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Everything posted by balki1867

  1. I think most immigrants (or in my case, children of immigrants) in the US have been able to effectively read between the lines when it came to Republican immigration talking points. It should be a really telling sign that the immigrant communities that most live by supposed Republican values (family, education, respecting the law, staying of welfare, personal responsibility) are Asian Americans and they overwhelmingly vote against Republicans. (And to be very frank, they live by those values more than the average American overall by almost every measurable standard). None of the typical arguments are to be had here- Asian Americans don't benefit from affirmative action at all, or from any other government programs disproportionately; so you can't argue that they're in it for free stuff. The only remaining arguments are that 1) they're ignorant and get hoodwinked by the Democrats; or 2) they see something about the Republicans that doesn't sit well with them, despite all the rhetoric. A couple interesting reads on the matter: How Muslim-Americans Drifted to the Democratic Party (really interesting: Muslim-Americans used to be considered a very reliable Republican voting base as recently as 2000) https://www.voanews.com/a/muslim-americans-drifted-democratic-party/3496782.html How Asian-American Voters Went From Republican To Democratic https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/09/16/439574726/how-asian-american-voters-went-from-republican-to-democratic
  2. I had a cyclocross bike stolen from my garage ~18 months ago, so F those guys.
  3. I just hit up Wikipedia and read about the Saturday Night Massacre- we didn't actually impeach Nixon until 9 months after the incident. Happy 2018 kids!
  4. Now I know how the Giants felt after Jim Zorn ran that swinging gate. All that maneuvering for this.
  5. Haha, even this is questionable. Remember his fake publicist, John Miller? Trump used to call media outlets pretending to be his own assistant to tell everyone about how many women he was getting with. Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-alter-ego-barron/2016/05/12/02ac99ec-16fe-11e6-aa55-670cabef46e0_story.html?utm_term=.e3d811d3c10b
  6. Interesting- I don't think local governments showering large businesses with tax breaks is confined to either party. Scott Walker's taken a ton of heat for his Foxconn deal, not to mention a longer list of southern states that have made this a core component of their economies. (For the record, I'm against it but I accept that its not going anywhere as long as states/cities are willing to race each other to the bottom)
  7. Haha, I still remember getting an email from the CEO of Northwest Airlines in 2007 (via my frequent flyer account- i don't know the guy), about how much speculators were propping up the price of oil, hurting his business, and how I needed to call my congressman to start regulating the commodity markets. Granted, the airline business was probably more profitable when it was regulated anyways, so maybe that's the one industry that likes regulation across the board.
  8. I feel compelled to point out that this guys "small drug problem" amounted to being in possession of over 2 pounds of cocaine when he was arrested. http://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/04/09/17/us-military-veterans-in-a-new-fight-against-deportation I would definitely look at his situation uniquely given his service record, but it bugs me the way the Tribune article addresses his arrest as the product of a small addiction caused by PTSD.
  9. Daily Beast: Sean Hannity Has Been Advising Donald Trump on the Nunes Memo, Because of Course He Has https://www.thedailybeast.com/sean-hannity-has-been-advising-donald-trump-on-the-nunes-memo-because-of-course-he-has/
  10. I'd still argue that Amazon is still better than Wal-Mart at its peak. That said, Amazon is definitely no angel, and it'll be interesting what they have to do to keep their shareholders happy.
  11. ICE is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to law enforcement, so naturally we give them the most constitutional leeway to do their jobs.
  12. He makes some interesting points but the real takeaway is that we need to remove the halo we place around these companies and start thinking about them like any other company. The only company I could see being broken up is Amazon but they just aren't destroying markets as far as I can tell (yet)- that day is far away. His only evidence of this is day-to-day stock price movement, which is a horrific indicator of actual value created- just ask the Long Blockchain Company
  13. This is the crux of the problem. We pretty much live in a personality cult at this point. Having zingy one-liner comebacks is considered a sign of intelligence, whereas understanding the nuances of a complex issue and being able to absorb new information to update your viewpoints is seen as a sign of indecisiveness.
  14. I don't expect it to be upheld either- I'm just saying it would be an easy way to sidestep the issue from a political standpoint.
  15. My comment was in regards to Burgold and TWA's comments about peoples' allegiances to where they grew up. I was just offering an example of that.
  16. That honestly sounds like a optimal scenario for both parties (assuming the SC upholds DACA). Democrats get something they want and moderate Republicans don't have to vote on something that could later be used to hang them. If DACA isn't upheld then we end up where we were.
  17. I've lived in the midwest for my entire adult life (mostly Illinois). I know people who refuse to register their cars or get an Illinois driver's license because it's some form of identity for them to have plates from their home state or a point of pride when a bartender checking ID asked them about where they grew up.
  18. It's actually pretty common with immigrant communities that even after getting greencards, one parent will naturalize whereas the other parent won't. This is to hedge their bets in case something unthinkable happens in this country. (I'm dead serious BTW). Even with my parents, they got their greencards in the 70s- my dad naturalized as soon as he could (around 1980) whereas my mom waited until the mid-90s. Granted, I don't know this dude, so its pure conjecture why he did/didnt choose to naturalize.
  19. Someone is going to have to Photoshop Nick Foles' face onto that guys body after the Super Bowl is over in two weeks. Sadly, that pole had a better day than the Vikings D.
  20. Or as Eagles’ fans call it— foreplay
  21. It was a tongue-in-cheek joke about how our federal government leadership is suddenly responsible for drug addiction. For whatever reason this wasn’t the case when crack cocaine swept the nation.
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