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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. I think Gilbert looked like complete ass, to no fault of his own, as he is not even good enough to be a backup in the league. He looked completely overwhelmed and flustered anytime he did not have a clean pocket, and it showed with how he reacted. He had zero pocket presence/awareness. He can't run. That sack he took at the end of the half was just awful and kind of sums it up that he just doesn't know what he is doing out there. 75% of the throws he made I could have made because they were just checkdowns/dumpoffs. That doesn't take away from some of his good balls though. The one touchdown up the seam was risky AF and he got lucky that was a TD, but ended up a good through. Dude was running to the sideline, threw across his body past a defender that could have easily picked it off, but it ended up a TD so good for him. Again, to no fault of his own because he is a practice squad guy. We were never really in that game though regardless of the quick 10-0 lead. It started out lucky as **** with that INT off dudes foot. That basically ended up being a 14pt swing because had Goedert caught that ball he may have taken that to the house and they could have been up 7-0.
  2. Lol this game is setting up for us to get completely smashed in primetime. The only thing we got going is that it's not a national game.
  3. That was Craig Hoffman lol. Craig Heist I believe is the guy who sounds like he has marbles in his mouth when he talks.
  4. Home Alone for me. Christmas Vacation and Elf are very close seconds though. Home Alone 2 as well. I am also a fan of Four Christmas's as well as Jingle All the Way. I have a short story about Home Alone which may be part of why I hold it in high regards... Long story short, my uncle went to school with Daniel Stern. A week before Home Alone came out back in 1990, for my cousin's 10th birthday, my other cousin and I stayed the night at his house. That night, Daniel Stern got a full movie theater empty for us to see Home Alone a week before it was releasing. So us 3 9 and 10 year olds, along with my aunt who sat a few rows behind us, watched the movie all alone in the theater a full week before it was out. And it was mind blowing at the time! To this day though it still holds up very well. It's literally a perfect movie. I can pretty much recite it word for word. My son who is 6 also loves it. He's watched it 3x this month lol. He will randomly watch it throughout the year too. On a related note, there is a new Home Alone movie that is on Disney+ that came out this year called Home Sweet Home Alone. Buzz from the first 2 in it and he plays himself. If you have young kids it's worth watching and it's super over the top and nowhere near as good as the originals, but my son and I enjoyed it.
  5. Because the suits are in charge of all that **** and is why we have so many incomplete games at their launch. Miyamoto said it best "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
  6. After reading your spoilers, I'm now even more interested in what you have to say about part 2 once you play through it. If you think you were conflicted in your feelings in part 1, just wait until you play part 2.
  7. Oh man you are in for a treat... When I was reading your post I initially thought "wonder if he is talking about part 2 or 1" then you clarified. You are in for a rollercoaster of emotions with part 2. I loved everything about that game. It's definitely the best PS4 game IMO. The only thing I wished was that TLOU part 1 was fresher in my mind because I only played TLOU one time and it was at launch. I remembered the overall general idea/story but definitely not the details.
  8. The problem right now is the cost of video cards are ridiculous so you're going to be paying a huge premium if you get one right now. If you can hold off a bit I'd get a Switch for an 8.5 year old and he can play Fortnite on that, and then in a couple years when (hopefully) costs are back to normal and he's a bit older wanting to expand into other shooters then look into a gaming PC.
  9. How much less could you care Dan or how crappy fedex is? A little bit less? A lot more less? Please do tell.
  10. Wish I was excited for Halo but I'm not. I downloaded the multiplayer but didn't even play it. I also bought Halo 5 when I got XSX last year and it's still sealed. The open world aspect of Infinite is really turning me off too. I'll probably snag it at some point when it's like $20 or so. Halo 2 was like the pinnacle of online console gaming for me.
  11. I am here now got back Saturday. I thought I explained it pretty well why I don't want to go to the game even for free tickets. I haven't been to a game since 2011 and don't plan on going back until this team can sustain a non-losing season for at least 2 seasons in a row. So maybe next year will be my first game I go to in a long time. I haven't missed a game that I've been able to watch since then though. I did miss 2 games this year since I was in the air flying to/from St. Thomas during the games. I simply had no option. I almost was able to catch some of one of the games on the way home but our flight was delayed and the Sunday Ticket wasn't working on the plane until after the game was over due to being in international waters. Generally speaking, calling anyone's fandom into question who is on this website is pretty stupid. We're all here on this forum because we are die hards who want nothing more than this team to succeed.
  12. How much did you pay for your Bucs tickets and how much total money did you spend at that game? I don't care how much money he makes from TV. He's not getting a penny of my money no matter how little it may be.
  13. On another note, I AM going to the Caps/Pens game on Friday for free in my company suite.
  14. They seem to have won the past 4 games without any or much of a homefield advantage.
  15. Or you can support the team however the **** you want. If the team is worrying about their fans being in the stadium helping them win the game, they've already lost. These are professional ****ing athletes.
  16. Never said I wasn't excited. Also never said I wouldn't support them. I'd much rather watch the game with friends and family at my house on my 10 foot screen rather than waste a full day at FedEx giving Snyder any of my money. I just watched last weeks game from Aruba last week and made it a priority to do so with 2 other die hard redskins fans. So you can **** right off trying to call out someone's fandom because they don't want to waste a full ****ing day at a ****ty stadium giving Danny hundreds of dollars.
  17. I wouldn't even go to the game if someone gave me free tickets lol.
  18. The accuracy of a mouse simply can't be compared when using a controller. There is a reason console games have aim assist.
  19. Wait, people play FPS on PC with a ****ing controller when they could be using the keyboard/mouse instead? Da ****?
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