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Everything posted by rumplestilskin

  1. UH... Lamar aint your average cat and wants the bag he deserves. Why do you say he would never sign here? Contrary to popular opinion it is still all about the Benjamin's. Also franchising him would be 45 mil for a one year rental and that is if he doesnt hold out. He bet on himself this year, I doubt he will do it again.
  2. We dodged a bullet on the let Russ cook train too. They gave up a lot to get him and he definately looks cooked.
  3. Its probably that our wait for a 3rd comp in 24' assuming he isnt tagged. So IMO thats as good as it gets. From Rons comments it looks like if we lose the next two games we might be sellers which would be a nice change. There has been too many years (decades) of believing we are "close" by the brass. We need a true reboot and get assets while the iron is hot and I think Payne will be gone soon. If not we will be stuck in the groundhog day purgatory forever.😭 That being said it would require competant managers to make that call.
  4. I would be open to seeing what Gibson would fetch us. Some say Rams and Bills are a great fit for him and it would make sense if we could get a 3rd for him.
  5. Howells time is coming soon. Just not now. I give Heiny 2 losses and they yank him especially if the east keeps churning out wins. IF he wins the next two and gets us to 500 then its a whole new season. Howell looked good against scrubs however I think he needs a year to absorb the pro game and iron out his flaws but a few games to see what he has would be exciting. Most of us know Heiny is not the future but Ron will go Heiny until the fat lady has sung.
  6. The fact that Wentz played with the fracture is indicative of a minor injury, probably a hairline fracture. Probably out 2-4 weeks so doubtful Ron would go with a rookie during that stretch. I could see Howell getting time when the fat lady has sung later in the season but not now with the season on the line.
  7. Rumpledamas predicts Jonathan Allen is going to have a carreer day which will move him into elite status. We will beat them by 10 points at least. Gibson will fumble though.
  8. But these guys dont know what they are doing.😉
  9. That is the most authentic and realistic take of the night. There is too much extreme views in this process when in reality only time will tell if one pick is better than another. This is gambling and Ron is sticking with his character first theme and I think we can all say it is at least somewhat expected. That is just Ron being Ron and a silmilar strategy worked for Joe Gibbs so Im giving him some leash. The heat is on Ron now and hopefully it pays off or he is toast in a year or two. I am a believer for one more year and then my faith will erode. As for the experts, if they are being honest with themselves even they will admit this is more of a crap shoot than predicting the weather simply because of the human element being a factor. I still have vivid memories of a lot of experts around here that determined DK Metcalf a bust cuz he ran a poor 3 cone even though his tape was on tilt. Attitude, character and injuries are all factors and if it were just talent being evaluated the process would be more predictable. I really do appreciate the folks here that offer opinions to the best of their knowledge whilst remaining rational with expectations.
  10. True. But a player with first round talent that slips this far always has a reason for the slide. Injury histry combined with refusal to address injuries by professionals.... pass.
  11. Dudes got a torn pec. He aint playing anytime soon. Jeez
  12. Yep. If a player is allergic to surgery he doesnt have much value. Surgery is inevitable unfortunately.
  13. Agreed. We drafted Payne with a 1st rounder and I dont see him being that far off from what Payne gave us.
  14. 100% Tampa is going to trade for Payne. It just makes too much sense.
  15. Time will tell I guess. I see a bunch of Albert in him but maybe averages out equal cuz you get effort on every play not just every other play. He came on strong and can improve his body.
  16. Hopefully we got Albert Hainsworth with good character. Fingers crossed
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