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No Excuses

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Everything posted by No Excuses

  1. https://nickbostrom.com/extraterrestrial.pdf Nick Bostrom on why we shouldn’t be excited to find alien life in our solar system.
  2. TIL that red leather shoes are made from human baby skin. Amazing stuff.
  3. Looks like no one but the cult is buying the latest round of GOP war mongering horse****.
  4. Never doubt the Republican’s ability to start pointless wars. Stupid people voted into power by other stupid people. A dumb country that didn’t learn from the W disaster.
  5. Reads like a piece from The Onion but it’s very real and very stupid. Looks like someone (AOC) will be issuing retractions soon. “We need to appeal to less people” is a galaxy brain take.
  6. That may be true and Queens certainly has some slum-like portions, but for the most part it’s charm is that it’s working class and it’s very livable. Astoria, Jackson Heights etc are neighborhoods that new immigrants and working class NYers can afford and they also attract a lot of people/tourists because of the diversity of shops and restaurants where you can find some of the best ethnic food in the city and imported goods. Amazon HQ in Queens was kind of a unique situation where it would have gentrified neighborhoods that were not in need of gentrification. There are times when gentrification is necessary but this wasn’t one of them.
  7. It's not necessary to do this, especially in a burough like Queens, which provides safe and affordable housing to new immigrants and is the hub of many small locally-owned businesses operated by minorities.
  8. We are being sold the same bill of crap as the Iraq war. If you oppose the nonsense, you are obviously a tyrant loving, freedom-hating traitor. The Middle East is full of scumbags. Whether it is our duty to eliminate every single one of them is a perfectly valid point, especially considering that the past 20 years of doing so has somehow only made the situation worse.
  9. Amazon’s move to Queens would have also displace A LOT of people and businesses through rent hikes. Most immigrants who migrate to NYC end up in Queens and almost all of them likely would have been negatively impacted by the Amazon move. Crystal City and Queens are quite different in how both would absorb a major company HQ relocating there. Crystal City is an existing corporate business park. I am not opposed to the idea of incentivizing businesses to relocate to certain areas, but dropping a major corporate HQ in a densely populated, working class community of a major city is bad policy.
  10. Dexter at least had a pretty good run for 4 seasons (or 5) before it became trash.
  11. If we have to be kicked out of Iraq by their government, so be it. The only response to this escalating madness is for the public to demand that we cut the BS and get out of there once and for all. But it seems like the “anti-globalist” GOP voter, who routinely votes for globalist war mongers, is quietly falling back in line to support increasing military activity AGAIN.
  12. I am not going to blame, criticize or congratulate Trump because this is 50+ years of failed policy continuing what seems to be a never-ending downward spiral. Everyone is a loser in the ME cluster****. The American public that will bear the burden of insane levels of defense spending for generations. The people of the ME who are the #1 victims of radical Islamists. The Europeans who face migration crises every time a new ME country gets sucked into the endless wars. This is a losing battle for all parties involved until someone finally gives a middle finger to what is now a generational foreign policy failure and gets us out of this mess for good. I am no longer buying the narrative that things will get worse if we aren’t there.
  13. Driving down south to Georgia, took a rest stop somewhere in rural VA. This bathroom door deserves to be in a museum.
  14. Unlike the failure of a tax bill he signed, he must now score cheap style points with low information dweebs with these antics.
  15. I am not totally sure what this even is now tbh. But it happened under Trump and Barr’s DoJ and it’s really flying under the radar as a colossal government failure, and at worst, a cover up. Just imagine if Hillary were POTUS. I posted this earlier, but I am positive she would have been impeached over this.
  16. 90K packages are stolen daily in just NYC alone. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/02/nyregion/online-shopping-package-theft.html **** porch pirates.
  17. I don’t think the Boris-Trump comparisons are accurate. Boris Johnson is a masterful liar but he’s not an inept buffoon like Trump. Boris is a shapeshifter. He was a moderate mayor of a cosmopolitan London, then saw a lane for right wing populism through anti-EU sentiments and has basically lied his way into power by promising simplistic nonsense. This time around he swept Labour partly by adopting a fair amount of leftist economic ideas and breaking from his parties history of austerity and cuts to social services. So he ended up winning a lot of working class left voters who bought into the lies of Brexit. Despite anti-globalist sentiment, the world is actually pivoting towards greater internationalism. Support for the EU has gone up significantly throughout Europe after seeing the Brexit process. And while it isn’t desirable, China’s growing international presence is globalism in action as well. This is probably the most consequential change in the world order. Trump’s completely inept “nationalist” agenda hasn’t fought back against globalism, it’s made our platform smaller and it’s increased the influence and spread of Chinese totalitarianism.
  18. You have liberal governments recently elected in most Western European countries. Right wing nationalism is unfortunately a failed ideology that keeps coming back from the dustbin of history, and it typically ends with the same disastrous results. Any time there is major disruption, some people adapt and the others latch on to tribal instincts of self-preservation. Typically doesn’t end well for them.
  19. Just an amazing display of political and economic suicide over a three year period by both conservatives and Labour. No one wins in this. This is only the beginning of what will be a very bad decade, in which Scotland and Northern Ireland will undergo massive internal conflict, and will almost certainly vote for secession.
  20. UK election taking place today. Still probably headed for a conservative majority.
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