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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. I watched it last Saturday, thought it was really good.
  2. I hear ya. I did start a twisting blades rogue in season 1 and hit level 50 last night and solo'd the Curator in the first capstone dungeon, first attempt. Not sure if the grind from 50-100 is going to be drastically different or not.
  3. Blizzard nerfed every Diablo 4 class along with xp, grinding outside of dungeons, damage, etc...........two days prior to season 1 launching.............what the actual ****?
  4. Absolutely. But it has aspects of a traditional RPG and an MMO. In most RPGs, you are leveling up a character which requires killing a bunch of **** or questing (while killing a bunch of ****). I don't care about the main story quests in any game (for the most part) and strictly play for the multiplayer experience (mainly PvP). But I'm sure others enjoy the story.
  5. It's an action RPG, you can follow the quest story line or not. Everything is online multiplayer, but you can play solo, for world events you will encounter other players participating to take down bosses, etc. It's open world, so you see other players around and at dungeons, but unless you party with them, your dungeon instances are only for you. Lots of hack and slash while leveling up through quests/dungeons/events/grinding/etc. The grind to level 100 is real. The only thing I dislike in the game is how much everything costs from the NPC vendors and having to spend a **** ton of gold to respec my character, even though it rains gold in the game. I'm level 51 now, and every respec of my character costs like $105K gold, I've respec'd one character 6-7 times now lol. But I'm sitting at 6.5 million gold in the game after all that. It's a really fun game and challenging imo.
  6. I was on vacation all last week and got way behind leveling. I just hit 50 last night, had tried the cathedral of light solo at 49 and kept dying (on world tier 2). Did you solo that to unlock nightmare? And did you do it on tier 1 or 2? I'm rolling with a necro focused on minions and corpse explosion.
  7. Yeah, ice is fun. The only real trouble I've had was with the boss Vhenard. I'm playing world tier 2 veteran, and playing solo with my Sorcerer (level 24) and could get them down to almost no health, but could never get a kill shot. Died like 10 times, switched to world tier 1 and it was a lot easier, beat first try at that tier, then switched back to tier 2. I started up a Necromancer last night (world tier 2 vet), got to level 13 and ran through everything with ease, including Vhenard. It was so much easier, even on tier 2. Necros are definitely OP at these lower levels.
  8. I went Sorcerer focusing on an ice build. I usually play the mage class in these types of games. I'm a glutton for glass cannon punishment. I read today that they nerfed four classes and beefed up the Necro (probably will be the next character I play).
  9. I have no clue if the story is good or not, I skip most of the cut scenes and just get back to leveling.
  10. Not to mention all the time off current players take during the regular season with load management.
  11. Historically yes, but explain this. Versus Warriors: Game 1 at GS - Lakers 20 FTA to Warriors 12 Game 2 at GS - Lakers 17 FTA to Warriors 16 - even Game 3 at LA - Lakers 37 FTA to Warriors 17 Game 4 at LA - Lakers 20 FTA to Warriors 12 Game 5 at GS - Lakers 15 FTA to Warriors 15 - even Game 6 at LA - Lakers 42 FTA to Warriors 14 The Warriors never got the home court calls for free throws, and the two games at home for them where it was even, they blew the Lakers out. Versus Nuggets: Game 1 at Den - Lakers 22 FTA to Nuggets 26 - advantage Nuggets Game 2 at Den - Lakers 26 FTA to Nuggest 18 Game 3 at LA - Lakers 29 FTA to Nuggets 19 The Lakers have had the free throw advantage in every game except one game the last two series. It's ****ing pathetic imo. They want LeBron and the Lakers being a 7 seed to make it to the finals so bad. I get it, it's good for business. The Heat are the real deal, the Lakers are getting help.
  12. 29-11, ****ing pathetic. They are doing everything in their power to avoid a sweep.
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