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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. That is oddly hypnotizing to watch that guy be completely useless over and over again.
  2. Damn, in #2 Juan paid $85/gram, while Antonio paid $91.42/gram despite buying more product. Leroy better hope that Antonio doesn't get wise to this.
  3. I've never had to restrain a woman trying to fight but that situation scares me. If its one of my guy friends, I know I can pretty much do anything and its not a big deal (I'd probably go for the headlock and jerk him backwards very quickly). But on a woman in a public place? No thanks, especially if she's drunk.
  4. While the first and last ones are really weird, I find the Niagara Falls one kind of funny because it accomplishes exactly what that couple was trying to accomplish. They must have a really bizarre sense of humor, but as long as they're together in it, I think its kind of awesome. With the other two pictures, they had something else in mind and legitimately think they made some really artsy creative statement.
  5. Interesting cultural phenomenon there-- I actually read an article a while back that cited a study done about people in collections. It turned out that people who actually had money were the least likely to pay a collector and would aggressively use their rights as debtors to either never pay or pay smaller negotiated amounts. It was actually the people who didn't have money who'd make foolish financial decisions (borrowing from retirement accounts that the collectors could never touch, etc) to try to pay the debt down but then end up declaring bankruptcy anyways.
  6. http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2016/1/24/10823312/tony-romo-broncos-fan-wtf-this-is-some-matrix-stuff
  7. You just reminded me of an oldie but goodie: Also, just to maintain my man card, here's a video of Mike Tyson falling off a hoverboard:
  8. I hope they do the color rush thing. It'll look just like the Bills-Jets game a few weeks back. \\ Just Kidding
  9. http://igglephans.com/iggboard/forumdisplay.php?f=2
  10. Everything on the IgglePhans message board right now is one giant case of Own3d
  11. ^^^ If you look really closely there are two jetski's colliding in that video
  12. It looks like one of those things where they take half of someone's face, flip it and duplicate it to form a complete "face" except that its one side of the face twice. And when you're not perfectly in the middle, it either gives you a tiny pointy head or a gigantic forehead depending on which way you're leaning.
  13. Oldie but goodie: SNL 'Ray of Light' animated spot circa ~2001: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1yzeo_tv-funhouse-ray-lewis_fun
  14. The full video of the Brady play gives a little more context. There was a legit late hit on him before the animated gif posted above starts. He didn't convince anybody of anything with that horrible flop. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0ap3000000412139/Brady-gets-pushed-out-of-bounds
  15. LOL, I went to college at the University of Illinois and back in 2005, they played Penn St on homecoming. i think PSU ended up winning the game something like 63-10, but they were up 56-3 at halftime. I think they pretty much ran draw plays the entire second half.
  16. CSNPhilly OpEd Piece: Why the Philadelphia Eagles should be disbanded http://www.csnphilly.com/blog/700-level/why-philadelphia-eagles-should-be-disbanded
  17. Random video of sorority girls singing Last Wednesday's South Park http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDKYhkyL58Q
  18. WOW. I had to watch that like 4 times to actually see what happened to the white car.
  19. Even though that happening is completely plausible, something about the door at the end screams 'Fake' Not say it is fake, but its almost too perfect. If I was there I'd have to try really hard to not yell, "This is America. Get it right the first time," when she walks into the door.
  20. LOL my Hindi isn't very good and I can barely read the Indian script, but I think the sign is trying to tell people not to eat on the floor.
  21. For any internet old foagies out there, the "Winnie the Pooh" worshipping Satan video was one of the original viral videos back in the late 90s, (when you had to forward funny videos to each other via email). It was particularly "innovative" because someone took a video of Winnie the Pooh waking up in the morning and stretching and ad-libbed a new audio track to it. I can't connect to YouTube right now to find the clip, but it seems appropriate for page 666 of this thread.
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