired by Dan. But then retired so was not looking for a NFL job. He could have had a job if he really wanted it. Jay Gruden - OC for Jacksonville and an Offensive Consultant for the Rams in 2022 Bill Callahan - He was just an interim coach - and he went back to be an offensive line coach for ther Browns and and now with the Titans. So back into the NFL as a coach. Ron Rivera - He just got fired. Still a lot of time. Probably not for DC this year. But who knows. He is very well respected in the NFL even if the fans here hate him. Again, I hate Dan S with every fiber of my being. He stole almost 30 yrs of fandome from me with his bull****. Total pond scum. But the narrative that none of his HCs got hired anywhere else is misleading at best. Some did and others simply did not want to coach any more. Moving on to the new coaches - I like it. KK is an interested hre. Know as a offesnive guy but have never actually been an OC except 1 yr at Tewxas A&M. But has been a HC in both college and the NFL. Whitt is an unknown but Quin clearly thinks very highly of him. And he knows they can work together. That's important. Again, I will keep saying it, Quin was not my first choice. In fact I was hating the idea early. But I think I am coming around - at least to luke warm.
  4. I have not read all the stuff about Ben Johnson but I think I read enough to believe the team dodged a bullet. This is not revisionist history, I honestly believe that. This is 2 yrs in a row he has "pulled out of jobs" when they seemed to be his for the taking. And this year, two teams, not just one, stated he did not interview well and his asking price was pretty high. Him saying the team is run by basketball people is just childish and not true. Adam Peters has more football knowledge than Ben by far. And there were a few other football people in the room. And to annouce he was dropping out while they werre in flight with a text is not what professionals do. He could have waiting the hour or so for them to land and get thme on the phone and tell them personally, thanks but no thanks. Not typically a good idea to burn bridges in the NFL and he has burned 3 teams at least. I said before this sounding like a Josh McDaniels thing and it looks like the case is being made. Now, Washington leaking details is not cool either. Would guess they would liek to have that one back. My guess is it came from some of the aperatus left over from the snyder era. Weed them out and stop the leaks. Who knows if Quinn will be successful here. I like his leadership on the outside. But his last few Atalnta teams under performed. People can learn from mistakes. Let's see if he learned from his. He will have some very highly motivated people to help him and plenty of resources - 2nd pick and other draft picks and a ton of cap.
  5. Re: the trade for #1 - If Caleb Wiliiams is really THE guy the team thinks can be the franchise QB for a decade, then you consider it and probably give more than you want, but not the crazy haul the idiot bears fan thinks it could be. That trade is never happening. They need to lay off the mushrooms.
  6. Quinn was not my first choice but this idea that's just more of the same as under dan is silly and an overreaction. Quinn is a qualified candidate. He went to a SB and if Kyle had not insisted on throwing with that huge lead the Patriots never come back. Well and Ryan has to make a better decisions. Admittedly feels like a slight step above Ron R. But he would not be the first to learn from his first run. Going into this with an open mind. And he gets to start with a #2 pick and lots of CAP space.
  7. Just throwing this out there - is it possible there is someone on the Chiefs or especially the 49ers that has been their main target all along but they have kept it quiet? Adam coming from SF that seems very likely there is an under the radar candidate he really likes and wants. And they did thier due dilligance with the othre candidates but really want this under the radar person. Just feels like there is a lot we fans do not know, which is normal. Not worried either way. It will be taken care of soon. Then the real hand wringing by fans can start! LOL
  8. Of course they had a list. Just becasue they didn't run it by you or the rest of us fans first does not mean they didn't have one... đŸ™‚ It does mena that at least till now no one wowed them enough to make a call right then. If they lost thier 1st guy, then it is what it is. You realize he has worked in other organizatinos besides SF? Right? And while he may not have been the person to do the actual hiring he has certiqanly watched the process. And he is not alone. Harris and the others on the serarch team have certianly hired HCs before. I am done here. Feel free to freak out and think this sends bad messages but I am OK to trust the process. As a total aside - Mike MacDonald - I wonder if John Harbaugh had something to do with him not coming here. He has fired 2 OCs after losing to us and that has nothing to do with Dan S. That is Washington as a team. Just throwing **** on the wall like everyone else. đŸ™‚
  9. What makes you think they didn't start before the end of the season, at least in terms of research. Of course they did. And NO, they CANNOT meet with these guys during the season. There are rules around that, including when you can interview people if you have an opening. Not sure you can interview anyone with an NFL job if you don't have an opening. Someone who knows the rules better than me may say thats wrong. But I do know teams don;t like it and that would be thatg bad message you are tlking about. Adam Peters has part of 3 excellent organizations that reached several SBs. Do you really think he is just winging it here? Trust the process!
  10. And what message is that? They n one wowed them? They have a process adn they are working the process and refused to be rushed into a poor decision. There were questions about every candidate. Who says these other teams made good choices? Odds are that most will fail or be at best mediocre. Other people in the NFL undertstand it's a process. They are not going to put off because the team did thier due dilligence and were not rushed. When they do offer a job, they will be fully committed to that person. I do not see it as a bad message at all.
  11. I will provide my answer - No, fans are impatient. They defnitely had a list. They are doing thier due dilligence. A search like this is not like deciding if you want fires or not. This is the leader of thier team. I would much prefer this then to go out and just hire someone, like I think a few of the teams not in the running for the top guys have done - see Carolina. It's literally only 3 days since the Conference games. Johnson deciding to stay in Detroit was likely a surprise but that does not mean they do not have a plan and are not working dilligently to make a decision. And I am sure they are in contact with the serious condidates and if tthey felt they had to make a decision sooner they would. Outside fans impatience there is no reason to rush the most important decision they will make as a team. Trust the process. This is not dan strugglingto find a sucker. This is a ideal landing spot.
  12. Sorry to see Ben Johnson pull out of the running but if he is not 100% committed it's best. He is reminding me of Josh McDaniels. Anyway, we don't know what is gonig on in his life so I will just say, good luck and how you find what you want. As for those left, I will support whoever the hire is, yes even Quinn. But I have to admit I will be a little dissapointed if that's where they end up. He seems to be just a notch above Ron R but not a big notch. But who knows, maybe he figured out what wen wrong here in Atlanta. He had a QB so he know how to handle a top QB even if he is a defensive guy. Worries me that Dallas's Ds under him generally choked, at least a little bit in big games. I think we will know something tomorrow or Thursday at the latest, even if it's unofficially official. Leaked to the media with a formal announcment and press conference late Friday. My preference right now would be MacDonald then Vrable, then Weaver or Glenn with Quinn pulling up the rear.
  13. Why? Would just be a petty thing to do. Let it go. No need to burn any bridges. Whether he saw the writing on the wall or just decided to stay put, tells me he was not the right person for the job. Not enough confidence in himself it sounds like. You could not ask for a better setup than right here right now. I wanted him as much as anyone but time to move on and not look back at all. I do hope this does not mean Quinn is the front runner. But if he is, so be it. As I said before the team has a process and they are working the process. Need to give them the benifit of the doubt.
  14. They could be interviewing him with the idea he may fit another role. Tht would not be the first time that happened. I don't think it's a Rooney Rule thing neccesarily. It's clear they have a proces and they are working the process and doing thier due dilligence. I see nothing wrong with the speed or timing of anything. It's within he confines of what is reasonable and possible. Fans are not reasonable (I include myself here). We want it yesterday. But the reality is different. I will be glad with whoever they pick, even Dan Quinn although he is my least favorite candidate for HC. DC maybe, but not HC. But still, until proven wrong we should trust the process.
  15. If Johnson goes to Seattle then so be it. I think it's a mistake given the shape they are in. They have a better foundation of players for sure. However, the key things a new HC would want are in question: Draft - Position is 16th and missing thier Rd 2 pick. They do have 2 3rds QB - They have Geno Smith He has played decent but no one is going to confuse him for a top level starter. No real resosources to get a different starter. Cap Space - Right now the rule of 51 for the league year of 2024 has them $4.5M over the cap - meaning they need to shed some cap before the new season starts. Also, there are questions about the long term ownership of Seattle while here it is known. He will be able to pretty do what he wants here. #2 pick in the draft, the most CAP space in the NFL, and a new owner that is very motivated to be successfull and is willing to do what it takes. Just not seeing how Seattle is a better spot. So if it is a better spot for him, then we never had a chance and he was just playing them. Otherwise he will make sure to do the interview with Harris, Peters and Co before making a decision. If he doesn't then it is what it is. Or if he does the in person with Wash and still picks Seatltle, then again, it is what it is. Not losing any sleep over it. The consolation prize should b McDonald which to me is just about a wash. Only down side for McDanoald is you likely lose your OC every few years if you are successful. But that is a good problem to have. The only outcome that will be truly dissapointing to me is if they end up with Dan Quinn. He is a decent HC but will keep us mired in mediocrity. I live in Atlanta and saw what they went through. As a DC? Yes, sign me up! As a HC? Not at all.
  16. This is dangerously close, if not all the way there, to being a political statement. Should stop here before it goes that way. No place in the stadium for this.
  17. I think that was pretty much a done deal a few days ago. It's a good fit. Not looking forward to facing a Fangio D twice a year. He is NOT a good HC but he is a very good DC. Something that I have been keeping in mind through this process - If the search team was not pretty sure that they could get Ben J. they would have gone after someone else. But more importantly, these other teams fillnig thier HC positions before Ben is available shows they knew they were not in contention for him. Sure maybe one or two were not interested. But the fact is he was the #1 candidate during this HC cycle. So most were interested, but they must have know/surpised they had no chance. It's not done till it's done but I think its fair to say vmost if not all signs point towards Josh and team getting thier man. They just can't make it final until Detroit's done. I am very excited that for once a new HC will come in and pick his young QB to develop and grow with.
  18. Multiple interviews is how it should be. The good organizations can do that because candidates want them as much as they want the candidates. This is how professional organizations work. They are doing thier due dilligence. They can't hire him until he is done with the Lions anyway. So there is no rush. Not directed at you, more of a broad statement. I know we roughed up fan are not used to seeing how good organizations work. But this is it. They have a plan and they execute the plan. Also, might just be to tell him, hey youj are our guy and to get the bulk of his demands in terms of a contract. I see zero issue with this, in fact I am glad to see it. If they lose Ben Johnson then he didn't want to be here anyway.
  19. We all know the Vikings could not have offered 5 future 1s... LOL However, assuming the Pats are locked in to taking a QB at 3, what if the Vikes did come at the team with a payload - like 3 1s and 2 2s. Not saying they would do it, almost 100% certain they would not come close if thy offered at all. But what if they did? Do you jump on that? Take Nix or Penix or someonw else later?
  20. You dont think that would have just as easily come from an exit interview? I don;t really care if thy interview him. Part of due dilligence. But the stuff you arte talking about is not why you intereiw someone for a new job. It's a waste of time. My guess is they will interview him as more a courtesy to help him with others teams.
  21. Here is to Adam getting Washington off this list!!
  22. Details below, but most importantly to fans, it at least appears there are adults running the team again. Adam Peters has been a part of success everywhere he has been and was considerd the #1 target for most teams looking for a GM. Previously, a person like him would never have come to Washington. Here is a decent article introducing him: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/commanders-introduce-new-gm-adam-peters-talks-hc-hiring-process-building-through-draft-plus-other-takeaways/ The Washington Commanders found new ownership last offseason. After parting ways with head coach Ron Rivera after a 4-13 season, the team found its new general manager. The Commanders hired former San Francisco 49ers assistant general manager Adam Peters to take over as the front-office role. Peters spent seven seasons with the 49ers as vice president of player personnel first, and then assistant general manager later. He also worked as the director of college scouting with the Denver Broncos, and served as a scout for the New England Patriots. Peters was viewed as arguably the top GM candidate this offseason, so Josh Harris wasted no time locking him down. Here is the press conference (starts at 5:01).
  23. Is anyone starting a welcome to Washington thread for Adam peters? I can do it later but there are a few that do it well. It’s nice to have a dedicated thread for each person like that. Just wondering. Again I can do it later but some are used to creating those threads.
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