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Everything posted by Llevron

  1. @The Consigliere Up until now I kinda felt like a jerk when you type all of that and I have nothing to respond with or I don’t care enough to spend time responding. Feels like a lack of courtesy or manners or something like that. Now I realize that just because it takes me and hour to come up with something somewhat resembling a human thought doesn’t it mean it takes you that long lol. For a second I thought you had those things on standby or something! Btw I aim not in it to tell you, you are wrong. If you are right and we draft your guy trust me I will buy you more than a few beers but I told you so’s are for smarter men than me. If I’m right it’s cause I listed to someone else. We are all victims as far as I am concerned so I would never lololcrycrycrylololol
  2. @The Consigliere I don't know man. It is awfully hard to argue in good faith that way. I don't honestly know if I feel like putting forth the effort to convince you otherwise if your starting place is 'nothing Maye does wrong is a big deal to me' and at the same time hold the position that 'All of Daniels flaws are huge and uncorrectable'. I mean what's the point of even communicating at that point.
  3. I feel like this is the definition of biased and I dont know enough about you or your background to trust this opinion. I think you have, without ill intention, convinced yourself that this is true to fit the narrative you want to believe and truly believe it. I dont think that makes you a bad person or even wrong. I just dont agree and if the Commanders as an organization picks either of them I will wait to see what happens. A good example of why I dont think your opinion on this is trustworthy comes later in your post. I mean come on. You are not bothered by Mayes bad traits cause they are basically white nose and up for interpretation? Thats clear bias. This is so easily debunked as horse ****. His college career was obviously effected by covid. No one gives him that as an excuse, mind you. But you consistently make mention of it like its useful data. Its not. Especially without context that one of those years, his second season where growth typically happens, was literally 4 games. And the team couldn't even practice. What was he supposed to do? Do you not think that effected him and the team around him? This is what i mean by you are biased. Either you don't think of it, or you do and ignore it. But its obviously relevant to a point you continue to hammer home over and over. And I was joking about the sith thing lol. Its just a chance to throw in a Starwars reference that I thought everyone would enjoy.
  4. Jayden Daniels is in asburn today (right?) and its 80 degrees, hailing, sun shinning with heavy thunderstorms lol What more of a sign do you need? Sign of what? Who knows.
  5. You are kidding yourself if you think he can walk into the NFL and do this. He is not Mahomes yet, neither of them are and there is no guarantee he ever accumulates as many starts as Daniels has today. You would draft him hoping all this stuff will happen. You speak on it like its a guarantee.
  6. Ah - thank you. I knew it didnt make sense that W36 woudl just make up junk. UNC was trash in general. If it wasn't for may they would have won 2 games.
  7. Yea I feel like that was his worst game passing. Dude was very sus but no one agrees with me.
  8. I'm confused. He played the next game. I'm not the argument police but its weird to make up hypotheticals like LSU (would have?) played well without Daniels....when they didn't and where never in position to. There is enough real data out there on him to obsess over. Edit: got it - yes I am as dumb in person as I seem online.
  9. I think I agree with that 100%. It’s part of why I like Maye more even though I really like Daniels. I feel like Maye can improve those things. I’m not sure how much more speed Daniels can put on the ball. In a timing based offense (I’m thinking Payton) I can see him ripping teams apart with arm and legs. But that’s a whole of team approach and I am very worried about his durability. I dunno. I can’t call it. But it’s much closer than I thought it would be passing, which is why I asked. I appreciate the input!
  10. @Skinsinparadise is it pushing it to think Daniels is a better passer than Maye? I know I’m not making you any friends with that question.
  11. Their metrics say his overall is not good but his improvement is stellar. The GM and HC need to figure out if that’s an outlier or legit growth.
  12. Right. It’s obviously shallow and uneducated opinions like this that get repeated by the stat dude that make me feel like their opinions should be valued almost as much as yours lol
  13. Do we know if that number includes throw aways? And have you SEEN the plays he makes when running? It’s not like dude is passing up huge plays for 5 yards. He turning down a pass that might connect for a run that might end in a TD. He is a statistical anomaly by nature. It makes sense some of his number look like that. Easy context. If those number include throw aways/incompletions, then the numbers do not provide indication of how many more plays he is making than the other guys. I would take a 20 yard scamper over a throw away 100 times out of 100. (If they don’t include throw aways then it’s a stupid point honestly)
  14. How do we determine how much of Daniels’ 2023 is just an outlier or if he showed steady improvement over his career? There has to be a way to try and make an argument one way or the other. I looked at some of his basic stats and he almost doubled his productivity year over year from 2021-2023 but I can’t find any of these advanced stats that show year over year. Asking because I have heard both arguments; That it’s just an outlier and he had a hot year. AND that he has improved year over year. The only correlation I have currently is that people who say he is a one year wonder are mostly stat dudes. The ones saying he showed improvement are film guys. So I’m questioning where that middle ground is cause it always exists.
  15. There are more names, I just liked those. Point is they both were at the very top of that statistic and they help to prove, along with many people at the bottom of it, that success has multiple other factors.
  16. They have and there is very little correlation if any. It almost ends up being random. Some of the numbers stay steady and we can draw stuff from that. That’s where the P2S% is getting all this attention. Typically that does not improve in the NFL. But then you look at the list of guys who are absurdly low, expecting it to show you a list of elite athletes and it’s guys like Davis Webb and Gardner Minshew and Carson Wentz. No reall correlation to greatness whatsoever unless you manipulate the data further to exclude those kinds of guys. Edit: It’s why many are on the side that what matters most is the position these guys are drafted into. We would have ruined Mahomes. No question. Now? Maybe we could have helped him to see his potential
  17. That’s exactly what Jayden Daniels’ agent wants you to say….🤥 I still don’t understand how it benefited LSU to lie about his playing weight. Do you think the NFL team he is drafted by is gonna lie to? Will we EVER know?
  18. Thought Peyton ran a more timing based offense. New the defense, new the timing, got it where it was supposed to go.
  19. I’m going to be skeptical of whoever we choose honestly. It’s just too hard to be that good in the NFL. But I’m glad we have our choice, with a real GM. We will see. I’m always ready for failure with this team truthfully
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