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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. ^^^ Having just bought a bike to ride around Chicago, that is currently my greatest fear.
  2. So what they're saying is that Richard is a really good swimmer?
  3. I'm glad the mom had a sense of humor once she figured it out. I could see that playing out totally differently.
  4. Hahahaha, that was amazing. It's the perfect crime-- I'd be too embarrassed to even go to the cops with that. "Sir can you describe the assailants?" "Um, nevermind." EDIT: Upon second review, its very obviously fake. Still hilarious though.
  5. LOL, it's part of my Thanksgiving Day tradition when I'm back in MD to spend Friday afternoon/evening cleaning all the junk off the computer that my dad installed.
  6. ^^^ LOL, the worst part is that #79 (the Left Guard) clearly kicked him and caused that to happen. Wait till Dear Leader Goodell sees that. The REALLY worst part: According to the Rams roster, its Greg Robinson, rookie out of Auburn (drafted with the Redskins #2 pick in the 1st round). The expectations continue to mount for RG3.... do you think he could do that?
  7. LOL, I started watching it in February, and got through the whole thing in 2.5 weeks. I don't know how the rest of the world had the patience to wait it out for 5 years.
  8. You guys have never heard of the Wayback Machine? I present to you an archived version of the original 'Paloffs is Now!' thread: https://web.archive.org/web/20080226170227/http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128720 EDIT: Dan T, you get an assist. I used the link posted in the thread you linked to search this. EDIT 2: Darn, its only really the first page of the thread.
  9. Background Story: I was going through a file folder I keep of old stuff and found this while looking for something else. Back when I was a kid (~10 years old), every season I'd go into the publishing software on my parents' computer and make my own Redskins schedule, print it off, glue some hard backing to it, and keep on my bulletin board. Then I'd update it every week as the season went on. Mind you, this was pre-internet, so I had to patiently look through the Post every day until the Redskins schedule was posted, and handcopy it into the software. This ended up being a couple hours of arts and crafts once every August. Anyways, while looking for something else this evening, I found my personal Redskins' schedule from their last Super Bowl season. HTTR. (Also, I apparently didn't know how to spell Philadelphia as a 10-year-old and opted for 'Philedelphia' instead). (Also, I'm apparently a fan of the 'Wasington' Redskins; I wonder if they are affiliated with the Washtington Natinals) The 33- and 10-year-old versions of me have very different grammar standards. Somehow I got 'Cincinnati' right. SMH.
  10. ^^^^ I loved the bit Colbert did with the "Apparently" kid a few nights ago. Jimmy Fallon also did a good job with it, showing a fake promo for his new show "Apparently" on CNN.
  11. I read that as "Oprah Fishes" I was really confused for a few seconds.
  12. I went bungee-jumping once and it was easily the most terrifying thing I've ever done. I'd have lost some bodily fluids if something had tried to attack me though. Was than alligator?
  13. Dallas Cowboys mail out playoff tickets for this year along with their 2014 season tickets.
  14. Bill Burr's already covered this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=-BSlqZYtWzQ#t=400 (NSFW language)
  15. Sadly, that actually seems like one of the more legit Craigslist ads that gets forwarded around.
  16. Background story: Someone at the EPA (who presumably runs the EPA's social media accounts) attached the EPA's twitter handle to his "Kim Kardashian Hollywood" game on his smartphone. When he/she passed a certain level a message autoposted to the twitter account saying, "I got to level XYZ. Come join me in Kim Kardashian's Hollywood." The EPA deleted the tweet but not before it was retweeted ~3,000 times. The EPA posted another tweet joking that, "Hey at least it gets our name out there. Thanks for the help, Kim Kardashian," to which Congressman Dingell sent the tweets above. I really wish that guy wasn't retiring, because his tweets almost make me want to donate to him.
  17. I've seen quite a few of those "remakes of childhood photos" and that is by far the funniest one I've seen.
  18. That everyday football fouls video reminded me of the Lebroning meme from a few months ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwyE-SJTqOw
  19. Haha, I was in a bar watching that. We all got a solid laugh out of that when they aired it. Still- I remember that feeling from more than a few Redskins' games from my youth. I would hate to have that captured with a billion people watching.
  20. If they become the Washington Caucasians, does Chief Zee start dressing up like a white guy? I'm trying to imagine him in cargo shorts and a polo shirt screaming, "lets pump up that diesel!" in the Super Bowl XVII video.
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