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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. The hating on Lebron today is pretty sad and pathetic. I mean the dude has been in the league for 20 years playing well more than 22 seasons with all the playoff games he has played in and put up a 40 piece and nearly had a triple double in an elimination game and they lost by 2 points and people are still hating on him. I guess it makes them feel good about themselves though.
  2. I dunno what they should talk about I'm not in the industry, but the constant same old draft talk sucks. And you are acting like it doesn't happen every year, even when the Caps and Nats are relevant, because it does. It's the same **** every year since I started listening to sports radio like 2 decades ago. It's even worse now though because with social media so many more people think they have a platform. And you are wrong about Wizards. Go take a look at the thread on here. People care. You're the one that said "literally NO ONE" not me.
  3. Yeah you're not wrong about that either, but at least it is only the talk for like a day or so when the schedule is released. We get weeks of people talking about draft picks and their "mock drafts" that don't mean jack **** and then we have to hear about a different one. Then after the draft they like to grade the draft for a week talking about how players we've never seen step on an NFL football field will perform in half a year. I get that the NFL owns all, but draft talk is just the worst and lasts like a month. I am glad it's over.
  4. LMAO. I clicked on this thread for the first time since Friday and this was the first new post for me.
  5. No, talking about the NFL draft is the worst thing on sports radio.
  6. No, he pointed at the announcer and said BANG to him. Top tier move.
  7. I believe the Wind Temple is the only one I've done. That was the direction I just chose out of the 4 initial points to head and I haven't really left that area. I don't know what powers come from what dungeons/levels/temples or whatever they are all called in this game. I haven't looked at anything about this game really other than the initial trailer and the little demo they gave off about the powers of the arm.
  8. I don't think there is a game that is easier to get side tracked in than the new Zelda game. I keep trying to make progress but then nope, off in some cave or some ****.
  9. I have no clue who their contacts are but the definitely have some. They've broken stories plenty of times in the past. I know they have a lot of "off the record" conversations with people too but they can't say anything about a lot of stuff.
  10. I'm not trying to make a compelling argument lol. I'm not even trying to make any argument. I was bringing up stats. And I am not trying to make any kind of corelation between keeping a gun in a night stand to a mass shooting. I said it seems like there are more mass shootings than people using guns to shoot at an intruder breaking into their home in the middle of the night. But you do you.
  11. My point is that people think it makes them safer, but statistics show it makes them less safe. Sure, if you don't ride in a car, you won't be getting anywhere quick. You're going to be walking everywhere and taking forever. But if you don't have a gun in your house vs. you do have one, nothing changes at all in your day to day life. You just have a tool used to kill sitting there doing nothing, until it does something. Comparing riding in a car to having a gun sitting in your night stand is a pretty dumb comparison. It has nothing to do with political views at all. It's pretty basic statistics. Just like how we're the only country in the civilized world with a gun problem and the only country in the civilized world with a gun obsession and very lax rules to them.
  12. Having that gun in the nightstand, even without kids, adds an additional risk of someone in the house getting into some kind of domestic dispute and using it. I'd say more so if they are a family that likes to drink and party. There are plenty of studies I've seen over the past couple of years that show having a gun in your home raises the risk of someone being shot in your home. And I'm sure nobody thinks it will happen to them, until it does.
  13. The bold is not true at all. Multiple Junkies have a lot of ins to the organization.
  14. LOL. I just find it odd that people feel the need to do stuff like the bolded. I am 41 years old and I've never known one person in my entire life who has ever had a need to use a gun for self defense in the middle of the night. I'm not saying it never happens, but mass shootings seem to be more common than people having to shoot intruders breaking into their house in the middle of the night.
  15. It depends which one is speaking. EB went full RW nut job during covid and has gone off the deep end. Lurch agrees with him most of the time but usually keeps quiet. Cakes kind of plays the background on that stuf. But JP will call EB out every time he says stupid **** and that is when the radio is the best lol.
  16. I know Doc's history and stuff, but I mean, his 2 all stars, one being the MVP, were like a combined 5/4332432. Doc put them in the right positions to score buckets. They had shots. They just did not deliver. It's not his fault Harden was having turnover after turnover too. And they were the lower seed too. There is a reason the Celtics were a higher seed. I dunno, I just feel it was a knee jerk reaction based on his history.
  17. Oh it's been confirmed? You have a link to that? I hadn't heard yet.
  18. There is no way I am watching the new Avatar on anything but bluray. The sound on these streaming services is total garbage compared to disc. Rumor is it's going to come out late June but nothing confirmed yet.
  19. It is 100% Doc's fault that Embiid and Harden scored 24 points in a game 7.
  20. I'm not a Star Wars fan and kind of dislike the whole SW world, but I thought the first Jedi game was cool. I didn't finish it though and got kinda bored, but I really enjoyed it initially. I just kind of lost interest and never got back to it.
  21. I put in a solid 4.5 hours into TotK last night. And I still barely feel like I made any progress. The game is great don't get me wrong, but it also is kinda boring at points where I just feel like I am roaming around with nothing around, very similar to BotW. But, I mean I put in almost 5 hours so it can't be that boring lol. I am a bit disappointed that the game is basically the same map as BotW though, I realized that last night when I saw a few areas I thought were familiar to me, and I hadn't played BotW since it launched in 2017, but I still remembered them. The game also has noticeably performance issues at parts, but I guess to be expected considering how old the Switch is now.
  22. Yeah and why the hell is dude even taking that video lol? Like who is the audience that enjoys dumb **** like that?
  23. Sad that we can do stuff like this to stop children from watching porn, yet we won't do anything to stop them from getting slaughtered in mass shootings.
  24. Had no clue what that was in reference to so I searched and will post for others in case they didn't know either. https://www.tmz.com/2023/05/14/ja-morant-filmed-hold-gun-again-memphis-grizzlies-nba/ Dude's about to be his own "When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong" skit.
  25. FYI, Air is on Prime now. And it is FANTASTIC! The soundtrack is also incredible! Highly recommended!
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