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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. So, am I reading this right....WWE Network is $9.99/month and if you sign up (minimum of 6 months), you get all the current PPVs, including Wrestlemania for free? And does that mean we get them live? Or weeks after for free? Edit: I see it's live streaming the night of the PPV event. Which for the price, you cannot beat. Wrestlemania cost $70, this is $60 for 6 months, so you get 6 PPVs. So, now my next question is if they are streaming them live during the event, will they be available to download and watch immediately when its over? DOUBLE EDIT - **** it, I just bought it LOL This is great. Watching WM1.
  2. I am not a Trekie by any means, love the new franchise reboot in the movies. Always loved the original series and got a little into DS9 in college. What I love about the new movies, we get to see Kirk in a different light, a bad ass rebel working his way up in the ranks. Personally, I'd love to see a TV series based on Kirk and their adventures prior to him being Captin/Admiral, just insert (x number of episodes) and base the series on that. Otherwise, you need to jump way into the future as mentioned in previous posts. Where does Enterprise fall into the timeline? The one with Scott Bulka? It seemed pretty good, but I have to admit, I had it on in the background (Netflix) while gaming so I never really truly got into it.
  3. Dominican Republic........what a ****ty place. They don't deserve to view real life events, including wrestling.
  4. If they bring in Sting, then it's a horrible decision. He is washed up and no fun to watch anymore. He has been irrelevant for years, even in TNA. The Undertaker needs to retire too imo. Signing him just because you can and it takes away from TNA is just stupid. TNA cant compete and Sting does not strengthen the current WWE roster. TNA can't hold a candle to WWE, they simply don't have the financial backing required to lure away mass talent like Vince did from Ted Turner back in the Monday Night war days. Until they get another billionaire funding the product or another faction starts up with that financial backing, WWE is always going to blow out the competition. What's sad is, while I still watch WWE and enjoy it. Vince is killing the very business that he built/took complete power over. No one can argue that the story lines, matches, heal turns/screw jobs, etc. were not at the top of their game when two companies were battling it out (WWF vs. WCW). Legit competition fuels the best product for both parties involved. Vince has enough money to throw at the entire TNA roster and bring them aboard if he wanted to. I still dig the current WWE, don't get me wrong. As a fan, I want another empire to rise and challenge Vince and the WWE. I don't think it will ever happen in this lifetime though.
  5. all it takes is one Hep positive person to not wipe, get that chip of **** on their finger then dip it into the rice..... Disgusting place to live if you ask me. Yeah, I want to buy my meat hanging up at stands, or in walmart there, just like a new settlement without technology to make sure its safe.
  6. Its old, but on Netflix - The 4400. It got cancelled after/during the writers strike a while back. There are 48 episodes I think. Story is good imo. 4400 people that had been missing (over the years, dating back to the 1940s - I think) all of the sudden are brought back to earth in the same spot, none had aged a day since they went missing/were abducted and they all came back with abilities. If you have Amazon Prime, you can never, ever go wrong with Stargate Atlantis and Stargate - SG1. Jericho is really good, got cancelled after 2 seasons though. Nikita is really good too, you can catch every episode except the final season, it just aired. Actually the series finale was last night. But Im sure it will be added soon. Blue Mountain State - if you like American Pie'sh humor, this show is great, I have seen every episode at least 10 times. I play a lot of shows while I'm gaming. Supernatural - show is pimp, one of my favorites. They are old school when it comes to full seasons of episodes (always like 22-24 per season). It will take you a while to get caught up to the current season, but its really good and I like the direction they have taken the show. Arrow - pimp status - nuff said - easy to get into, only in season 2 Wife is a huge Dr. Who fan, like she knows everything about it and has seen and either owns or can stream every episode. She agreed with Evil Genius and said you would need to start with Eccleston. She said they tied in all the stories to all the doctors this time around. Lillyhammer - was very good season 1, you do have to read a lot of subtitles though. Season 2 I started, but haven't gotten past the second episode yet. Breaking Bad - one of the best shows ever, never too late to start.
  7. So, based on Raws ending Monday. Here are some things that could/might happen: 1. The pedigree to Orton and Cena standing with HHH and Steph meant nothing. HHH still backs Orton and in the title match, screws Cena and Orton becomes the undisputed champ. 2. The pedigree to Orton and Cena standing with HHH and Steph was a sign of what may be yet to come. HHH screws Orton, Cena becomes the undisputed champ and joins the Authority (very unlikely, given Cena being a face and always talking about respect, earning, working, etc.) 3. The pedigree to Orton and Cena standing with HHH and Steph is a sign of who the Authority wants to back (Cena). HHH screws Orton and Cena refuses to win the match that way because that's Cena and he never gets anything handed to him, blah blah blah. HHH Pedigrees Cena, announces the match is now a three way with him in competition, climbs the ladder becomes the undisputed champ. 4. Same as above, except he is not in the match, takes the belts and we don't have a champion at all. Regardless of him saying one champion will walk out. 5. Same as 3, but he brings in the new face of the WWE (insert wrestler here), makes it a three way and the new hand picked superstar climbs the ladder, gets the belts and becomes the undisputed champ. 6. There is no interference what so ever and either Orton or Cena win - can't imagine this happening, too boring.
  8. I know, but as loyal as peeps are in the business, and the relationship that Flair has with HHH within the business and outside, you would think they wouldn't want another wrestler in his lifetime to pass him up, or even tie him. Of course for all I know, Cena could be on the inner circle and get Flairs full blessing.
  9. LOL, I was just about to post this, just finished watching it on DVR. The show sucked, but the ending was great. Now.....is it all mind games with the Authority being against Randy or are they going to back him anyhow and help him become the unified champ? I think they back Orton and he wins. I was sitting here watching and we all know that Ric Flair is the all-time champ holding 16 world championship belts. Cena is already at 14 and Randy Orton at 12. Cena, weather we like him or not, ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Him winning would put him within one of Rick Flair. Then what? They won't let him win again for years or ever? They need to bring in more stars and start having them compete and win titles, spread it out a little bit. Otherwise, we are going to have Cena with 20+ at this pace. I know they left him out of the picture for a while, but they need to slow their role. Flairs total number of titles is like the Undertakers Wrestlemania streak. I know streaks are made to be broken, I just don't want to have it be Cena this quickly in his career.
  10. Your post made me think of this........gotta love watching Disney 24/7 in a house with a five year old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABv5ZgXtohI
  11. Please, Punk/Taker was anything but epic.........God, the takers matches against HHH and Shawn Michaels were better than this **** tonight.
  12. That's insane, but tempting like you said. I want to say I've had the worlds strongest beer, but paying $100 to do so is a lot . They recommend you drink it in 35ml portions and share with friends.......the bottle is 330ml, so not sure if they are good with math or not, but why not 30ml portions, so you get 10 per bottle :cool:. I should get 4 of my friends to go in with me and then we all pay $20 each and order a bottle, get 60 ml each and drink at my next cook-out.:evilg:
  13. My first draft = Drafting Ability - B, player quality - A Round 2 Pick 29 (S.F.): Menelik Watson, OT, Florida State © Round 3 Pick 20 (MIA): D.J. Swearinger, FS, South Carolina (C+) Round 3 Pick 25 (SEA): Jonathan Cyprien, SS, Florida International (A) Round 3 Pick 31 (S.F.): B.W. Webb, CB, William & Mary (A-) Round 4 Pick 26 (SEA): Alvin Bailey, OG, Arkansas (B+) Round 5 Pick 5 (SEA): Brennan Williams, OT, North Carolina ( Round 5 Pick 21: D.J. Hayden, CB, Houston (A-) Round 5 Pick 25 (SEA): Braden Brown, OT, Brigham Young (B+) Round 5 Pick 29: Anthony McCloud, DT, Florida State (A-) Round 6 Pick 23: Johnny Adams, CB, Michigan State (A) Round 7 Pick 22: Bruce Taylor, ILB, Virginia Tech (A) ---------- Post added April-6th-2013 at 11:48 AM ---------- From what I can tell, its all a crap shot anyhow and if you play it enough you will eventually land those scores. I've only played it three times, the third time my score was 3557 with both grades being an A. I think the way to get the higher scores is to get lucky and keep trading down for a bunch of picks and by lucky, I mean lucky on what the other teams are willing to give up to move up into your spot. Then you look at the positions of need highlighted, click on BPA and select one of those positions and you almost always get an A. And getting the BPA sometimes gets one that's fallen in the draft, if they think he is a round 3 player and you get lucky and he's in round 5, then you get the A+ scores. Its fun, but I seriously doubt that there are that many trade down offers, especially of that caliber in a given draft lol. I had multiple trade down pick offers starting with our second pick and each round. Its all luck and manipulation. ---------- Post added April-6th-2013 at 11:49 AM ---------- From what I can tell, its all a crap shot anyhow and if you play it enough you will eventually land those scores. I've only played it three times, the third time my score was 3557 with both grades being an A. I think the way to get the higher scores is to get lucky and keep trading down for a bunch of picks and by lucky, I mean lucky on what the other teams are willing to give up to move up into your spot. Then you look at the positions of need highlighted, click on BPA and select one of those positions and you almost always get an A. And getting the BPA sometimes gets one that's fallen in the draft, if they think he is a round 3 player and you get lucky and he's in round 5, then you get the A+ scores. Its fun, but I seriously doubt that there are that many trade down offers, especially of that caliber in a given draft lol. I had multiple trade down pick offers starting with our second pick and each round. Its all luck and manipulation.
  14. Yes, this is turning out to be really good. One has to keep in mind though that the violence level is nowhere near the level of Spartacus, because its not on a pay channel. But none the less, I've enjoyed all the episodes and history behind the show.
  15. Watched the first two episodes of Bates Motel and I think its pretty cool. Which probably means it wont last more than one season.............God forbid a show on A&E be better than that **** they put on called Duck Dynasty. That show is horrible, too scripted. Wife and I watched it for 20 mins one night and thought it was awful. I guess all the non-southerners/non-rednecks really buy into it, cause I didn't see anything that would make me want to watch it again. I just don't understand all the hype around this show.
  16. I used to watch NWA, etc. as a kid. Got big into WWF during high school and college because of Big Daddy Cool, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, etc. When Hall and Nash bolted for WCW, we started watching both shows. We would flip back and forth if we had to. Sometimes record one on one tv, watch the other on a different tv (since there were only VCRs lol). Then the Nation, DX, started up and flat out rocked WCW, but NWO was still strong. And nobody can deny that Jericho and the NWO carried WCW. But ****ty writers was the downfall along with Billionaire Ted selling the company to Vince. I can say that I was a fan of both companies, WWF and WCW and I hate the fact that they went under leaving it all under WWE. They tried their best to keep those belts around for a bit and the two shows, but everyone knew that Vince owned both brands and it didn't have the same effect "faking a rivalry". I keep hoping that TNA or another company emerges with enough cash and dedication to bring in talent and compete head to head with WWE on a regular basis. That's when us as fans get the best story lines, best matches, best screw jobs, major belts changing hands during an actual weekday show and not only at PPVs. Not to mention you get better PPV matches, more screw jobs at the PPV, face/heel turns, etc. In reality, its very unlikely we will ever get that. Or its going to be a really long time, hell its already been 12 years since the fall of WCW and 11 years since TNA started. Its been since 2009 since Dixie Carters dad bought the remaining 29% of shares from Jeff Jarrett, 4 years almost and they haven't even made any sign of stepping it up to compete with the big dog. Look at the wrestlers they have taken from WWE and it still didn't matter (Angle, Christian, Hardy boys, Duddleys, Hall, Nash, etc.). Most of them went back to WWE or are way past their prime. The ones that aren't past their prime aren't getting it done. They had a ton of momentum when Christian was still there and TNA champ, then they got the wind sucked out of them by him leaving. Every time it looks like they are getting better and taking 2 steps forward, they take 5 steps backwards.
  17. Out of those three listed, in this order: Walking Dead House of Cards Mad Men
  18. Im not crazy about NO, pretty nasty place with all the tourism. Friends I have that are from there said its pretty bad too.
  19. Elimination Chamber PPV was pretty solid last night. Looks like they were giving Jack Swagger a huge push. Del Rio made Big Show tap. The Peoples Champ retained his WWE title. Nobody cares about the Dolph Ziggler or womans championship match. The tag team match between Ryback/Cena/Shemus vs. The Shield was pretty good, and a good push for the Shield, they had to win it, lets face it.
  20. Hell, people touring in FL can attend a TNA taping for free lol. At least they used to be able to.
  21. So it looks like the Rock vs. Punk at elimination chamber PPV. Also, all my Shield theroies went to the ****ter lol. Heyman was behind it, but at least it led to the return of Lesner. Plus an F-5 delivery to the Chairman of the Board
  22. I was thinking about this. With the Rock holding the strap, does that mean he will be on Raw and the other PPVs until Wrestlemania? Also, for a brief second after Vince stopped the match, then let it start over and the Rock won, I thought, Ziggler was going to cash in his money in the bank and pin the Rock. Which would have been a huge push for Ziggler. I also started thinking, what if the Shield is actually being masterminded by none other than the Rock himself. Can you imagine the crowd reaction if that were to happen? They probably won't run with that story at all but if anyone could pull a screw job like that and keep the crowd on their side, its the Rock.
  23. I was hoping for a ry back win and rock win followed by a Rock/ryback wrestlemania main event
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