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Everything posted by 757SeanTaylor21

  1. This spider is very interesting. I work at a townhouse complex. Since Tuesday I've spotted him in this sink. As soon as I turned the light on he went and ran to the stopper as shown. Shortly after, he came out. Now the next day I go in there and HE IS STILL THERE. Just chillin and what not. So I acquainted myself.with him and found out it's name which was Mighty Spidey...go figure. He hung out and chilled as I went to do some work and when I left he was still letting that sink be his territory. Now I purposely left the front door open to see if he would be interested in moving out or searching how to get out but when I went in today... HE IS STILL THERE. And he ran back into the drain again just like in the picture lol. Then later on I didn't see him and he was in the little vanity hole. Now I've seen spiders but eventually they usually leave and try.to find something but one is extremely peculiar in the fact that he is just hanging out in this sink for over 3 days lol. I wonder why
  2. I would take a pay cut to play for the patriots lol
  3. Teenage mutant ninja trollers teenage mutant ninja trollers TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TROLLERS! TROLLER ON A MESSAGE BOARD....TROLLER POWER
  4. Really? Wow. I remember a few years ago in his freshman year he could of cAme out and been probably a late first rounder
  5. I mean...where is Melo trimble projected to go? He would of been a nice get
  6. Watch the documentary counter punch if you like boxing...
  7. Well if he did go to LA maybe that would entice KD to do the same thing next go around.
  8. I didn't and still haven't paid much attention to this draft class but I was curious to know about markelle fultz..and the few highlight videos and the cut up of him vs lonzo...I see a lack of passion and desire. It's like he is just going through the motion and doesn't care too much. You could even see it in the close ups of his facial reactions. I see the talent but my question is whst makes him so deserving as the number 1 pick? What is the difference between him and lonzo THE PLAYER not including the dad and the headache that would be.
  9. Thought: the lack of offense creativity..isn't that the same issue brooks had with okc?
  10. The spurs are true winners...when they got to close a series out...they usually do either home or away. Wish the wiz had the fortitude like the spurs. Should of went to Boston and destroyed them.
  11. Steve, you like Phillies off tidewater? Local spots is cool. Send me a pm with a list of some good local joints
  12. You know if you lived in North Korea I guess the best place to get fed is being right there with him. SucKS for the people of the country though.
  13. I can't go wrong with kd or curry going to the finals...would love to see kd vs LeBron
  14. Height and weight has nothing to do with strength...just cause two people may be the same height and weigh the same doesn't mean they can lift the same amount move the Same speed etc. if you compare westbrooks frame compared to wall wall is nowhere as muscular in my opinion.
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