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Dont Taze Me Bro

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Everything posted by Dont Taze Me Bro

  1. **** you Russ!!!!!!!!!!!! Eat **** Denver!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. ****ing horrible decision. Only thing I can think of is that his career long is 58 and they are playing in Denver. I'd have let Tress pin them with the way the D is playing this half.
  3. The article makes it sound like they will be pulling Allegra, which is a little misleading. I don't know if there is any Allegra with phenylephrine in it, but for those that take regular Allegra (an antihistamine only), that contains fexofenadine HCL which is not in question. Allegra D has a decongestant added, but it's pseudoephedrine, not phenylephrine. Mucenex D (or the store brands) contain pseudoephedrine. There is a monthly limit on how many pills you can buy per month (without a prescription). Gotta have your drivers license so they can scan it (at CVS) or log it (Publix) to get it, big brother tracks your purchases. My allergy doctor has had me taking both Allegra and Mucenex D forever, just a few more hoops to go through to get the Mucenex.
  4. Just started watching it again. Hulu had me watching 15 episodes in season 1, I do not remember getting that far or watching it again. Probably drunk when I re-watched it. Viva La X-Files!
  5. I don't either. We could have tossed some short passes and ate clock and moved the chains instead of three straight runs. All it takes is one broken play by the defense to allow a TD.
  6. I don't either. We could have tossed some short passes and ate clock and moved the chains instead of three straight runs. All it takes is one broken play by the defense to allow a TD.
  7. I'm loving it. Wife and I are UNC Charlotte alumi, this would be a huge win for us (if that's the end result). I love our new head coach Biff Poggi and the cut off t-shirts
  8. PleaseBlitz channeling his inner Stiffmeister NSFW - Explict Language
  9. FSU with a behind the tool shed ass kicking of LSU.
  10. Not sure, but he's getting his ass stomped by my Noles....
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