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Everything posted by max21

  1. I went golfing and not watching, good luck everyone lol
  2. I’ve had fun watching that show as well, definitely R rating. I thought the acting was solid as well
  3. What is the point of publicly saying you need to learn new rush moves/techniques. We all knew that, it’s just going to piss Chase off even more. I don’t see how that helps anything, have a meeting and teach the techniques.
  4. I have more of concern with RR with all these jabs at each other. I figured he would take accountability for all of this but whatever. If the defense lays an egg against the Falcons oh boy it will get messy. I’m sure JDR saying it doesn’t matter if you’re chipped or doubled and mentioning Mack and Miller has not sit well with Chase. But it’s kinda true, I really hope Chase starts to dominate so we can just worry about QB or linebackers or something lol
  5. https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/27/chase-young-and-unexpected-superstardom-detour/
  6. As a defense how do you even plan for an offense that gets rid of the ball quick? The DL needs another second to get to the QB but they can’t if the LB are giving up everything underneath. I want to cry watching our linebackers
  7. Part of me thinks we can get right and beat up on the Falcons. Part of me starts to think that we have no answer for QB in a QB driven league and our elite defense is completely fraudulent. Calvin Ridley and Pitts are going to have a field day. Can’t believe I said no to golf yesterday and wanted to watch the game instead, smh.
  8. Lol bro you sound like a sore loser, I already made truths about this topic. You act like I want him to fail. I never disappeared either
  9. I fought on your side for a while, then I gave in. You’ve fought the good fight brother I’m proud
  10. I was one of the very few that had negative comments regarding Chase last year and got torched. I basically gave up and then he finished the year strong so I finally bought it. I watch him basically the entire game and don’t see much of any technique to his rushes. He needs to try more of a swim move or get lower on the tackle and use his strength to get by, it’s pretty frustrating to watch him so far this year. I want him to be the dominant von Miller face of the franchise type player so bad but he’s no where near that.
  11. Pac-Man Jones and William Jackson are going after each other on social media right now after his game Thursday lol. Hopefully that leads to a very angry motivated will Jackson for us
  12. I think it’s safe to say this will be his last year here if he doesn’t finish strong, he’s been a major disappointment and I was hoping for 2016 Landon Collins
  13. I’ve legit caught footballs from Taylor Heinicke, I’m essentially Terry Mclaurin. Greatest quarterback to ever live
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