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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. Deadspin created the NFL Punishment Generator: http://deadspin.com/taste-roger-goodells-wrath-with-our-nfl-punishment-gene-1720846778
  2. At this point, stealing sports tickets is an incredibly stupid pursuit. All it takes is one call to the ticket office and they can deactivate the bar codes and issue you new tickets, rendering the stolen tickets worthless. The only loser is the poor sap who buys one of them for cash outside of FedEx Field.
  3. I dunno that giraffe looks a little cornball to me. I heard he's marrying a white girl and votes Republican. If he got a legit haircut, then MAYBE.
  4. Wow, I just found the Wikipedia page on Otherkin. I feel like this is somehow related to the topic of Will Smith's kids a couple of pages back. Neither one makes sense to me but I bet you could probably use one to explain the other.
  5. Don't New Yorkers put their garbage out on that same sidewalk like every single day?
  6. Haha, Cleveland's got nothing on us.
  7. Fair point. I have a really low tolerance for drunk people, so I've always ponied up for lowers the few times I've gone to games at FedEx. I think I might've gone up to the upper deck once at HFStival 2000 while Cypress Hill was playing.
  8. It's messed up that he could've ripped out 200-level seats and loge seats and almost nobody would've noticed. Instead he did it in the most visible of places. I guess we can take a ton of pride when the networks cut to the blimp shot of FedEx Field looking like that. My secret hope is that he's using those torn-out seats to secretly build a new stadium in the city.
  9. Did ES previously limit the size (in MB) of images? I feel like there's a lot more animated GIFs (and intricate ones too) than there used to be.
  10. I think all of the animated GIFs are taking up too much memory. My browser slows to a crawl when I load this page.
  11. Found this posted elsewhere... here is what the upper deck supposedly looks like. (Apologies if this was already posted here. I didn't see it).
  12. Backstory: http://time.com/3946103/new-york-giants-jason-pierre-paul-july-4-fireworks-hand-injured/
  13. Either your browser doesn't like ISIS, or it doesn't like putting things up its butt. It's one of the two (probably both).
  14. I get the feeling that a snake eating a porcupine isn't going to end well for either party.
  15. A buddy of mine has a first-grade daughter who decided to pin down a boy at her school and kiss him because she had a crush. Of course the school told my friend about it. He said it was the most difficult thing in the world for him to scold his daughter for effectively assaulting her classmate while in the back of his head he knew that this boy's dad was at a happy hour somewhere bragging to his friends. He had to leave the room multiple times while talking to her so that he could stop himself from laughing.
  16. Finally all those years of piano lessons are paying off.
  17. I hope I didn't first see this here, but since we're talking about sovereign citizens:
  18. Uh yeah. Just read this interview with Will Smith's kids: http://gawker.com/every-single-thing-about-this-jaden-and-willow-smith-in-1659778012
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