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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. Hahahahaha. I didn't watch his game but saw his stats and they weren't pretty.
  2. I can't say for certain that everything they did in her class was required. They may have gone above and beyond. But it was done at the gun show. In Florida, most anyone who is "in to" guns has a CCW so I imagine most people don't have to wait. But that is just off my experience, I haven't looked into any data on it nor do I care to. @Larry don't take this as me saying you didn't experience that because I have no doubt you did but that exact story is used by the left all the time as a reason for closing the loop. But the ATF has severely cracked down on people doing this. Do people still try to skirt the rules? Absolutely! But nowadays it is far less common. Most gun shows won't even let you get a booth to sell guns at unless you have an FFL. And there is no need to since now there are websites that are essentially craigslist for guns that ARE private sales. But even those get watched. I personally know a guy who sold 3 guns in one day with one of those sites and the ATF was at his house the next day. They were able to do that just by him putting his cell number in the ad. Believe me they are doing a pretty good job of enforcing the current laws. We Ardis things here all the time that will never happen. Doesn't mean we shouldn't still discuss it. Personally I enjoy the discussions because it is something I am passionate about.
  3. Yea there is one by house about once a month or so. I have no idea how much business they do but since they keep having them, I would expect it's a good bit. Florida's rules on where I can carry etc are stricter than a lot of other places. But for a CCW it's pretty much a background check, finger prints, and you have to take a class. I had the class waived because I'm military but my wife took it and it was about 3 hours. it went over the laws in the area, safe gun handling, and then went to a range and had to show that you can safely operate a gun. Though that meant she had to go fire one shot and it didn't matter if she hit the target as long as she didn't shoot someone.
  4. 99% of gun show sales are through a business and they have to follow the normal rules regarding background checks etc. so you pay at the show and either have to go to their store 3 days later, get them to meet you somewhere (good luck with that), or pay a transfer fee and they will send it to a shop closer to you. Unless you have a CCW . Then you can leave with it that day but you still have to do paperwork and they call to make sure your CCW is still valid. That's what gets me when people complain about the gun show loophole. is should really be called the private sale loophole. gun shows have nothing to do with it. the lack of a background check etc applies to private sales and they rarely happen at gun shows. I have been to many a gun show in my time and can only remember one time I saw a person selling a gun (it was a hunting style shotgun) as a private party sale. and he ended up selling it to one of the businesses!
  5. @tshile I get what you are saying about law enforcement and I apply that to the military also. if both sides could sit down and think logically without their preconceived positions, they would realize a lot of rules don't make sense. Regarding waiting period, what if there was a waiting period only for those that don't have their "federal ccw license"? That's how it is in florida. If I don't have a CCW I have to wait. Since I have mine I can pretty much walk out with anything as soon as the check clears. Do you think the two sides could agree on something like that? Does anyone else have an issue with that?
  6. Isn't that what was proposed about dealing with sanctuary cities and people got all up in arms? why would it be different here? not arguing, just trying to work through details.
  7. I would have supported that in theory. I'd need to see details but I like the idea of reasonable gun control and not having to worry about the different laws in every different county/city. But could the Fed even do that? I'm no lawyer but I would think a lot of localities would balk at the idea of the Fed forcing them to tighten or loosen their gun laws.
  8. But how often will that be the case? I know where I live police response time averages something like 12 minutes. And that isn't just for home disturbance calls. There was an armed robbery about a year ago where the cashier ended up getting shot. It took the police 14 minutes to respond from the time the 911 call was made. And this isn't a rural area or anything. I think using this instance where there was a cop close by is an outlier. It's why I support a requirement for training but also want to open up the places where a person can carry.
  9. Well it didn't take long for the examples to start. Can we all just agree that it is easy to do a lot of damage with a gun and not much more difficult to do a lot of damage with another tool but doing so isn't as popular? Then we can debate the whys?
  10. So after the Ohio State "incident" and election of Trump, I wanted to bump this thread up to see if anyone's opinions had evolved. Regarding the Trump portion, I will admit I have started carrying my gun far more often than I used to. I would guess I went from carrying about 20% of the time to now probably 95% of the time. It's not because I feel emboldened because of trump. It's not because I have some Rambo fantasy. It's because I simply don't have the faith in society that I used to and I want to be able to attempt to defend myself and my wife if needed. Has Trump being elected changed your thoughts towards guns at all? As far as Trumps ideas towards gun control, I'm torn. I like the idea that I will be allowed to carry on base. I want to see how it is implemented but in general, I have always thought it made no sense that I can carry a gun in over half the country but I can't have a gun in my vehicle on base. The government won't hesitate to hand me a weapon and send me to the sand box but I can't be trusted with a pistol at home. I also can't carry my weapon most days out in town because a trip on base means I can't have it with me. Doesn't seem logical to me. That said, I don't know how much I like his National Gun License or whatever he is calling it. It goes against my beliefs in states rights. I could possibly support it if the Right instituted some basic rules to get it (background check, training, recertification every few years, etc) but you know that ain't happening. Have your thoughts evolved at all? Now for the Ohio State part. This started getting addressed in that thread but I really thought it belonged here. One, it highlights one of the reasons why I carry more often. Those people were very lucky an officer responded so quickly. That won't always be the case. And it shows that just getting rid of guns won't keep you safe. That brings me to my second, and probably most controversial, part..... Does the fact that this was done without a gun change your thoughts on gun control? ***ducks**. Before people fire off a reactionary post please at least put some thought into it. My opinions on what gun control rules there should be are well documented in this thread and I don't think they have really changed so please don't attempt to tell me what I believe. This incident shows crazy people are going to do crazy things. Yes you can say that if he had a gun more people would have been injured and you would probably be right. You can point to really any mass shooting and say not as many people would have died if that person didn't have a gun. Or you can point to incidents where people were killed where no gun was used. So let's please avoid cherry picking examples and acting like it proves your point. The point is crazy will be crazy. Should we restrict access to guns more while trying to figure out how to address the crazy? Should we work more on identifying the crazy and restricting access there while loosening the rules for non-crazy (I'm using that as a generic term. Don't get to hung up on the term)? Should we accept that there will always be crazy and we won't catch it all so just give guns to everyone? Do you have a different option and has your position evolved at all recently? or are you just tired of talking about gun control and are ready to admit your opinion doesn't mean crap to the policy makers? ?
  11. I know I am in the minority with this view but I really believe that gun safety needs to start being taught in schools. like probably around 4th grade.
  12. Any chance of ever having a political debate on this forum again that doesn't just devolve into both sides pointing fingers at each other?
  13. Uh huh. I won't even get into it. I just saw her other thread that got closed. I don't think she is in a mood for an adult discussion.
  14. No more what? not even sure what you're trying to say.
  15. Obviously it wasn't a literal requirement show your sticker. point being that, and it's what I was taught as a little kid and what I teach the people that I lead, is don't **** about something unless you are willing to take steps to fix it. voting is the first step. And Kap shot himself in the foot by not doing good that.
  16. I haven't watched what Smith said. I refuse to. I saw the headline and Google Drive it to verify. On a similar note, my wife made a good point. all these people protesting should be required to show their I Voted sticker or be arrested for unlawful assembly. they have no right to be there if they didn't do their part.
  17. Anyone see the reports that Kap didn't vote? Thoughts?
  18. I don't know that he really has accomplished anything though. are we really talking about it anymore than we were before? And the manner he did it seems like it drove many further away instead of bringing people together. I think we need to give it more time before we call it a success or failure.
  19. Well you are entitled to your opinion. I just disagree with it.
  20. How did I delogitmize his subsequent act? I actually gave him props for doing it.
  21. Everything I heard reported everywhere...... What are you having trouble understanding?
  22. And not related to what I said. He is doing something good after he started that protest. And I gave him props for it. I just think he should have been doing things like this from the start if it was that important to him. I'd have taken him a lot more seriously and based on the majority of comments, so would most others.
  23. Would be more impressed if he did this BEFORE he started his "look at me" protest. but I will give props where props are due. Glad to see him taking meaningful action.
  24. So does anyone think this will actually embolden Trump supporters? I said it somewhat in jest but now seeing what is being said on Twitter and a bit CNN just did on his supporters really worries me.
  25. Or voting for POTUS . Not yet. I haven't received all the ammo I ordered yet.
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