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Everything posted by veteranskinsfan

  1. I cannot trust anything Sheehan says about any of our quarterbacks. He started out a cheerleader for Haskins and then when it became apparent that the team was going to release him then Sheehan suddenly switched his position. When the Wentz trade was first announced Sheehan was not down on him. So he's quickly changed probably as he has interviewed other so called NFL experts the past two months.
  2. I just hope if we do pick a receiver that he is not like Rod Gardner who turned into a total bust.
  3. This is why the coach centric model doesn't work unless your name is Bill Belichick. Ron the GM is turning out to be a disaster and the clowns he hired are a joke. We should have kept Kyle Smith. Ron should stick to coaching. This group will be gone after this year or after next year. Their time is running out.
  4. Team 980 is reporting DeAngelo Hall has been replaced by London Fletcher for the radio broadcast. I did not like the 3 person booth they had last year. I thought Cooley was good a few years ago. I just tuned out out their broadcasts whenever possible. It was like the team last year was a JV broadcasting team. I did not like any of them really. No Hall of Fame broadcasters to select from now. What about Darrell Green?
  5. Eagles radio this morning says they do not want Samuels but they are fearful that their GM Howie Roseman may try to get him. They have plenty of draft picks. The Philly Inquirer Eagles reporter says Samuels contract demands are so high that its not worth doing a deal. He also said that with Jalen Hurtz at quarterback his talents would be wasted right now. If am Samuels, I would want to go to a playoff team. This same reporter said the Dolphins and Raiders will long term down the line regret signing expensive receivers. He claims teams should only pay big bucks for the quarterback position.
  6. I read this week that Colin Cowherd believes from a statistical standpoint there is not much difference between Wentz and Prescott. He was asked who will be the best NFC quarterback this year.
  7. Some time ago didn't the NFL give The Danny a huge loan. Before they get rid of Snyder then they will want to figure out how to recoup the loan money right? So they have two money issues to address if this most recent allegation about holding back ticket revenue is true. It was a huge mistake by the NFL to ever let this guy become an owner of this franchise. Its hard for the NFL to ever admit they are wrong about anything.
  8. its time for Julie Donaldson to jump ship. Julie you can go to Team 980 radio. On Monday there will be an opening with Travis going to Boston tv market. Team 980 discussing right now the latest story about the second book or slush fund allegations. Could it be Allen who leaked this information or a former partner of The Danny? Only a select few of people would have knowledge of this situation.
  9. Just read online that Travis Thomas is leaving Team 980 radio for a tv job in Boston. Your thoughts? Also who do you think they will hire to replace him? Tomorrow will be his last day on the radio.
  10. I totally agree with you about Sheehan always saying he is right. He was so wrong about Haskins it wasn't even funny. I really like Galdi's podcast a lot. Also listen occasionally to Keim's podcast. Team 908 radio shows have really fallen off the deep end. Also it is rare that Sheehan will credit the caller with making a good point. He cuts off listeners too when they do not say he is right in their first few sentences of talking. If you do not want others opinions then just don't take any calls. I listen to a Cape May NJ ESPN radio station and the guy on the afternoon drive home, Mike Gill just takes caller tweets but he does not take any "live" calls.
  11. I agree with you that Kevin Sheehan has become almost unlistenable about the Wentz trade. I agree that Standig and Keim are probably more sensible.
  12. Listening to Kevin Sheehan on the radio this morning made me wonder if Wentz has considered using a sports psychologist because his problems may be between his ears. He tends to fail when there is the most pressure on him like losing the last game of last year. The other hope is that he can relate to Turner and Zampese. Not sure if he had quarterback guru with the Colts. But if he continues the "no it all approach" like he had with the Eagles then the Commanders will have to let him go after one year. I remember that Kirk Cousins had hired a sports psychologist to help him.
  13. Just read the Team 980 will not be carrying the games on Sundays. They could not reach agreement on a deal with The Danny. Does anyone care at this point? The radio team was not real strong
  14. I would like to have kept Tim Settle. He is young and he could spell the starters and keep heat on the opposing quarterback. Also you keep him in case of injuries. Maybe they think they can pick up a cheaper Tim Settle off the scrap heap before the season begins.
  15. So the brain trust let the market decide JD Mckissic fate so today he goes to Buffalo. Now we have another hole to fill.
  16. My point was to go for someone from a winning organization which I mentioned two other NFL teams who draft better than we do and then as a third option keep Kyle Smith. So far the current brain trust in Ashburn is not doing so great by any measure you could select.
  17. Ron's big mistake was surrounding himself with General Manager buddies who have no ability to scout talented players. He should have gone with a younger GM who worked for a winning organization like Patriots or Steelers and mentored the guy to become the next Bobby Beathard. Hiring your friends never works out. Snyder's patience after this season will be gone and Ron will be heading back to his home in sunny California to watch NFL games on television. He should have kept the young guy who he let go and who then was hired quickly by the Atlanta Falcons. Odds makers in Vegas lowered our chances of winning the Super Bowl AFTER signing Carson Wentz.
  18. This morning a reporter wrote the following about Wentz " Carson averages one turnover per game. Based on 85 starts he had 57 interceptions and he lost 28 out of 66 fumbles."
  19. Washington Times article today states that Wentz averages one turnover per game. With 85 starts he threw 57 interceptions and lost 28 out of 66 fumbles.
  20. He and Kirk Cousins refused to get the vaccine shot. I am worried about his leadership abilities to lead a team. The players liked Heinke last year. I wonder if our defensive players will rally around Wentz or tell the Head Coach they want Heinke behind center if Wentz cops an attitude in the locker room.
  21. Its possible that Riverboat Ron thinks he can "fix" what's wrong with Carson Wentz. I think its a real long shot. Sports writers in Philly have called Wentz a complete narcissist and not a team leader. I can see the situation where half the players support Heinke and the other half starting the season might support the new guy coming in. For a guy who keeps claiming he is a culture guy I wonder how much the General Manager and his assistants discussed with Ron that this guy has not been a team player. Also he has thrown 3 passes in post season games and this is his sixth year in the NFL.
  22. A lot of Carson's issues are in his head and not his ability to function as a quarterback. In addition he has had concussion issues. He thinks no one can tell him how to play quarterback. He is intelligent but he had issues getting along with players on the Eagles. He needs to come to DC with a better attitude or else he will be one year and done.
  23. Riddle me this- If you are a free agent wide receiver are you more inclined to consider joining the Commanders because Wentz is the quarterback or would you be less inclined to tell your agent you will sign with the Commanders?
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