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Everything posted by justice98

  1. Just no shape whatsoever. She gets by on the blonde and the boobs.
  2. I've never really been a fan of hardcore wrestling, at least what it became. When any Joe thought they could be a wrestler by being hardcore, it was a terrible thing. Which is why I kinda think ECW was bad for the business on a lot of levels. I thought that aborted feud between Ambrose and Mick Foley had Ambrose saying some stuff I agree with, like there being an entire generation of guys thinking they could be wrestlers by maiming themselves. Now, having said all that, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Like when WWE tries to have a hardcore match now, its so tame and neutered, it's not interesting.
  3. I would love to see what New Jack's brain looks like. They said Benoit had the brain of a senior citizen, but New Jack's brain has to look like it got run over by a car, rolled down a hill, and run over again. How anybody agrees to get in the ring with him, I'll never know.
  4. I think Vince is gonna have a problem with these small wrestlers. By "problem", I mean their ceiling will only be so high. He had a hard enough time buying into Daniel Bryan, now there's a few of those guys. Bryan seemed like an exceptional case. AJ Styles looked tiny next to Jericho.
  5. I think Andy's just the miscellaneous guy. Use when necessary. He's probably been there so long, they find some reason to keep him around. He is a valuable guy to have around, I guess. For whatever reason, I've never been able to get into Czabe's national show. And I really should love it, since it's the same cast of characters I'm familiar with.
  6. I loved that 92 Rumble. And one of my favorite Flair promos ever. Xavier Woods sure takes a lot of beat downs tho. Every week, Big East and Kofi scramble leaving him alone to take finishers. lol
  7. Yeah, I'd much prefer the Sports Reporters as a show over The Drive. I liked the rotating reporters gimmick. If they could incorporate the film breakdowns with Cooley not having to be there all every day, it'd be the perfect show. To be fair, he stayed true to his word, for a few hours anyway. lol If I recall correctly, he actually did quit, but it was management that basically said "this is stupid and we'really not going along with this".
  8. Eh, we've seen that already. They're spending all this time having Brock fool around with the Wyatts, that's where they're gonna go. They screwed him outta the Rumble, they screwed him outta the main event at WM, just so he can suplex Bray into oblivion at WM. I think they're still gonna have Reigns vs HHH. As a swerve they could have Ambrose vs HHH, where Ambrose wins and they have Reigns and Ambrose do a program for the summer. But that's a longshot.
  9. Personally, I think developmental does guys a disservice when it comes to finding their voice and honing their skills. You used to have a live mic and learned trial by fire in the ring front of a crowd. It was more organic. Now, they're creating automatons that only learned to do it one way and with their hand being held. Perfect example in today's WWE is the guys of The Shield. Reigns is solely a product of the WWE developmental system, while Ambrose and Rollins cut their teeth on the Indys first.
  10. Michaels and Bret didn't have mic skills back then. lol Michaels barely spoke, and Jimmy Hart was the mouthpiece for the Hart Foundation. They were good tag team wrestlers. Nobody was predicting superstardom for either one of those two at that time based on your criteria. They were unfinished products and developed and grew into themselves. Michaels was 23 and Bret was 31 in 1989. There are talented people on the roster and in NXT in that early 20-early 30s demo. My point is, there are plenty of guys that are at the same place now in their skills and evolution as those guys were then. They just need the benefit of patience and competent creative and booking that those older guys got. Today's wrestlers in WWE are out there with one arm tied behind their back, on a number of levels. It's a different world now for pro wrestling in WWE.
  11. But you have to go back and think what were these guys in 1989. For instance, Shawn Michaels was just the blond dude in the Rockers then. Bret Hart wasnt a singles wrestler yet either.
  12. I have a hard time seeing Ambrose as champ for those reasons. And frankly, his mic work hasn't been as good as I know he can be. He just never says anything all that compelling. But that could be the writers. And he really looks one step removed from looking like Luke Harper.
  13. I think people should be careful going by the reaction of that crowd. That was clearly a smarky crowd. The NXT watching, indy following, dirt sheet reading types. I'll be interested to see if the regular family crowds think AJ Styles is a big deal. On a side note, it drives me crazy when WWE wastes time not being interested in a guy and then lets good years go by before they decide they're worth it. Styles shoulda been in WWE 5 years ago.
  14. They didn't even pretend like there was gonna be any other outcome. But now they've boxed themselves in a corner. Because they've obviously got to get the belt off HHH, and do they want to try to keep ramming this Reigns as champ thing until it works? But they have nobody else to give it to. The lack of surprise entrants in the Rumble was disappointing.
  15. The thing is, I don't think they'll make him champ ever again. Their reticence to clear him overall is real. The lack of clearance in the short term could be a work, but not for the previous year or whatever it's been, when they could have used him. But the star power for WM is gonna be hurting, so it could be an all hands on deck situation.
  16. I'd bet all the money in the world there won't be a Stroman/Lesnar match at WM. Nobody that actually knows anything is predicting that.
  17. I can't call it. It'll definitely be shenanigans and controversy. But I don't see Lesnar winning because I don't think his opponent at WM will be a title contender. It's one of those situations where it'd be best to keep him and the title separate for co-main event purposes.
  18. I dont know, his returns and act are kinda tired IMO. I can't get invested in them or him doing the same old bits over and over again. The countdown and music is still awesome though.
  19. It isn't really. I can't go into it without spoiling it, but they didn't give anything away.
  20. Not a fan of spinning off Hunter and Bobbi. They're fine right where they are.
  21. The Rumble ought to have some interesting names, at least since they have to compensate. You'd think you'd see Samoa Joe, for one.
  22. I was floored when I heard that. That shouldn't be allowed. They need to be arrested immediately when they leave.
  23. I can't see the Feds wanting that Waco visual of fire and gunplay and actually raiding this place. They went in there armed, do you think they're just gonna come out, relinquish their guns,.and be arrested peacefully?
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