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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. I've seen the commercials, thought about it, but it's just way more than I need. (The guy in the voice-over sounds really sexy, too. )
  2. Mayor Pete (I still call him that for some reason) was on tv saying, (paraphrasing): "Hey, we're gonna make sure if you pay for a ticket, you get a seat on the plane for what you paid originally." The emphasis was his.
  3. And his own, probably...but whatevs. Too many men...count much?
  4. Sad, but true. He's definitely got a dinger now. The whole time I had a cat freaking out for attention and I was l was like, "can you hang on a minute please?" And the refs are trash.
  5. Gotta get one on this PP. I've noticed that the only time we can legit keep the puck in our offensive zone is to keep shooting it. SHOOT THE PUCK SHOOT THE PUCK
  6. Damn, that fast break woulda been fabulous... and now we fight!!!
  7. Made myself a nice Bloody Mary, but that apparently didn't help.
  8. McMichael for the chipper. Well, ****.
  9. We have a local place that serves a BLT&A...I made it a BLTACO, adding cheese & onion. 😵
  10. Woah, this is a mind-blower. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/remains-of-woman-and-daughter-not-seen-for-24-years-found-in-house-of-suspected-killer-on-day-he-dies/ar-AA1nx1v3?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=c66e377e0e6041d5f28a98c0e596f6d5&ei=30
  11. What a gorgeous afternoon to go to Stone Mountain! Sunny and 73, nice breeze.
  12. My friend Haley (student at Georgia State) at the last Italian place where we worked : "Didn't we abolish slavery like 300 years ago?" I laughed at her the whole rest of the day.
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